Simon I see where you are coming from now. I agree the left does need introspection, and believe that much of where we are today is due to regressive leftists. This does not mean that protesting what he stands for and introspection cannot occur at the same time.
I also see what is happening today as a positive thing. Some may be just venting. Many on the right were doing just the same thing after Obama was elected. It took time for them to regroup and actually present the taxed enough already movement. It wasn't called that originally.
All movements are emotionally based. For good or ill human nature is governed by emotion. To deny that is to deny reality.Trump has tapped into that. The problem with him is that he has all the markings of a dictator. Republic's, and Democracies have been ended throughout the centuries by people like him. I believe we need both the right and left to be strong in their messaging and what they stand for, and that we need both. He however stands for himself only.