People you tube Kent Hovind and watch it. You will see Cofty is full of garbage
I know Hovind talks...
You're right on one point, someone is full of garbage... But it isn't cofty...
this is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
People you tube Kent Hovind and watch it. You will see Cofty is full of garbage
I know Hovind talks...
You're right on one point, someone is full of garbage... But it isn't cofty...
this is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
so as many know....ive been df'd goin on 19 years already.
i drive pops to meetings, and drop him off on saturdays for fs.. well yesterday, the elders ask to speak to me, and tell me that if i plan on returning to jehovah, i had better shave my beard off..
on their chanel they are showing a video of a special assembly day in belgium i believe.
the jws are dancing dressed in black and red, satanic colores.
singing and playing worldly songs and kingdom melodies.
since we seem to be growing with new members or lurkers here is a repeat of a test about where you are when it comes to religious beliefs or not:.
here isthe site and how i tested:. start at number 1 for the religious test.. i just took the test and scored: .
we nev could talk about politics.
now we have the freedom of speech!
Me too I love to speak about politics now...
But I don't like To speak sont much about politics when it's not a political-dedicated place.
I don't like to see political fights divide people in a place where they should be together for a reason, whatever it is.
we nev could talk about politics.
now we have the freedom of speech!
in the discussion about race i adopted a position i am not entirely comfortable with.
i think there is a sense in which it is useful to distinguish categories of description that can be fruitfully defended (apples and bananas) and those that cannot (caucasian or other racial descriptions for example).
but there is a more fundamental sense in which i believe that everything is socially constructed, every single line you can think of.
"Where to draw the line ?"
Simple : Never try to draw a line. There is not such a thing in nature... Everything is continuous!
this is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
and the word is... .
here it is in context, just in case you're curious about how to use this new word.. article: being faithful leads to god's approval.
I wonder what they make of that in Tagalog or Melanesian Pidgin?
In french, they doesn't follow the issue at all. They use : "Nous devons nous évertuer à enlever de nos vies toute mentalité semblable à celle des Cananéens"
Literally : "We must strive to remove from our lives every way of thinking similar at the Cananean one."