"Deep Down , He Knows That It is The Truth"

by BluesBrother 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    This phrase I heard again at the weekend when a diehard dub was discussing his non believing, but much loved son. "It is just that..... [insert any excuse here]

    It is something that they all say about us, yet nothing could be further from the truth. If I knew it was right , that it was the only organization that could save me from an imminent horrible death and deliver instead "eternal life in paradise" then nothing would stop me following it. I would be a fool not to. ... The reason that I don't is because I am convinced that it is not right, that it leads nowhere and deludes the followers with false hopes.

    Why do they think that we love it really? I suspect it is a comfort to them, they love to hope that one day before the end we will rejoin them in "God's service". They are, after all, mainly decent people who do not want their family to die. They are allowed to keep thinking this because we do not always push the arguments when we see them.

    We know that it is pointless trying to debate logically with an ideologue who will not listen. For example, when they point to the latest terrorist atrocity as a sure sign that we are nearing the end , we know that it is no good pointing out that Victorian Britain was plagued by terrorist actions from Fenians and Latvian Anarchists ,among others - to say nothing of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 ...........

    Instead of argueing, and turning a pleasant meal into a heated debate, it is better to murmur something non committal and try to change the subject. Sadly, we do not have freedom of speech.

    Faithful Witnesses interpret this as acquiescence on our part and they are happy that they have planted "another seed of truth".....c'est la vie

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  • steve2

    "Come on, admit it, underneath it all, you really, really know it's the truth. You're just intent on finding fault so you can soothe your conscience over not doing what you know you should."

    Change a phrase here and there and you have the perfectly mindless retort of fundamentalists the world over. Mind-reading over what people "really" mean and implying impurity of motives and intentions of ex-members are the time worn ways members cope with their own unease over their beliefs.

    There! I've turned their own retort against them. What's good for the goose...etc.

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  • sir82

    Why do they think that we love it really?

    Cognitive dissonance. They have a compelling need to convince themselves that they are nor wasting their lives on meaningless empty promises, in service to the whims of 7 cranky old men.

    It is the very same reason why JWs will say "oh, the end has to be soon...this old system can't go on much longer..." The truth of the matter, that "this old system" will go on much longer, that "the end" not only will not come "soon", it will never end at all....is just too painful to contemplate.

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  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    A funny story. After leaving the "truth" I had some health problems PtSD, severe anxiety

    disorder. I wasn't aware this was a process that some folks go through after coming

    out of a cult. My JW family "you know your problem, you need to come back. You can

    not fight the truth". The reality, my mind went into overdrive when I realized I was in a


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  • coalize

    How much I had to ear that!

    "I know that you know very well that's the truth, but you are too lazy and you don't want to make any effort for Jehovah "

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  • WingCommander

    If it were really the truth and God's Chosen religion on earth, then maybe he shouldn't let so many people "escape" every year, year after year, aye? Maybe God is trying to tell the JW's something?

    Maybe something like, "Get out of her, my people!!!!" Seems to me the only ones left are the truly old, infirm, mentally ill, haughty, delusional, and narcissistic. Not people I'd ever want to spend eternity with. Honestly, as I look around at years gone by, all of the people I liked my age/older/younger, up and left and got out once they came to their senses. It's the assholes that are left. They can keep and/or shove it!

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  • coalize
    If it were really the truth and God's Chosen religion on earth, then maybe he shouldn't let so many people "escape" every year, year after year, aye? Maybe God is trying to tell the JW's something?
    Maybe something like, "Get out of her, my people!!!!"

    I already tried this on my parents.

    Me : "You know, the fact that Jehovah let so much people to go away must have a meaning"

    Parents : "Yes, You know, narrow is the gate and cramped the road...".

    Me : "Ah? It works for that too ? How convenient!"

  • galaxie
    Yes I heard this countless times until I was really forced to give my family some very uncomfortable home ' truths ' Im sure they now have got the message after many tears and regrettably I'm sure my responses caused one of my parents to be quite unwell but I detested the fact that they thought I hadn't reasoned the whole rejection of the jw bull...sh.. on my own and old nick had nothing to do with it !!
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  • PaintedToeNail

    I hear my own mother say that all the time...

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    "Deep Down , He Knows That It is The Truth"

    It`s part of the WBT$ JW Mentality..

    "To Tell You,What You Think"..

    .................................................Image result for don't tell me what to think


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