Scholar pretendus said to MuadDib (the moron can't even manage to spell the poster's name properly):
: My purpose in posting on this board is simply to defend WT chronology to the best of my academic or scholastic ability. I care nought if I convince others of these views and I am not concerned now others view my postings. All that concerns me are the facts and nothing but the facts and I am staunch advocate for truth and not the lies and deception promoted by apostates and their sympathizers.
This paragraph is extremely disturbing because it shows how severely a cult can damage the minds of its adherents and turn them into complete morons. The writing contains extreme contradictions, of which the writer is completely unaware, which shows that, by common definitions, he is a moron. Let's examine this in some detail.
The moron seems to think that he has a good deal of academic and scholastic ability, as evidenced by his touting of his claimed credentials as a "scholar" in many posts to this board. But this is a standard illusion of many morons -- that they're far more capable than the facts demonstrate.
The moron also seems to think that his defective abilities allow him to competently defend Watchtower teaching on ancient chronology. Well, I suppose that's true to a large measure, since it's just another moron defending the moronic teachings of a pile of morons claiming to speak for God. Iron sharpens iron, no? But when the claimed bits of iron are really clay, what do we end up with?
The moron is entirely unaware that his claim not to be concerned with how others view his postings is entirely contradicted by his desire to "defend WT chronology to the best of" his ability. His emotional appeal is nil. The only thing he could possibly have left is an appeal to the intellect, and so logically, his postings must appeal to that. And yet he is unconcerned if his appeals to the intellect strike home. What better proof can there be that this poster is truly a moron?
The moron also claims that he is only concerned with the facts, and is a staunch advocate for truth. Well of course, anyone whose mind has been thoroughly subverted by JW teaching defines truth in a trivial sense: Whatever the Watchtower Society prints this month in some of its publications. Of course, when convenient, the moron also denies the evidence of his eyes in a most astounding way: when Watchtower teaching contradicts his own ideas, he discards them, even while declaring adamantly that the WT teachings are the absolute truth.
This moron is entirely incapable of answering the simplest of questions or dealing with the most elementary of challenges concerning Watchtower teachings about their claimed "Bible chronology":
What biblical proof is there that the Jews returned to Judah in 537 B.C.? (Answer: none)
What biblical evidence is there that the Jews returned to Judah in 537 B.C.? (Answer: none, but there is speculation that it took about 1 1/2 years from the time Cyrus issued his decree freeing the Jews to the time they arrived back in Judah)
What secular proof is there that the Jews returned to Judah in 537 B.C.? (Answer: none)
What proof can one find in Watchtower publications that the Jews returned to Judah in 537 B.C.? (Answer: none)
What biblical proof is there that the Jews returned to Judah in 538 B.C.? (Answer: none)
What biblical evidence is there that the Jews returned to Judah in 538 B.C.? (Answer: none, but there is speculation that it took about 2-4 months from the time Cyrus issued his decree freeing the Jews to the time they arrived back in Judah)
What secular proof is there that the Jews returned to Judah in 538 B.C.? (Answer: Josephus states that the temple was begun to be rebuilt in the 2nd year of Cyrus, which spanned 537-536 B.C. (March/April 537 to February/March 536), and Ezra 1-3 states that the temple foundations were laid in the 2nd month (April/May) Iyaar of the year after which the Jews returned to Judah. If the Jews returned to Judah in Tishri (September/October) 537, then the temple was begun to be rebuilt in the 2nd month of 536 B.C., namely, Iyaar (April/May). But this was Cyrus 3rd year, which contradicts what Josephus stated, and so the Jews' return in 537 is impossible according to Josephus. But if the Jews returned in September/October of 538 B.C., then the following "2nd month" of the year after their return was April/May of 537, which Josephus confirms. So the only available secular evidence contradicts the Watchtower's claims, and the biblical evidence is moot.
So the only actual proof we have of the year of the Jews' return to Judah comes from Josephus, who confirms that they returned in 538 B.C. Scholar pretendus simply ignores this, even while claiming that others of Josephus' statements (i.e., about the 70 years), which are demonstrably false, ought to be accepted as gospel. Can a better example of moronic scholastic claims be found?
Scholar pretendus has shown his proclivity for moronic braindeadness in various other ways:
2 Chronicles 36:20 clearly states that the Jews were servants to Nebuchadnezzar and his sons until the Persians began to reign. Without any argument, the Persians began to reign over Babylon in 539 B.C. when Cyrus' armies conquered the city of Babylon and eliminated its empire. Yet this moron claims that the Persians actually did not begin to reign for another two years -- until 537 B.C. when the Jews -- an insignificant part of the Persian empire -- returned to Judah. How incredibly stupid!
As many posters have shown over the years, and particularly in posts during the past few days, this moronic scholar pretendus cannot even read simple Bible passages with basic understanding. Jeremiah 25:11 clearly states that the Jews and the many nations surrounding them would serve Babylon for 70 years. Yet this moron brazenly claims that the text he can read with his very own eyes does not say what his eyes tell him it says. Indeed, his cult-fucked brain translates the words into something else. What, I do not know. What I do know is that this moron has fully succumbed to Orwellian mind-fuck, where when another person holds up five fingers, but it is necessary for the fucked victim to claim he sees four, he really sees four. So it is with the victims of the JW organization: the Bible can clearly state something, but when the Watchtower Society says it ain't so, it ain't so.
I could multiply the examples of scholar pretendus' overwhelming moral stupidity, but most for most readers this is just repetition ad nauseum.