Simon you reposted what I specifically stated about Jehalepeno demonizing and referring to illegal immigrants as wetbacks. It appeared that you are condemning me for referring to his rhetoric as similar to the alt right. Am I mistaken in that reading?
Posts by azor
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Simon I know there not comparable. I was addressing Rebelfighters post not you. If I mistook your position on it I apologize. It appeared like you were defending her position in equating the two.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Simon I can't copy and paste on my phone on the road. I mentioned it originally right after you defended him. I will give the Exact quotes when I stop.
Simon so you supported the birther questioning. I didn't Realize you were that far out there.
Free mind fade look at my statements referencing trumps plan and how it relates to nationalist populism and Brexit. So a tweet from the most powerful person in the world holds no power, and we have nothing to fear. Interesting
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
It's also interesting how some here will accuse those like me of playing the victim card. When you cry Wolf at every opportunity accusing people of referring to you as Nazis and racist when it never occurred. Very similar to JWs who claim victim status while they're shunning their victims.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
I will try to address each of you one by one.
Gary Neil your point about improving Mexico is an interesting one and I don't disagree with that statement. However as a parent of young children and I was in a situation where I was surrounded by poverty and or a criminal environment I would do everything I could to get out of the situation including breaking the law. I said this before and I will say it again I am not against immigration reform nor am I against border enforcement.
KPOP & Free mind fade you are putting up a strawman man argument. I would like to see you point to a specific area in this post where I have referred to anyone as a Nazi, and I referred once to Nathan as likely being a racist for using a derogatory racially based slur. if that's not racist nothing is.
Stop cherry picking points without addressing the real meat of these issues. Free mind fade you have done that at least on one occasion.
It's interesting how I am accused of calling others bigoted or racist for not agreeing with my viewpoint hundred percent. Again show me where I've indicated this at all. Seems to me like you're the ones doing that. I have repeatedly said that I sent support border control and enforcement. Trumps bigoted approach to this issue is what I disagree with.
Simon you condone the use of a racially based slur by defending the person who used it.
Rebel you're really going to compare Obama's birth certificate to Trump's tax returns. tax returns have been released by every presidential candidate for the last 50 years. the birth certificate joke was something that was used by birthers like Trump to make an issue where there wasn't one.fake news at its best
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Free mind fade I addressed your quote in another comment.
Off to work will reconvene later.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Freemind fade what you just posted is not what trump referred to.
Rszziel do you support the wall? Protecting ones border and buying into trumps wall are two different things. Your being pissed at me and hate are two different things as well.
On another similar note minority groups tend to be more bigoted then the predominant culture. I think it has something to do with their trying to protect their ways and cultures. So just because someone comes from a certain background does not make them un-bigoted.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Freemind fade it's about appearance and you know that. Stop playing dumb. I know why we are not talking about a northern wall. It's perception. The same as the brexit vote had the appearance to many as an anti immigrant movement. There were many that pushed for it that way and voted for it that way.
I'm all for national sovereignty and protecting the borders. This wall though has nationalist populisms dirty little hands all over it.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
LUHE I get it. However in your analogy you used a murderer.
Here's a better one. Would you call an illegal Irish immigrant white trash?
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Garyneal so it's pc to use the n word or words similar to it?
No it's people like you who have welcomed hateful rhetoric as refreshing.