Forscher wrote:
: I think you finally figured it out Alan!!!
Indeed, and now it's painfully obvious to me that you're nothing but a troll. I will suggest to moderators that the usual action towards trolls be taken. Whatever they do, you can be sure that, from today on, I will point out that you're a troll, and many posters will simply ignore you.
: While I still hold to my contention that the folks at the Smithsonian went over the line,
You being a troll, I doubt that you hold to anything besides causing trouble. You're here to rake muck and find pleasure in causing people to spin their wheels.
: let me tell you a few things about myself that not even many folks who know me know. Since you said that my posts were the only way you have to know me. i think that is only fair ;-)
Ok. . .
: To start off with, I've mentioned elswhere that I recently finished my Bachelor's degree (better late than never). It's a Batchelor's of Science, though it's in a social science (I did make sure that I had a bit more course work in the natural sciences [Chemistry and Biology] and math than the average bear in those fields gets). I graduated cum laude, so didn't do sloppy work (and I did about 120 of the 150 hrs I have while I was in the borg).
Wow. You really took some hard course work. At least the equivalent of a degree in Physics, if not more.
: Politically, I am actually middle of the road. There is a little test making the rounds of some universities that evaluates one's political leanings. The test scores from 1-100 with 1 being thumping right-wing fundamentalist Christian and 100 being extreme left-wing communist. Both times I've taken the test I scored 66 and 60 respectively which is basically slightly left of middle.
Ok. . .
: In highschool (oh so many years ago) I was on a debate team that took a state championship,
Where? The State of Utter Stupidity?
: and if you go back and look at our little debate objectively, you'll find that you got had. In fact, you fell pretty neatly into the trap I set for you.
Actually, all you did was to successfully pretend to be a standard braindead Fundamentalist. That doesn't take much talent, but it certainly takes some stamina and a strong stomach.
: About the only thing you didn't do, that it looked like you were going, to do was to kick me off the forum.
I have no particular influence on anything of that sort.
: But I think you finally figured out what was going on.
Not until you actually stated that you're a muckraking troll. I usually assume that people are honest and straightforward about their statements, even when such statements are as braindead as those of hooberus, Shining One and a few other shining examples of Fundamentalist anti-intellectualism.
: The problem with folks at both ends of the spectrum (and you are out there on one of those ends Alan, I don't mean that insultingly)
I take that as a compliment: I'm certainly on the end of the spectrum that respects good science, as opposed to people who don't.
: is that they are too emotionally wrapped up in the rightness of their beliefs.
My "beliefs"? Almost everything I post is or can be backed up by copious source references, so you can hardly call my expressed views mere "beliefs", as if they're something akin to Flat-Earthism or Christian Fundamentalism.
: They tend to look down on those who don't share their beliefs
Let's see now: you think that Flat-Earthists ought to be respected. And you think that Fundamentalists ought to be respected. Have I got that right?
: (be honest with youself Alan and look at the tone of your posts on this forum, I think you are intelligent enough to see my point if you look at it objectively)
There's no question at all that I look down at Flat-Earthists, believers in astrology, Fundamentalists, and a variety of other demonstrably braindead people. So what?
: and they take a condescending tone that takes away from the authority of their arguments.
Only in the mind of the reader who supports the idea being trashed. I suspect that you'd have no problem laughing at amusingly derogatory comments about Flat-Earthists. But the fact that you object to similar comments about equally braindead Fundamentalists indicates that your sympathies lie with them. So you're far from the objective commentator you think you are. Condescending is in the eye of the beholder.
: Civil, rational debate carrys more authority than the put-down. You need to step back from the emotion and look at your arguments dispassionately.
I debate with any number of styles, ranging from extreme objectivity to extreme subjectivity, depending on who is debating and what they've said up to the point I post a response. When it becomes obvious, either quickly or over a period of time, that a debater is incapable of rational argument, or is unwilling to engage in it, but persists in stating a stupid point of view, I tend to drift toward the subjective and the put-downs, since objective debate is obviously no longer an option. In other words, I try not to beat a dead horse, but I also suffer fools badly, especially when such fools are arrogant.
: That is also the flaw in what the folks at the Smithsonian did.
Which claim puts you solidly in the camp of the religious Fundamentalists of whom Richard Sternberg is a part.
: Remember that Sternberg was not an employee of the Smithsonian. He was employed by the NIH. He merely had access to the collections of the Smithsonian for the research he was doing for the NIH. His editorship of the magazine was an extra-curricular deal (although whether he got any compensation for it or not, I'll admit I don't know) and the magazine's board could remove him at anytime for any reason it wanted.
I'm well aware of all this. And you're simply reinforcing my claim that Sternberg, having violated normal science ethics and common sense, is getting what he deserves.
: The letter from the investigator
A Bush political appointee. Why do you keep ignoring this extremely pertinent fact?
