JoinedPosts by coalize
Evolution is a Fact #3 - ERVs
by cofty inpart 1 - protein functional redundancy.... part 2 - dna functional redundancy.... imagine you are teacher with suspicions that some of your pupils have been copying from each other.
comparing the correct answers in all of their assignments might not provide conclusive evidence.
they could simply claim they had all carefully revised the same textbooks so it shouldn't be surprising that they all gave the same answers.
You're right nicolaou -
Evolution is a Fact #3 - ERVs
by cofty inpart 1 - protein functional redundancy.... part 2 - dna functional redundancy.... imagine you are teacher with suspicions that some of your pupils have been copying from each other.
comparing the correct answers in all of their assignments might not provide conclusive evidence.
they could simply claim they had all carefully revised the same textbooks so it shouldn't be surprising that they all gave the same answers.
Clambake is wrong... Evoluton and science are exactly at their place here...
It's totally part of the debunking of JW's bible-based BS doctrin...
But right, it's not JW-centered debunking... this subject works for all the numerous american neo-christian cults
Awake 2016.2 experience
by nelim inhi all, what do you think about the experience on page 4 of 2016.2 awake?.
maria, who is one of jehovah’s witnesses, was publicly insulted by a prejudiced woman, who caused quite a commotion.
but instead of retaliating, maria calmly continued on her way.
And I remember my mother to have been interviewed on the scene at a convention one time. She said totally the truth. But she decline several time interviews becaise she was asked to change some details... "for the sake of the audience" -
Awake 2016.2 experience
by nelim inhi all, what do you think about the experience on page 4 of 2016.2 awake?.
maria, who is one of jehovah’s witnesses, was publicly insulted by a prejudiced woman, who caused quite a commotion.
but instead of retaliating, maria calmly continued on her way.
I don't know, but even when I was JW, I never believed that experience (or quote with "the names have been changed") related in awake or watchtower was real. I always took them like an illustration, a drama, like in the theocratc school -
Who is your favourite thinker?
by The Rebel inhaving recently read orwells 1984, i was impressed with how he understood that both politicians and people abuse language.
this further confirmed to me how the w.t had deceived me by using words to distort reality.
the book 1984, also contains many other great thoughts of george orwell.. of course there have been many other great thinkers, buddah, darwin, freud, einstein and marx come to mind.
Who do you consider the great thinkers are who have influenced the way you think today and why?
As in France, the educational system is totally french-centered, my favourite thinker are almost all french. Anyway I'm surprised french thinkers people like Baudrillard or René Girard are known outside of France, because they are far to be the more known here! But both are in my favorite thinkers anyway!
Then, there is a list, unordered, of the thinker I like to read and why. I will list only 20, then I won't speak about the more known like Freud, Hegel, spinoza, Kant, Descartes, Marx, Nietzche, Plato, Aristote, Pascal, Camus, Bergson, Leibniz, Heidegger, Sartre ...
There we go :
1) Emile Durkheim : French father of the modern sociology. His thought about religion, moral, knowledge, suicide and crimes are very revolutionnary for his time.
2) Auguste Comte : French, father of the positivist branch in sociology. He's famous fot the law of three stages.
3) Nicolas de Condorcet : French theorician of the voting system, and father of the copyright. He's famous for the voting paradox and the Condorcet method.
4) Mikhail Bakunin : Russian, theorician of anarchism. His whole work is very interessant, especially about the concept of State.
5) Gaston Bachelard : French rationalist epistemologist. He's famous for the invention of the concept of epistemological obstacle.One work to not miss : "The New Scientific Spirit"
6) René Girard : French philosopher. Very known for his work on the violence, the sacred the mimetic desire and the scapegoat.
7) Jean Baudrillard : French post-marxist philosopher and sociologist. His thought about mass media and postmodernism are worldwide known now.
8) Léon Brunschvicg : French platonician idealist, friend of Marcel Proust, He centered the discernement in the center of the scientific method. It's called "reflexiv method"
9) Guy Debord : French marxist thinker, founder of the Letterist International. His main book "The Society of the Spectacle" conceptualize the sociopolitic notion of "Spectacle"
10) Georges Canguilhem : French philosopher and doctor. He was searching about the notion of normality in the scientific fields and about the institutionalization of the scientific knoledge. His main book "The Normal and the Pathological", is still today fundamental for the medical anthropology.
