Can someone post the YouTube link here? I would I just don't know how.
Posts by azor
Sam Harris & Jordan Peterson
by azor inlistening to 2 of my current favorite thinkers debate/discussion.
i've been looking forward to this since i found out about it a month ago.
hope some of you get a chance to listen.
Sam Harris & Jordan Peterson
by azor inlistening to 2 of my current favorite thinkers debate/discussion.
i've been looking forward to this since i found out about it a month ago.
hope some of you get a chance to listen.
Listening to 2 of my current favorite thinkers debate/discussion. I've been looking forward to this since I found out about it a month ago.
Hope some of you get a chance to listen.
So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?
by Simon init seems like mobilizing after the election, which seems pointless.
i keep hearing demands for equal rights but don't understand what rights they are missing exactly.. normally a march is to show the support (and potential votes) for a cause, but ... votes for what?
... and the election happened already.. is anyone else confused?
FedUpJW just like a Trump supporter to try and shift the topic. HRC is not the president. By the way your sexism shows up by your statement about the woman who stupidly put secure emails at risk. By your words I get the sense you wouldn't have voted for any woman.
Trump is the president and because someone else has flaws does not negate his ridiculous levels of new lows. There has never been a President like him. I worry for our nation due to his presidency and the fact that he actually even got there. It says some extraordinarily bad things about us.
Women's March on Washington
by azor inmy support is with the marchers in washington and around the country today.
i was raised through my formative years by my mother and sister while my father was out of the picture.
they gave me the compassion i have today.
No need for a straw man Simon. I present a steel man argument. I know you're addressing orphan crow. Why won't you address my point about driving the center to the extremes.
Most people that participated in this are in the center.
So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?
by Simon init seems like mobilizing after the election, which seems pointless.
i keep hearing demands for equal rights but don't understand what rights they are missing exactly.. normally a march is to show the support (and potential votes) for a cause, but ... votes for what?
... and the election happened already.. is anyone else confused?
FedUpJw. RoeV Wade, anti-discrimination laws, harassment laws. This is just off the top that directly affect women. His inexperience is a clear and present danger to all of our lives. He's already threatening free press.
What temper tantrum might get us into a nuclear war. Even people that voted for him want him to stop the twitter crap. People are worried about his knocking our allies, our intelligence agencies, and the list goes on.
Go ahead try to defend the indefensible Trump.
Women's March on Washington
by azor inmy support is with the marchers in washington and around the country today.
i was raised through my formative years by my mother and sister while my father was out of the picture.
they gave me the compassion i have today.
Sanchy again that is not how the tea party started. Movements start somewhere. This is day one of his presidency. Who knows what this will lead to. Anybody who cares about our republic should want both sides to be strong and balanced. Not unhinged as both parties have become. Trump is the republicans unhinging. The regressives are the left's.
Women's March on Washington
by azor inmy support is with the marchers in washington and around the country today.
i was raised through my formative years by my mother and sister while my father was out of the picture.
they gave me the compassion i have today.
FedUpJW great posturing. I guess women should just stand by when the executive at their work place leers at them because women in another part of the world have it worse.
So I guess if you were being verbally abused at work you would just stay there and take it since people in other parts of the world have it much worse.
How demeaning you are being. Yeah sit down and shut up you women and show some appreciation for how good you have it. A President like no other. No experience. Who has said and supported treating you as nothing more than a sex toy. But you can work now. I can hear them now saying to you "thank you thank you master you are so good to me."
So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?
by Simon init seems like mobilizing after the election, which seems pointless.
i keep hearing demands for equal rights but don't understand what rights they are missing exactly.. normally a march is to show the support (and potential votes) for a cause, but ... votes for what?
... and the election happened already.. is anyone else confused?
Cofty you did agree with Simon that this was the ultimate form of virtue signaling. That is what I was addressing. I believe that our inability to show support for those in this march, and instead criticize it will continue to push them toward the extremes.
Women's March on Washington
by azor inmy support is with the marchers in washington and around the country today.
i was raised through my formative years by my mother and sister while my father was out of the picture.
they gave me the compassion i have today.
A couple of questions for all of you that want to compare how the West treats women and how the Islamic countries do.
Do you think the undermining of women's dignity and rights in the West would help or hurt women in other parts of the world?
How do you propose we help women in Islamic countries? Should we invade them and potentially start WWIII, killing more women then we could hope to help?
These questions are why I think those that bring up this point are just posturing.
Good one Bangalore.