Hello there. I so feel for you, and like many of the comments here, I too can relate to your experience. A few have said you're depressed, and as a sufferer myself, I believe they are probably right. Do go talk to someone, or your doctor about it. That would be the first step, I think,in helping yourself. And just take one step at a time, and take it slowly. And by the way, thank you. You have helped me, and the other comments here, by reminding me I'm not alone and thatis a big comfort.
Posts by Aby
can an unhappy married woman vent?
by sowhatnow ini continue to be saddened by the fact that i am married to such a selfish man.. i want to know if i am the only wife who has no say when it comes to using the house she lives in for activities including other people.. .
let me explain.. yesterday my daugher who is 35 got a new puppy for my grandaughter who is 13. today my daughter and son in law are going to help my uncle at a job, and my granddaughter wanted to spend the day here, my daugher said shed bring her and the puppy over, i laughed and said 'your dad wont have that, ill have to go to your house'.. after all it will 'upset' the 2 cats they will hide all day [like they do anytime someone including my grandchild is in my home] .. i already knew that he would not like it if she brought the puppy over, [weve had dogs so its not like he hates them].
he doesnt care if his grandaughter would have enjoyed playing with the puppy over grandmas house, where she likes to be for a change, and that fact that id like to see what my cats would do when they saw a dog for the first time in thier lives.. maybe id have liked to play with the puppy .. when i said to my husband that my daughter said she wanted tp bring them over he said.