A prophet is a person that makes biblical predictions
oh my god!
since jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
A prophet is a person that makes biblical predictions
oh my god!
since jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
Batman vs superman? WHAT IS SUPERMAN DEPICTED AS? "false god" right?
since jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
And yet backs the idea of biological homosexuality, which obviously goes against evolution
In only few words, you succeed to make everybody understand that you don't know really what's homosexuality, and what's evolution... Champ'
since jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
No that's your dick...
since jws are sooooooo terrible and full of lies.
what the heck do you think about fat santa, and and days later the celebration of janus?.
since you seem to be so good at looking at the "lies of the watchtower" what do you people think of your lives now, religiously speaking?
The same view as I have for Mickey Mouse : An human intellectuel invention that everybody know. Except nobody kills in the name of Mickey Mouse!
How about homosexuality?
Homosexuality is a state, not a choice!
are you now on facebook supporting them with a rainbow covered image?
No, i'm not concerned! But I find normal that concerned people can do it!
Did you change your image to the flag of the french when that one was available too?
Yes, especially, I'm french!
What is your views on Gay marriage?
That it's a state affair, not a religious one. Nobody ask you to marry a guy.
recently a black kid was killed for having a toy gun in a park
He was killed first because he was black, not because of the toy. The same toy in the hand of a white boy won't lead to the same result.
No need of JWs to understand that playing with gun is not a good idea, nor God.
What are you basing your moral grounds on ?
At least not on the interpretation that have 7 old white cisgender american men about the Bible.
can a boyfriend sleep the night?
If your daughter comes up pregnant
No risk, because, she will be aware of the risks.
So why be one that thinks it is?
I don't think it's bad!
Your son wants to join the armed forces. Do you let him?
Yes. He's free! Even if I disagree with his choice. Not for religious reason, but political ones.
he wants to "serve his country" by killing muslims who havent done anything to us.
I will be disappointed he didn't take in consideration what I explained to him, and choose the road of hate. But he made his choice.
And put out the american flag like youre neighbors
I will put more the french flag. What's the problem with that?
You will be hard pressed to find a christian faith that isnt backing those things
No, no, almost all christian things as fucked up as well..
So...why should YOU shun them?
I will never shun my children... JWS does..
lett is back with a vengance!.
* the last money-begging effort increased donations by 15% for two months; a letter by a 13 year old who donated is read out loud.
* since last may "so many good things have happened".
As if thats some OFFICIAL POSITION
where the fuck I am talking about official position?
the 2016 january tv.jw.org broadcasting has a clear message: jw.org needs more money!.
the 2 months of donation increase is not enough: the thousands of projects are not a 2 month project.. so: thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you (heh heh heh) and send us more!
personal conclusion: if i had any doubts that the society is sincere, this openly money grabbing has made my perception complete.
You need to tell that to people who are given rings as gifts from employers, you need to tell that to people who are RETIRED AND GET A BUCKET OF MONEY WHEN THEY DO IT
In that case :
* Employer : WTBTS. They give rings to bethelites now? And expensive ones?
* Retirement : These guys never worked in their life...What bucket of money?
Then you are seeing the problem by yourself : The storyline is these people was missionaries all their life. They shouldn't have no money and no clothes more expensive than my car like we can see on this video.
lett is back with a vengance!.
* the last money-begging effort increased donations by 15% for two months; a letter by a 13 year old who donated is read out loud.
* since last may "so many good things have happened".
it seems like Jehovah is testing the org by removing his blessing
How convenient!
so as many know....ive been df'd goin on 19 years already.
i drive pops to meetings, and drop him off on saturdays for fs.. well yesterday, the elders ask to speak to me, and tell me that if i plan on returning to jehovah, i had better shave my beard off..
Women's institute?
i have been lurking on this site for 3 years and this is my fist post.
i would like to thank everyone for helping me wake up.
i was baptized at 24, married at 25, ms for 18 years mentally in for 24 years but started to wake up 3 years ago doing research to give public talks, and the actions of arrogant and narcissistic brothers and sisters did not help.
so does leaving JWS mean you LEAVE GOD AND THE BIBLE as well?
You can't leave God when you leave JWS... To leave God you had to be with him. JWS are not...