11) Edgar Morin : French philosopher and sociologist. One of the two on this list who's not dead. Father of the "complex thinking" with Henri Laborit. His main work "The method" is a must-to-read.
12) Bertrand Russell : Welsh philosopher, logician and mathematician. Personnally, it's the logician part I'm fond of. His Principiae Mathematica are still today a reference. Very known for the Russell paradox.
13) Maurice Blanchot : French thinker. His work is centered about death. With Heidegger, he think at the concept of philosopher's death. His work between the link between writing/reading is very interressant too.
14) Jacques Derrida : French philosopher. Inventor of the methodology of the deconstruction.
15) Michel Foucault : French philosopher. The more known writer in social science in the academic world. Unknown outside. His work is about the links between power and knowledge. Very interresting, but very hard!
16) Bernard Stiegler : French philosopher. Second of the list who is living. His work is axed on the current political, psychological, economic and sociological mutations in the world due to the technological changes, especially numerical one.
17) Montesquieu : French political thinker of the Lumières. His work is precursor of sociology. One of the first thinker to fight slavery.
18) Félix Ravaisson : French spiritualist philosopher and archeologue. Master of Bergson.
19) Maurice Merleau-Ponty : French phenomenological philosopher. His main work is "Phenomenology of Perception"
20) Gilles Deleuze : French philosopher. My prefered one! Every single word of this philosopher enter direct in my brain and my heart.
Evolution is a Fact #1 - Protein Functional Redundancy
by cofty ini intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
Nooooo... Not another BS Hovind scam believer...... -
What is your relationship with ALCOHOL?
by nicolaou inhere in the uk new drinking guidelines have been issued which suggest "no more than 14 units a week - equivalent to six pints of beer or seven glasses of wine.".
another piece of the advice which is getting a lot of attention is that "if people drink, it should be moderately over three or more days and that some days should be alcohol-free.".
already people are making cries of "nanny state!
- Alcohol never solved a problem!
- water and milk neither
First Entry for Jehovah's Witnesses on Google
by compound complex in
this story of a jehovah's witness who became catholic is at the top of the heap.
i was angered at what happened when he opened up and poured out his heart to a "caring" brother.. cc.
I never unserstood why people leave a shitty religious organisation, to fall directly in the arms of another organisation, as shitty than the first, with the same kind of bullshit beliefs... -
What is your relationship with ALCOHOL?
by nicolaou inhere in the uk new drinking guidelines have been issued which suggest "no more than 14 units a week - equivalent to six pints of beer or seven glasses of wine.".
another piece of the advice which is getting a lot of attention is that "if people drink, it should be moderately over three or more days and that some days should be alcohol-free.".
already people are making cries of "nanny state!
I'm an alcoholic. Big alcoholic... like a lot of french people.
I started to drink at age of 14. In the countryside I born, it was only one single little shop : half of the shop was alcohol.
Now I drink one vodka by day and three or four beer.
Ah... for the vodka it's not one glass, but one 1L bottle. And for the beer, I speak in liter.
Since new year I'm totally sober. I'm proud
A Sister Stops the CO's Bullying
by Simon Templar inwe had the co a few weeks ago.
i waited a few weeks for time to pass to post.
we now have a new co. he started in september and his first visit to our congo was a little while ago.
magnum : A few days ago, I was reading on here new boy's Bethel experiences. I read one part about Knorr, and I was thinking how he only had the power that people gave him or let him have. I wish that when Knorr had bullied one of those young Bethel guys, the guy had fearlessly and confidently looked him in the face and said "kiss my a$$." What could Knorr have done - told him to leave? Sent him to a dirty (or dirtier) job? If so, what it the guy had confidently said "NO"? What if they had all left? What would have been the situation then? Knorr would have been walking down empty halls with no nobody to boss around and nobody to sweep the floors and shine his shoes. He was just a man who had no inherent power,
made me think about that :