4. Boarding of the magical zoo
Even before to fill the zoo barge, you have to start by gather all the animals arbitrarily-selected by God, Arbitrarily? Noooooo! Let's remember that all the beasts have to survive a cataclysmic downpour, stacked like sardines with the poo of their upstairs fellow creatures running all down their back. (given that there is no space for toilets in the more optimistic calculation). God had to choose the bests of bests, the supermen of the animal reign, with perfect genom and health.
And right now, a new incosistency rears its ugly head : Even if the creationnists like to imagine the Noah's ark full of silly koalas, tearful pandas and damp nose puppies, in short cute animals, God had to accommodate the parasites and other bacteria.
How can we have in the same time the best healthy animals AND animals carrying disease?
And it's not the end! The parasite behind the malaria, even if they are born by squatting mosquito's tummy, have absolutely to grow in an human host! So that means, that Noah has to cath this sympathic disease during the travel, to survive and to wait that his nippers have enough childs to transmit the disease without to eradicate all the human race! And I don't speak about the taenia or another venereal disease!
Now that all the animals and all the disease are chosen, how to gather all this animals at the foot of the ark? Despite all their good will, the creationnists never succeeded to find plausible "scientifical" hypothesis to explain this part of the story. Then what to do? Yes, you're right : Abracadabra! A divine miracle in your ass! (How many since the start ? I lost the count)
"It's written in the Bible! Noah didn't had to gather the animals, it's God who miraculously called all this little folks to come to pack together around the ark,( just to complicate a little more the life of Noah, who wasn't struggling enough with the building of the ark! Shitty termites! How many time I have to say you to stop noshing the raw material of the ark?). It's possible! Look at the migratory birds who travel thousands of kilometers without to screw up like if they had a GPS!"
Ok for the bird. But a panguin will be well advised to embark a lot of ice cubes to hope to cross the desert between him and the ark! And the sloths, tortoises, slugs and another snails? God gave them a special ephemeral speed skill? And the kangaroos? They cross the ocean from australia in breaststroke?
"LOL! Very funny! Heretic! It's simple! The world we know was created by the flood. Before the world was a single block and it was more easy for the animals to join Noah!"
OK! Then the world was a block on which every animal of the creation was living within range of the ark? It's bullshit, it explains nothing and in fact, like I will show later, it's only postponing the problem!
But let's make like if all the animals have reached the ark by magic and the penguins found a big reserve of sunscreen. How to explain that the lions didn't try to take advantage of the situation to nosh the pair of chosen gnu? And the insect? How they made to not dying crushed like stupid by an elephant? And the not chosen animals around this meeting? Why they didn't take advantage of this bargain?
All this story looks like a gigantic bowl of cocain put under the nose of Pete doherty, praying for him to not touch it!
"But you're so stupid! God in his almighty power could easily soothe all the animals during the travel"
Ah yes of course, I'm stupid! 3000th divine miracle!
And the plants? Yes, the Flood is so violent that he will shape the world we know and move continents! Then let me say you the vegetation will suffer like crazy! Noah have to save it and gather several millions of plants, and this time God can send the GPS coordinates to all the tree of the planet, they won't come!
And I don't speak about the fact that the Bible say that the boarding lasted only 7 days (according to Genesis 7:1-3) or 1 day (according to Genesis 7:12), and to make enter 4 million of animals in 7 days in the ark, you must to make enter 7 animals every second 24 - 7....
(to be continued...)