: pointed that out as being one of the reasons he couldn't pursue the investigation any further.
A bit more to the point: The OSC had no jurisdiction over people who had the special contractual relationship that Sternberg had with the Smithsonian. So Sternberg's going to that office can easily be argued to be yet another breach of ethics.
You want legalism? Go for it!
: Sternberg's postion on the magazine did not make him an employee of the Smithsonian, so he didn't enjoy the legal protection that you said I naively ignored. So what the Smithsonian folks did was completely unnecessary. It was done simply out of emotion and spite.
Not at all. If Sternberg's Smithsonian "employers" -- call them what you will, he worked for and with them -- had had the legal power to completely cut him off from access to the Institution and its resources, you can be sure that they would have. Apparently they did not, for contractual reasons and so forth, and so they did what they could to get rid of a demonstrably lousy worker -- one who would not hesitate to embarass them and the Smithsonian Institution and the loosely associated Proceedings journal staff.
The fact that you've completely failed to address any of these points, despite the fact that you're obviously not stupid and that I've brought them up several times now, proves that you're grossly dishonest -- a fundamental trait of a troll, who comes onto a discussion board with the sole purpose of raking muck.
: Alan, our freedoms of speech were enshrined by our founding fathers because they trusted that those who count could rationally evaluate the ideas that enter the market place of ideas and come to the right decisions.
A right fine sentiment! Unfortunately, when some 59% of the American public figures that the prophecies of Revelation will soon come to pass, it becomes a serious problem deciding just who can be trusted to make the right decisions, wouldn't you say? And when a large percentage of government officials, like John Ashcroft, are able to force their ridiculous beliefs on an entire government arm, wouldn't you say that the irrational among us have taken over?
: That is why we don't have censorship! Censorship goes hand-in-hand with intolerance and dictatorship.
You obviously have no idea of the meaning of censorship.
: If ID really is as foolish as you materialists say it is,
This is absolute proof that you're a Fundamentalist. No one else would say such a thing.
: then you have no need to suppress it.
No one is suppressing ID. On the contrary, ID proponents are going whole hog in publishing all sorts of reading material.
: Let it be heard, and let it be properly evaluated. Then if it proves lacking, it will go onto the ash-heap of history right along with seven day creationism.
That has already happened. Whether you like it or not, the general consensus of scientists who have looked intently at ID is that it is virtually free of real content. Furthermore, they know very well that it's nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt -- as its most prominent supporters freely admit -- to reintroduce conservative Christianity into the mainstream of American life. All you have to do to see that is read the material I referred to in my post on Intelligent Design:
: That, my friend, is always the best way to deal with it. Doing otherwise makes one look dogmatic and fanatical.
Since this has already been done, it's those who cling to discredited ideas who are dogmatic and fanatical.
: That is why liberals have been losing their shirts in recent elections, they come across as left-wing taliban (again, I am not trying to insult anybody here, I am just pointing out the facts).
Well this certainly gets into the realm of "the opinion page". I would rather say that the recent wins by conservatives (by slim margins, usually, and mainly in rural areas (zowie, doesn't that tell you something?)) reflects the typical braindeadness of people who go in for a soon-to-be-fulfilled Revelation, and all sorts of televangelist claptrap, and the standard assortment of extreme right-wing foolishness.
Of course, it would only take a shift in the attitudes of a few percent of the population of the U.S. -- perhaps as a result of failed agendas of its present, rather braindead leader -- to be able to say that "conservatives are losing their shirts" for whatever reason.
: You may not care that you look fanatical,
I look fanatical only to braindead Fundamentalists and their ilk. Read some supportive posts and you'll see.
: but you'd be well advised to start caring about that if nothing else.
Why? Are they going to come through their TV's at me?
: You are entitled to your opinions, please extend others the same curtisies. And treat them just as respectfully as you expect to be treated.
I have no respect for people who believe that the earth is flat. Do you think I should?
I have no respect for people who believe that the universe was created by fiat 6,000 years ago. Do you think I should?
I have no respect for people who engage in snake charming and swallowing poison as a form of Christian worship. Do you think I should?
I have no respect for people who believe in astrology, UFOs, demonology, and host of other silly ideas. Do you think I should?
I have no respect for people who dismiss the findings of modern science as regards the fossil record. Do you think I should?
I have no respect for people who lie about their aims. Do you think I should?
I have no respect for people who claim before one audience that they believe one thing, and claim before another that they believe something quite different. Do you think I should?
Once again, Forscher, as I've said before, and in view of the fact that you've revealed yourself as a muckraking troll, I have no doubt that you won't respond substantively to anything I've written in this post, any more than you've responded substantively to any other post I've made.
I'm finally wondering, just before I hit the Submit button, if you're a true troll, or just someone silly enough to try to act like a troll.