If you want a list of good books, I have hundreds, and sources and lists for more, also for copies of original WT lit from way back with the covers showing a cross and everything. Have you ever seen the cornerstone at the Watchtower HQ? Has a cross....
JoinedPosts by alazenby
AlanF: please read!
by spender inhiya, i haven't talked to you yet really, but i've been looking through as many older posts as i can and reading what you have to say.
i must say that you're one of the most knowledgable people i've seen here so far, and i value and respect your opinions a great deal.
i have a a few questions, and others can help out on them.
Can any Witness possibly anwser this question?
by jerome inhello all... i came across this line of questioning many months on the inet so i decided that i would submit just this once to peer pressure and make a usefull contribution to the board.. here is the question... is jesus just "a god?".
many of the regular inet surfers would have come across this line of questioning before so if you have you could just sit back and relax and read the replys.. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>.
me: so is he a 'lesser true god' or a 'lesser false god?'.
As to the multiplication of 1 x 1 x 1, intead of adding 1 plus one plus one, that is the example one would use for "in him all the FULLNESS of God dwelleth in bodily form," and in him you are made complete. To get fullness, something is multiplied, as God multiples himself. They only seem to want to add one plus one plus one, never knowing the other principles of math or logic. Also, as to feminine YHWH, I have had Witnesses tell me that Jesus was the Wisdom of God, according to the Psalm, but if you read further in the same Psalm, it says wisdom is "SHE" -- so Jesus is not just the wisdom of God. Also, one is told by Jesus himself to Thomas, "HE who has SEEN ME has SEEN THE FATHER. Why ask you show me the father." He repeats this a few lines further down in John, He who has seen ME has seen the Father and now you have seen him, et cetera, and KNOW him... That is why Christ is the image (the visible stamp in flesh) of the invisible God. Why won't someone just allow Jesus to come in and teach them all things by his Spirit of Truth -- He who is IN HIM has LIFE and this is LIFE ETERNAL. Until I did that, I could not even understand God's word, and I was in a Methodist church for 42 years until I heard the gospel preached, that I am a sinner and in need of a savior, instead of my good works and going to church, and when I realized I was going to go anywhere but heaven, I repented and admitted to God I need the blood of Jesus, for without it there is no REMISSION of sin, and God cannot dwell where sin is, and he came in and immediately I saw the truth, that Jesus now came into my heart and leaves the SPIRIT OF CHRIST, look that up -- THE SPIRIT OF GOD, SPIRIT OF CHRIST, AND THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH. Who is that one spirit?
Witnesses are coming to my door Sunday!
by jerome inthis post is pretty long so i just thought that i'd warn you.. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>.
w: yes he is but he is only the god of this world.
after all if what these people say is true then anybody that dosent know what it is in deep trouble.
Of course, I would nevef show any apostate lit, but this is WT lit many have not seen, and maybe just mentioning it and offering the references they could ask for it at their library or WT HQ, huh? Yeah, I have a copy of the Witnesses video, and also one on Mormons, which is very very insidiously evil -- but my daughter would never even look at either one, and she has been apart from us for 13 years and now divorcing one of the other Witnesses. Will she be the one to be DF'd? Most tell me she will be, even though it was mutual feeling. She won't even talk to me even though I have breast cancer and she works in the breast cancer program. Ain't that a hoot, loves everyone else, even strangers, more than me -- and we BOTH can't be right if we are opposite poles on who Jesus is, just like you can't be male and female at the same time and be right if she says I'm male, and says it's OK to differ -- one has to be a liar, and must WANT the other one to be in the right, huh? Oh, well, so much for psychology. Hey, I have a great book was recommended to me on logic and argument, and I'll go look for the name of it, doesn't mention any particular group, but how logic such as mutual exclusivity works, like the male and female thing -- can't both be right on same person -- can't be pregnant and not pregnant at the same time, huh? Alice
Witnesses are coming to my door Sunday!
by jerome inthis post is pretty long so i just thought that i'd warn you.. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>.
w: yes he is but he is only the god of this world.
after all if what these people say is true then anybody that dosent know what it is in deep trouble.
