Free mind fade stop pretending that I disagree with anything you just stated. You and others are making statements as though i do not support border security, and that I'm for open borders. As I've stated before that is not the case. You yourself stated that you didn't agree with the wall idea.The wall is bad optics and what you put forward about the wall from your resource is not what trump was putting forward.
Posts by azor
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Simon you did not answer my question. Here is the quote word for word.
You reposted my reply to Jehalepeno "Totally unhinged. Seems like you have more in common with the alt right." You then stated: "This is something we see more and more on a whole slew of issues. Disagree and present facts and you are labeled alt right, a bigot, and a Nazi.
The quote you pulled from was me specifically addressing Jehalepenos use of the word wetback.
Your using my statement out of context shows one of three things.
1. It was a simple error in who you thought I was addressing it to.
2. You're cherry picking what I said to make a point I was not putting forward.
3. You condone what Jehalepeno and Nathan have stated and support that line of argument.
So which is it. And where is your condemnation of the use of derogatory terms like the one being thrown about.
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84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Simon no you have not. Where and when have you answered the 2 specific questions I just asked? I'm going for clarity. Why can't you just answer. Answer again for repetition since I'm so thick headed, or is it that when it's this clear and not side ways bigotry you can't pony up.
Repost as you so fondly do when it suits you.
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84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Brilliant Simon. You ask me when and where you stated points that I bring to your attention and it's not good enough for you. I already stated that i don't know how to repost others comments. If that makes me a fruit loop i guess I'm a fruit loop.
Negate what was said before. I'll ask directly now. Do you condone those that use terms like wetback? Do you think it is a reasonable argument for someone to complain about those calling for Trumps tax returns using the delayed turn over of Obama's birth certificate as a reference point.
84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
I was adressing her post and you responded to it as though I was addressing it to you.
I see how it goes. When demonizing someone doesn't work. You ridicule them in order to discredit.
Good job. I'm sure you will keep going until you complete the job and clean your board for those that agree with you.
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84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Simon why don't you complete the thought and call me a wetback. You appear to agree with people that use those terms.
I asked a question as it relates to rebel fighters post and you neither acknowledged nor denied my question about a potential misunderstanding. So it appears that my reading of your post was correct.
I was also clear that my issue with what you posted condoning statements that jehalepeno and Nathan made is your defense of those who were called out by me for using a derogatory slur.
Maybe your getting a little senile.
This is apparently what happens when you call someone out. So are you going to ban me now Simon.
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84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.
Simon so you can't look up your prior post by number? You also have to see context of who I was referring to. My summary by the way is complete on it. So you either condone those who use the slurs mentioned or you don't.
You still haven't answered my question regarding birtherism and rebel fighter as well.
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84 Lumber Commercial
by azor injust saw this commercial and was very impressed.
hoping more companies start doing the same.
most of us are immigrants.