They aren't Christian. They teach the OPPOSITE of what Christ is- and don't even believe their OWN 'gospel'.
you are not christian too... You speak exactly like a muslim do...
yes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
They aren't Christian. They teach the OPPOSITE of what Christ is- and don't even believe their OWN 'gospel'.
you are not christian too... You speak exactly like a muslim do...
yes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
Did you just come here to take the piss out people here ?
How to be piss by that? It's just a funny ridiculous entertainment! :)
yes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
I do not consider them evil or wicked- just deluded in some areas. Even Christ had to put up with his fat-headed apostles!
He he! DocHouse take himself for the christ! :)
yes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
About the earth, the Bible states it will exist FOREVER
With big lies like that, you still believe in literally-reading Bible?
a currently active jdub acquaintance occasionally stops by to say hello and we share a wee dram or two.
after the general small talk of new cars, exotic vacations and sports we often get into the "why" we are xjubs.
he is a well educated publisher who holds a phd in child psychology.
Like baptism, for example?
You can't know how you're example is true!
For example, it's very interesting to read all the books of the British assyriologist Theophilus Pinches, especially this two ones :
1) The Old Testament in the Light of the Historical Records and Legends of Assyria and Babylonia
2) The Religion Of Babylonia And Assyria
and the transcript of a conference he gave : Assyro - Babylonians and Hebrews - Likenesses and contrasts
With these books, you understand very well, than almost all about the hebrew religion, came from the babylonians... like Abrahm came from Ur...
And then, ironically, all about christianity, and about JW doctrins, have, in fact, pagan origins !
i don't really know how to describe the feeling but i'll give examples, but the new layout to me makes it feel tiring being on for too long.
1. there is the top menu, then a big add between that and the next part, a big ad between the bottom and where you reply, then on the right column you either have 2 ads on top or some type of summary, then ad, then either related posts or other areas.
there are no borders, the adds have the same color and text type but larger font, and it all seems chaotically merged into one thing where you need to constantly sort out what you are viewing.
Couldn't there just be the thread topic shown rather than the topic and lines of text??
J-DUBBED, for that, you just have to select "none" in the "snippet" part at the top right of the list of topic
i am going to switch the site over in the next hour, if you have any problems then contact me ([email protected]) and include as much information as possible about what is wrong, what you were expecting, what browser and version you are using etc... i'll also be monitoring the logs to proactively spot issues.. please be patient - i may be working on issues in preference to replying so don't get antsy if you don't get an immediate reply :).
unless there is a catastrophic problem i'll probably try and work through any issues but if things do go pear shaped when i might switch back to the old site.
if this happens then anything posted on the new one *may* be lost so hold off posting anything important without keeping a copy just in case.. .
I have the same kind of problem in the WYSIWYG editor.(on chrome)
The smileys have a strange behaviour too. You put one, And they repeat automatically when you start a new line.
At the end, you must to make the formatting of your post at the end, if you don't want to struggle with it.
the new forum originally had a little country flag next to each post showing the country that the post was made from based on the geoip encoding (the country the ip address is from).
before i switched over to the new site someone made an issue about it violating their privacy and i didn't want to complicate and confuse the switchover with policy debate at the same time as technical issues so removed the flags even though i disagreed.. someone has already requested it as a feature and i think it should be added back so i thought it's now time to open the discussion and get everyone's opinions.
first, the reason i think it should be shown:.
"for if you publicly declare with your mouth that jesus is lord,+ and exercise faith in your heart that god raised him up from the dead, you will be saved.
10 for with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration+ for salvation.
11 for the scripture says: no one who rests his faith on him will be disappointed.+
So many ex JWs become atheists
The real question is : how it's possible than some ex-JW don't become atheist? They doesn't have enough of these deplorable brainwashing fairy tale that are all religious spiel ?
are they saying you could ask or apply for a loan?
No, what's about, it's you can propose them a no-interest loan.