I just went to watchman.org and went to witnessing to JWs and this URL has the listings of the articles you can use, and if you want copies e-mail me, and maybe I can fax them to you or scan and e-mail them. alazenby
http://www.watchman.org/jw/1914hst2.htmABOUT 1914, ET CETERA
Witnesses are coming to my door Sunday!
by jerome inthis post is pretty long so i just thought that i'd warn you.. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>.
w: yes he is but he is only the god of this world.
after all if what these people say is true then anybody that dosent know what it is in deep trouble.
I have copies of all the WTs and other lit explaining the "truth" about 1914 and then all the changes as they went along, if you want a photostat of my copies, just e-mail me, and I also have instructions on how to use this information, their own, to show them the real TRUTH of how it changed all along and can't be relied upon. [email protected]
a new person with a familiar story.....
by sndy420 inso...i have been involved with jws for 21 years, have a wonderful husband and 4 wonderful daughters( i am so lucky!!!
) and for a year or so have been steadily leaving the org.it didnt amswer my questions or satisfy my needs at first- but then i started to do my own searching and found out alot of things that were just wrong.
my oldest daughter decided to da herself and i knew that i would never turn my back on her.
I had that same void, even not in the organization, when my daughter was in it all these years -- and I finally just went to Jesus and asked him to reveal himself to me and to teach me all things whatsoever he had commanded. He came in and has never left, and even though I have cancer, I can say he has hidden me in the rock, himself, and shown me in his word all things true, which he is the Word of God. There comes a point where you have to trust alone in the True Savior God and he will reveal himself to you. Nothing man can do will ever do this for you. You may contact Watchman Fellowship at Watchman.org for information about this organization and others in which we help those with questions. Love and blessings in Christ to you, friend.
Can any Witness possibly anwser this question?
by jerome inhello all... i came across this line of questioning many months on the inet so i decided that i would submit just this once to peer pressure and make a usefull contribution to the board.. here is the question... is jesus just "a god?".
many of the regular inet surfers would have come across this line of questioning before so if you have you could just sit back and relax and read the replys.. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>.
me: so is he a 'lesser true god' or a 'lesser false god?'.
I think you're on the track -- if Jesus is "a god" at all -- false or true -- then there is a polytheism going on. Also, what about where in Isaiah Jehovah says there is no god before me created, nor will there be after me. So, that leaves just him as any God at all, right? Also, add to it who is the Alpha and Omega. Is he Jehovah or Jesus? I can't get anybody to answer that one for me either. I had two witnesses in to work on that, and they both answered opposite when I asked them -- they can't even agree. However, whoever the Alpha and Omega is, he is the "First and the Last" according to Isaiah, and also Revelation. Also, he holds the keys to DEATH AND HELL -- he admits there is one -- but also, curiously, he was DEAD and now LIVES forever and holds the keys. HUMMMMM. Alice
Do you Remember the Moment you Stopped Being a JW?
by Smoldering Wick in"it only takes a moment.
a moment of sanity.
Praise God someone has enough mind left to think! I WOULD GIVE ANYTHING if my daughter would give me a chance to just talk to her, even if she doesn't say a word, about all the pain this WT has caused me since she was 15 and they took her and trained her behind our backs, now she is in middle of divorce after 13 years, and I have cancer, and merely ASKED her if she would let me talk to her for a little while, give me JUST AS MUCH TIME AS SHE GIVES A STRANGER, AT LEAST, DO I NOT DESERVE AS MUCH TIME AS A STRANGER WOULD GET? No, she said, if I do mention it again, I WILL NEVER SEE HER AGAIN, AND SHE MEANS IT. I take that as a threat, huh -- but our efforts to help her in EVERYTHING during their marriage financially, businesswise, and healthwise, all that is legitimate and OK -- but my opinions on the most IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE -- ETERNITY -- I am a liar and not to be trusted just for asking her this:
If two people differ on an issue, and they both say they are right, isn't one of them wrong and the other should really endeavor to work with that person? If it's really true what you believe, what fear is there to go over the facts with the other? Truth never changes. Either Jesus was who he said he was, or he isn't. He can't be both and BOTH OF US BE RIGHT AND OK TO BELIEVE IT, at the same time. This is MUTUAL EXCLUSIVITY -- either you're pregnant or not, either you're male or not, either you're female or not, either you're married or not, et cetera. Either you're up or down. Can anybody give me any hints why she would be like this -- she says just leave her to believe what she wants, and she'll let me believe what I want.
But that's not LOVE -- LOVE wants what is right for the other, even if it takes a little friction to get there. Right? Alice