Do you see the average Jehovah’s Witness as a victim...?

by trevor 35 Replies latest social relationships

  • trevor

    I think most of us appreciate the difference between the tyrannical Watchtower Society and the average sheep like followers who make up the congregations. We have been Jehovah’s Witnesses so we know how brainwashed they are.

    I am interested in knowing how you feel towards Jehovah’s Witnesses individually and whether you hold them accountable. If you do and you are angry then - please share that anger with us. If you have a more lenient attitude - please tell us why.

    Do you see the average Jehovah’s Witness as a victim or do you blame them and hold them responsible for your pain? trevor

  • sonnyboy

    I definitely see them as victims.

    If they were able to fully open their eyes and free themselves from years of conditioning, they'd most likely leave like the rest of us.

    Then again, what the Witnesses offer is too great for some people to let go of...everlasting life and hope. They want so desperately to live in this world without any pain or suffering and to be reunited with their loved ones that they're prepared to believe and do anything. All my aunt talks about is how her son with MD will be able to walk again in the new system.

    No other religion offers this false hope but the JWs. Desperate people take desperate measures.

  • peggy

    I find this an interesting question. Do I view the average JW a victim? Not sure. Am I a victim? Not sure. I was raised in a divided household. My father was not a witness, my mother was baptized when I was four. It was a painful childhood, based on religious hatred and the fear that went along with that. I have recently had many conversations with my father about JW's. He told me how much he tried to keep his children from this religion. In fact I was not allowed to attend meeting until I was twelve. My 17 year old brother fought for that "right". My father clearly remembers the day he gave in and in his eyes lost his children to this religion, he went to a park and cried. The weird thing is that he highly respects the witnesses. He has been married to my mom for 55 years and is always helpful in getting her to her meetings when her health is frail. He knows that I am struggling with my faith, I think it even frightens him. Disfellowshiping is a major issue for him. It has divided our family, as my brother left the truth years ago. He worries that I will be another victim to shunning. WOW, I used the word......victim. This is a question I will have to think about. I have choices to make. I chose to be baptized. I chose my life course. The question is, will I be allowed to make other choices without repercussions.


  • damselfly
    Do you see the average Jehovah’s Witnesses as a victim or do you blame them and hold them responsible for your pain?

    Great thinking question!

    The average JW is only causing me pain ( which happens rarely this days ) because somebody higher up is inforcing it.

    I can't blame them for this. They are trapped, whether they recognize it or not, just like I was.

    As far as labeling them a victim? No, I don't think they all are. Some may feel victimized by certain doctrines and fellow members. Others excell in it and become the victors.


  • stopthepain

    They are a victim if they have no clue about the truth about the truth.But if there having doubts and continue to put up a facade to save face ,then there stupid and are living a lie.

  • AlanF

    From a certain viewpoint, sure they're victims. But that doesn't lessen their responsbility for accepting and promoting lies and assorted nonsense. They're willing victims.


  • Scully
    Do you see the average Jehovah’s Witnesses as a victim or do you blame them and hold them responsible for your pain?

    Up to a point, yes, I do see them as victims. That being said, I remember reading somewhere that an astronomically high percentage of child sexual abusers were sexually abused children themselves. That doesn't automatically wipe out their responsibility and liability for choices they make to abuse other people. It may offer some level of explanation for their behaviour, but they still have the ability to choose better than what was done to them.

    When a JW makes choices that are inherently destructive, both to themselves and to other people, they have to be accountable for those choices. Yes, the WTS discourages higher education. Yes, the WTS discourages having children in the Last Days™. Yes, the WTS encourages Pioneering™ and Keeping Your Eye Simple™ (ie, living hand to mouth). Yes, many JWs who follow that advice end up old, penniless and lonely. But they made a choice to put their trust in an organization, not in themselves. When a JW chooses to treat DFd people with contempt, it reflects the shallowness of the God™ and Organization™ they choose to serve. They could choose differently, but they live in fear; fear of realizing they've been defrauded if they are wrong, and fear of God's wrath if they are right.

    It's a sad thing to throw one's life away like that. But it's their life and their choice.

  • Sassy

    I see those who honestly still believe as victims yes.. they've been brainwashed..

    but those who have had the truth right in their face enough to pause, or the ones who are elders or more that have seen hypocrasy? Those I do not..

  • skyman

    The Few that know the the Truth and still rule over the GODs sheep I hate the fact that they continue to make rule that effect others. Here locally there is quite a few that know about the UN. Plus that the blood stand of the Society is wrong. But they tell me to wait on Jehovah even when they know that thousands have died because of this blood stand. They still follow the Society but realize that the Society is wrong I hate the fact that they follow believiong there is no personal consequences. I have been told they are not responsible the Society is responsible and the the Society is Gods spoke person. I do not hate the individual because they are stupid like I was at one time. What I hate is the Society.

  • OldSoul

    Yes. I see them as victims. But, as in any abuse cycle, the abused usually become the abusers.

    So while I pity them for having been victimized I do not ignore the harm they do to others. And when the solution to this particular abuse cycle is as simple as completely and utterly exposing the sick and sordid underbelly, I can find in myself no sympathy that compels me strongly enough to keep me from exposing what they have become.


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