JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
Ok john well thats exactly what i would have guessed. I figured she was late 50's early 60's when i was there. She never did me wrong although she spoke her mind for sure :) what a sobering thought.... All those years gone -
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
@billy- hmmmm CBGB I dont know.. It dosent ring anybells ? As for your boy couch i remember giving back rubs was a sure fire path to homosexuality. Cant recall any others but im sure once you remind me i will .
@ john... Wow! How old is she? She seemed a bit aged when i was there but thats prob just the perception of a young man. A shame but shes been there so long what else could she do???
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
Lol witness.... Thats why i answered in this formatt instead of PM. i have nothing to hide either way. -
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
John, do you mean cynthia epple??? Oh yes i remember her -
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
Damn the forum will not upload this pic nomatter what i try....
Corporate culture..... It was 20 years ago so take it in context, but it was a slave shop. There was a always a huge push to get laundry done, works late and weekends, do more blah blah.... We always smiled and stayed positive, i made a lot of good friends when i was there but ot was a hellacious environment. Sisters would go home crying because they were rude and mean to each other.... It could be a lot to deal with.
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
Bonus for fisherperson! Dig this momento i just pulled out from my bethel days. Bonus points for all ex bethelites who can tell me what went in these, specifically, and double super bonus points if you can tell me which color is missing (there should be three total, i purposly left one out of the pic)
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
So fisherperson sent me a PM asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell. Rather than respond in a PM i will post the Q/A here as i have nothing to hide. Here we go:Q:What years did you serve in Brooklyn Bethel?A: between 1992 (end of the year) and 1994Q: What was your job assignment?A: i was assigned to and worked in the laundry at 360 furmen st and 119, times.Q: Who was your overseer?A: the most pompous asshat to ever oversee a department in brooklyn, steve edelman.Q: Where did you eat?A: at bethel.... Ha! Just kidding, i know what you mean... I think.... Breakfast was at 124. Lunch and dinner were open by that time and i usually ate at the bossert because it was close to work. If i was out on deliveries we ate where ever was closets.Q: What building did you live in? ?A: like most new boys i got shuffled around . Mostly 124 (community bathrooms and all) and a brief stint at towers.Q: What was in the basement of the 124?A: besides the dinning room and tunnels? You could hit the commissary as well... Besides that... I dont know what you are getting at that on this one. If there was something below the tunnels i never saw or went there.Q: What was on the top floor of the Squibb building?A: the roof...? Seriously no idea what your asking here. Never had any business in the offices. Just a laundry guy.Q: Was there a dining room in the towers and how many floors in the towers?A: dinning room..... Hmmmm good question and im kicking myself cause i can't recall. I was assigned to 124 for breakfast and ate at the bossert most days for lunch, on occassion 90 sans if we delivering laundry to that end of the world. Cant recall ever eating in towers. As for how many floors... For Thor sake fisherperson it was over 20 years ago. I have no recollection whatsoever how many floor there were.Q: what is the 58?A: one of those god forsake small residence buildings, 58 orange st i believe. No elevator. Nightmare to deliver to.Q: What is the 124?A: we already covered that. I lived there. Large dorm style residence building.Fisherperson concluded: Just curious after reading your postNow im curious..... When were u there? -
Demoted from elder to MS, anybody ever heard of this?
by Naoscillator inso a friend in a nearby hall told me their co came through, and in a hellish week of long meetings and inquisition overhauled the boe.
only one remains as elder, three were re-appointed as ms, and one, the cobe was deleted entirely.. two new elders were brought in as new secretary and cobe / watchtower conductor, respectively, and introduced to the congregation from the platform on sunday immediately following his second talk.
he reminded everybody of the authority he has and then named the new appointees.
Do not misinderstand the new arrangment. CO's are NOT calling the shots on appointments now anymore than they were before. They are still just a link in the chain to bethel. The only differance is now sugguested appointments are sent to the Flying monkey ahead of his visit along with pertinent information on the slug being recomended. He discusses with the branch in advance of his visit and by the time he gets there the branch has already given the yea/nae on him. The CO can still change his mind during the week if something dosent sit well with him but dont think for a moment that bethel has removed themselves from the appointment loop. Not at all. It still goes through them before anything is done. -
You Tube Video Ex-Betheliite Ex-Walkill Worker Layed Off!
by cha ching ini am not sure if this guy is really from bethel, or walkill, but if he is....this poor guy really tells it like it is from the heart.
he was surprised.. at the 'oh so fast, pack your bags, get your stuff outta here' layoff !.
Actually, on one level i agree with fisherperson on this.... Some people wernt laid off, they were fired. That dosent actually make the situation or the story better. -
Demoted from elder to MS, anybody ever heard of this?
by Naoscillator inso a friend in a nearby hall told me their co came through, and in a hellish week of long meetings and inquisition overhauled the boe.
only one remains as elder, three were re-appointed as ms, and one, the cobe was deleted entirely.. two new elders were brought in as new secretary and cobe / watchtower conductor, respectively, and introduced to the congregation from the platform on sunday immediately following his second talk.
he reminded everybody of the authority he has and then named the new appointees.
All i can say is that two years ago the body i was on presented this directly to the branch. They directly said no. *shrug* i cant say anything beyond that....