I won't answer at your posts today, even if it's a lot to say!
I don't have the power, nor the disposition to do so, now. My cries take all my power last night, and i'm without energy now.
Among the drawers who was killed yesterday, one was a friend of mine. I was talking to him last October, at a satiric comics convention. And the anothers was like friends for me, even if I didn't know them personnal, because I live with their work since i'm in age to understand it.
The only things I want to say, it's this terrorists wanted to kill Charlie, but they killed only his body. His spirit is still here and will still be. THEY FAILED
This terrorists wanted to make Charlie shut up, but next week, Charlie will be print in 1 000 000 copy. Usually it was 60 000 copy printed. THEY FAILED
This terrorists wanted to kill the freedom of speech by killing 6 of our more free and sarcastic drawers. More than 200 more already said to be interrested to continue the work. THEY FAILED
French have the reputation to be cowards. This terrorists thought by this act, the french will be scared and will full of fear. French will stand unite against this barbars. THEY FAILED
I will come back later, when my strong sadness to have lost a friend will be gone to answer more.
But be sure of one thing : This terrorists failed totally, and they will always fail!