A Believer you're fooling yourself. I was a 3rd generation JW. I worked at bethel straight out of high school. I was a MS through my 20's and an Elder in my 30's. I was the watchtower conductor in my congregation when my then 5 year old son was diagnosed with Leukemia. He would have died had we lived in another country that does not step in as the U.S. does when it comes to life and death medical situations.
2 years into his treatment my wife and I started researching the validity of this organization, subsequently left and lost our entire social network. To the extent that our family and friends that are still active JW's did not even respond to my invitation to his end of chemo party. Now keep in mind I'm neither DF'd nor did I Disassociate. I walked away or faded as the saying goes.
My mom still goes to meetings on occasion for fear of losing her 4 children, and over a dozen grand children that are still in. Had my grand parents known what this group would have done to their progeny they would have run in the other direction when the witnesses came knocking.