Several people pointed out an old post about the 2001 and 2002 blood cards:
The links to scans of the cards seem to be gone, so here they are again:
ok folks, i have been nagged so have worked out how to scan and upload images and here they are for you, front and back of the card, and 3 pages of the instructions on how to fill them in.
bear in mind it's uk so possibly may be different where you are.. poppy xx
Several people pointed out an old post about the 2001 and 2002 blood cards:
The links to scans of the cards seem to be gone, so here they are again:
(baylor university, waco, tx) an essay entitled, "jehovah's witnesses, blood transfusions, and the tort of misrepresentation," found in the autumn issue of baylor universitys prestigious journal of church and state, published december 13, 2005, exposes the vulnerability of jehovahs witnesses religious organization to massive claims for compensation because of the religions misrepresentation of the medical risks of blood transfusions.
this milestone essay critically examines one of the religions main publications for teaching their children and new recruits about their blood beliefs, how can blood save your life?
the peer-reviewed essay details many misrepresentations of medical facts, which the religion partly relies on to support its blood prohibition, thus denying its members from making fully informed medical decisions.
This really is a big deal.
The Journal of Church and State is a prestigious law journal read by a huge number of judges, including State and Federal Supreme Court judges.
What is needed now is massive publicity to get the word out to JWs and ex-JWs who have been harmed by the Watchtower's ridiculous and deceitful blood policy.
Think about this: willfully misrepresenting medical facts that result in a wrongful death is, I think, a form of murder. There are no statutes of limitations on murder.
The fact is that the Society has consistently misrepresented the medical facts in order to support its supposedly "scripturally based stance" on blood transfusions. Such misrepresentation has been pointed out for years, in piecemeal fashion, on various forums including and especially the AJWRB (Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood) website ( ). This misrepresentation is the same sort that the Society practices with regard to its history, science, certain doctrines, and so forth. With regard to the blood issue, however, according to the article, legal liability. This is quite different from deceiving people by, say, claiming that a famous paleontologist supports the notion of biblical Creation.
As Rutherford said: ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE! the article and its implications!
if i told you that something bigger is on the horizon than dateline, bbc, cbc, sunday (australia), and all other tv programs which exposed the sexual child abuse cover-up by watchtower in 2002-2003, would you believe me?
have i ever misled you?
i'll answer that--no!
This really is a big deal.
The Journal of Church and State is a prestigious law journal read by a huge number of judges, including State and Federal Supreme Court judges.
What is needed now is massive publicity to get the word out to JWs and ex-JWs who have been harmed by the Watchtower's ridiculous and deceitful blood policy.
Think about this: willfully misrepresenting medical facts that result in a wrongful death is, I think, a form of murder. There are no statutes of limitations on murder.
if true why so many lies ?
the following is a snippet from a new york times article on the closing arguments in the intelligent design trial.
closing arguments made in trial on intelligent design .
Christian apologists such as Qcmbr and Rex show in a completely unambiguous way why fundamentalists of all sorts are an embarassment to reasonable defenders of religion. It really doesn't matter what religion we're talking about -- Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Bhuddism, Hinduism, etc, in all their multitudinous forms -- the Fundy adherents are all the same: "We're right; everyone else is wrong; everyone else will die for not believing as we do. If you're wrong, tough luck."
James Penton had it right when he said that JW and Christian Fundamentalists are pups from the same bitch.
i am championing the method of interpretation used by the nt writers.
the common folks took them literally.
you can easily rectify your situation by making up your mind to "study to show thyself approved unto god, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
You see now, Rex (actually not, but you should), how your foolishness is noted by many others than me.
Kudos to you, Nate, for continuing to expose the stupidity of certain positions and posters. I'm sure you know, though, that facts are lost on these people. Piss into the wind with more effect.
tonight while at a restaurant discussing jw topics my mom told me that herbert armstrong was on the wt society board of directors years ago and that he ended up leaving over doctrinal issues, and was subsequently branded an apostate by the wt society, and after this he founded the worldwide church of god.
can anybody else verify this?
it does seem believable since a majority of the wwcog doctrines mirror those of the wt society.
FlyingHighNow said:
: The WWCoG apologized and reformed didn't they?
Well, sort of.
It turned out that the founder was a perverted sexual deviate who convinced a lot of his female followers that they needed to be impregnated by him. Eventually this deviation was realized by a number of followers, including his son. Unfortunately, his son decided that this was a "good thing" and figured out ways to continue impregnating as many female followers as he could. A number of WWCOG officials, including the "Anthony Buzzard" I mentioned, objected to these shenanigans and either resigned or otherwise made their objections known. I don't know the details, but eventually the church more or less disintegrated, but under the leadership of yet another man did apologize for a number of excesses and gradually converted the religion into something much more like modern Fundamentalist ones.
tonight while at a restaurant discussing jw topics my mom told me that herbert armstrong was on the wt society board of directors years ago and that he ended up leaving over doctrinal issues, and was subsequently branded an apostate by the wt society, and after this he founded the worldwide church of god.
can anybody else verify this?
it does seem believable since a majority of the wwcog doctrines mirror those of the wt society.
Armstrong was a nutjob on a par with the JW governing leaders but always completely separate from them.
One Anthony Buzzard, a Brit once among Armstrong's highest echelon, has written extensively about the excesses of Armstrong and his son.
this caught my eye, the poll at the end is kind of scary.
on the seventh day, america went to court .
a bitter struggle is unfolding in the us about the most basic of issues: the origins of life.
: The American world view
Just goes to show that majority opinion is often as stupid as that of government officials and other administrative types.
i think most of us appreciate the difference between the tyrannical watchtower society and the average sheep like followers who make up the congregations.
we have been jehovahs witnesses so we know how brainwashed they are.
i am interested in knowing how you feel towards jehovahs witnesses individually and whether you hold them accountable.
From a certain viewpoint, sure they're victims. But that doesn't lessen their responsbility for accepting and promoting lies and assorted nonsense. They're willing victims.
for the critic of so-called apostate sites i offer the following.
the taste of bitter fruit.
the watchtower bible and tract society is a publishing company with a purpose.
An excellent piece of writing, Terry! It needs a bit of careful editing, though.