Orphan crow & Neverknew - thank you. I will incorporate both.
All for show - many doctors and nurses assume the average person knows that the treatments they or their loved ones undergo is confidential. Many jws automatically think the hlc is their for them and once there cannot be dismissed. It would be helpful if doctors and nurses told patients that they can give the transfusion at night and not have anyone else know about it. That is the parents right. Giving them another option.
It is a whirlwind when in that situation. Your world is falling apart. I thought my son was going to die and angry at god and everything. I almost punched a hole through my tile bathroom wall. The last thing someone can face in that state of emergency is the thought of losing your entire support system.
What you are stating about doctors not caring about these types of things has not been my experience with my son's children's hospital. I believe what you are expressing is where things were and have been. Just treat the disease and not the person. Fortunately that has changed over the years though progress is still needed.