Steve2 - I understand your position now. I disagree and believe it is especially appropriate to dispute strongly carts on private property like airports, outside a theme park, indoor malls, even public streets outside hospitals.
I have seen all of the above. The last one was on the public sidewalk just outside the entry to a children's hospital where my son was getting chemo for leukemia. Damn ambulance chasers. They give lawyers a run for their money. I complained to the hospital and they left after hospital security approached them. I also complained to a local mall about scientologists having a kiosk in the center of the mall.
I believe all religious institutions not just JW's should be opposed on publicly paid for property. As should their charitable status. Any organisation that acts in opposition to the U.N. charter that addresses freedom of and from religion. JW's, Scientologists, and other groups like them that practice shunning should be a principle opposition by pro freedom loving people, so as not to take advantage of our freedoms to enslave people and their progeny.
Outlaw - excellent point.