I will be sending a letter to all my siblings in the next couple of weeks, and wanted everyone's take on it. The primary purpose of this letter is to pave the way for a limited relationship. I want to invite them to my son's celebration for finishing his leukemia treatment.
"I hope this correspondence finds you all well. I'm writing here to reach out for a relationship with my family. I love you all, I worry about you, and want nothing but the best for you as I am sure you feel the same for me.
I know where you all stand, as I at one time was in the shoes you now wear. I am no longer wearing those shoes nor will I ever again as I cannot unknow what is now known. I'm not interested in converting anybody. I have not started my own group, nor am I affiliated with any other group. As a matter of fact I have lost all of my friends with the exception of my best, my wife. I knew this would happen, that is why I did not make my decision lightly. I have made it after much research, and primarily based on principle. Not hurt feelings, disillusionment, or misunderstandings.
I believe we are all grown up enough to show respect for one another as human beings. I hope we can be around one another and not discuss religion. Whatever one believes. One thing for certain is time lost cannot be regained. We are who we are at the moment and not the same person at any other time. I miss you and your families. I'm sure you feel the same. Kids after all are only kids once in their life. I was hoping my children could have relationships with Aunts, and Uncles that I was not privileged to have growing up. Much of this due to petty differences between our parents and their siblings. I now know where that judgemental-ism stems from.
I know you all have your opinions about what happened with my family. You are likely partially correct. Almost losing Adin to leukemia played a large part. Not the part you likely believe though. I am not angry with anyone or anything.
The necessary parting from the group caused by Adins quarantine gave me time to think, without being told how to. This along with insufficient answers that I was looked down upon for questioning, caused me to go on the path that I am now on. If it were not for my children I would stay in the group even as an unbeliever. So as not to lose everyone I ever knew. This has been a lonely journey, but my children, and principles are worth it to me. Now that I know what I know, I cannot in good conscience potentiality put them in a position that I am now in. Having to choose between relationships and conscience.
All of this being said I value peace as well, and hope we can all continue to be family and leave religion at the door. I have waited to write all of you until Adins treatment neared it's completion. As I am planning a party to celebrate the completion of his treatment that I would like you all to attend.
I have laid it all on the line here. Any one of you can forward this to my former congregation, and you know where that leads. I respectfully request that you keep this within our immediate family so as not to further harm our Mom, Me, Ruthy, and My Children. The only grandparent my children can have a relationship with. With this in mind, I hope none of you ever have to bare a fraction of the guilt I will carry to my grave for offering a life on an altar that was not mine to offer. I am not my child's owner just a steward."