"Wife and I watched the final show- it was good . Too bad the " cult compound " boss ladies husband got killed - but I'm curious - any ideas on who the new guy is in the show that came to the compound and said " Hello Rick " ? To Rick ? He could sure fight good when he helped save the other two guys earlier in the show. Is he a former sheriff friend of Rick's I guess ? Any opinions ? I guess we'll just have to keep watching " WT Society Night of the Living Dead GB Members 2.0 " for awhile. LOL. Peace out, Mr. Flipper"
That's Morgan. He was the guy who found Rick shortly after he woke up from his coma in the pilot episode. He had a son and his wife "turned" and he was too scared to kill her. Rick next met up with him when he stored up a massive stockpile in the apartment of the mayor of the town Rick was from, sometime in Season 2, if I recall correctly. You might also remember the occasional scenes that showed him treking his way following the route the Ricktocracy took across America.
Sad to think I have to wait half a year to get my weekly dose of one of the best TV shows out there...