After almost a year of living abroad, away from my parents and away from anything even remotely Watchtower related, having allowed myself to not worry about these silly little things (yet convincing my parents that i was still going); now that i've been back for about 6 weeks, i feel that i have to put on a double effort to cover over things that i've said or done, and avoid using "suspect" words or phrases like "cheers" or "good luck". Its driving me crazy at the moment, and 10 times more than it was doing before i moved out.
Today, i had a mini panic attack at having told a "worldly" friend of mine "good luck". For a split second, as the acidic taste of adrenaline came into my mouth, i thought, "shit, did i just say "good luck"??... shit, did i just say "shit" out loud or was it in my head?... phew!, thank god she's not a witness!!!... damn, what am i getting all worked up for?"
I feel absolutely ridiculous saying all this out loud, even to myself, but i just thought i'd post it up here on JWD so i can see if anyone else feels a similar way about assimilating back into Watchtower life after being away for a little while. I feel that i've come a long way in not feeling guilt for desiring to live my life according to my own morals and not those of the WTS, but when little things like that happen, i feel like ive taken several huge steps backwards...
I also feel, that in my desire to fade quietly, i panic when i say or do anything minor that may make people suspicious. I cant bare to listen to talks anymore, yet i punish myself by listening. I'm afraid of missing out on some "point" that was made which everyone talks about afterward. I feel like the congregations eyes are all over me. Ive missed a good few meetings since i've been back, and i've barely done 4 hours of ministry, yet the P/O still wont leave me alone and asks me to become a Ministerial Servant... Maybe its because im so adept at maintaining the typical Stepford Wives-esque "Kingdom smile" at the Hall, i just cant seem to get rid of it... maybe its because im afraid to reject assignments; i was volonteered to help out at two conventions in the last few weeks, and am constantly volonteered for talks even though my name is still not back on "the board"...
God i feel so foolish... Why is is so hard for me to fade?... What can i do as the son of a prominant elder?... Part of my problem with fading is an unhealthy fear of being disfellowshipped; so maybe its time for me to just pack up and go... Its just not normal to get so worked up about such silly things as a simple "good luck"... I swear im doing myself some psychological damage by living my life in this way. Who am i impressing? Why do i care?... Its driving me mad!!!