Thanks Blondie. I don't get the WT or ever go to a meeting and it is hard to remember the details now. Your review brings it all back. I appreciate your time and effort.
JoinedPosts by muleskinner
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-28-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 12-28-03 wt study
review comments will be in black and parentheses ()
wt quotes will be in
double talk from the socity what a shock
by kilroy2 inthis quoat if from the dubs web site, they act like they are the peacfull people just trying to live and let live, any one who has been a dubber knows that this is crap.
according to them if they had the power all other religions would be converted or killed.
i can still remember an overseer holding a skull on stage in holt michigan saying that when you associate with people who are not dubbers remember that this is the condtion that they would be in if it was after the big a. they say they want religous freedom but as usual they mean for dubbers only.
I have to say that I don't think the Jehovah's Witnesses have really increased religious freedom. I would say that in millions of lives they have completely denied it and through their lies have caused millions of others to renounce religion altogether. They claim more than ten million attended the memorial this year, at which time they tried to convince them that only 144,000 were entitled to partake of the sacrements, that the bible was written mostly for this small group, that the most important part of this group lives in New York and that this small group are really as important as Christ in that they will "render" the sacrifice and help mediate between the lowly great crowd and Jehovah, ruling them with an iron scepter. Then follows the usual cult crap of denying family loyalty cutting off children, parents and others whom they should love and associate with. Any laws they may have changed are small stuff compared to the mountains of death dealing lies they have sold as "The Truth." Naw, with this bunch, its all bad. They are a dark cloud with an inky black lining.
So Just What Did Happen In 1975?
by Englishman in4026 bc adam created.. add 6000years.
= 1975 ad.. now, according to my reckoning, nothing has changed.
the wt predicted that 1975 was going to be a biggy, possibly armageddon even.
A childless, lonely and desperate old man wanted the world to end before he did. Having come to believe in his own wisdom Freddie Franz decided to enact what he hoped would be a self-fullfilling prophecy. So he made up the seven thousand year creative day which meant the world had to end. Maybe he thought if he could force millions of sincere people to sacrifice and spread this lie, it would become truth? Maybe he thought he could blackmail Jehovah; by having his people all preaching it, wouldn't it be too embarassing for it not to happen? He was old. He was going to die soon. Why shouldn't the world end? I think he had reached the point where he was able to believe his own lies. He was the Oracle, after all. All of this was done with the usual consideration for the pains of the brothers. 0. M.S.
How to change 1914
by Bendrr inchances are this post will find it's way to the eyes of the spies in brooklyn but what the hell.
i'm here to help, even if it means sending a crate of ammo to the enemy.. as a rule i stay out of discussions of the empire's doctrinal issues.
not that i don't read them, i just usually don't have anything to add.
"They couldn't change it now if they wanted too as they have alrady stuck their foot in their mouth.." That never stopped them before! If honesty meant anything then they would have been out of business after the first book. Muleskinner
Was Being A Jehovah's Witnesses A Bad Investment For You?
by minimus inyou could look at being a jw in a negative or somewhat positive way.
by that, i mean, for example---some say that had they not been witnesses, they are sure they'd be in jail today.
others might say, their whole lives were robbed of fun and money---simply because they filled their times as preachers and meeting attenders.
I would describe it as the worst decision I have ever made. One that I and those I love are still paying for and will for the rest of our lives. The cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses are a black cloud with a dark lining. I guess the one that first started it was my grandfather. He was infected and it has spread through our large and once very close family like a cancer. If I could live it again, no child of mine would ever be left alone with a relative who is a Witness much less darken the door of a Kingdom Hall. M.S.
Why Christmas is so important
by metatron inyears ago, we used to wonder about bible studies and why they fought so hard to resist giving up christmas.. it just seemed that many people were willing to face all the negatives about becoming a witness - except this one.. why?
it's simple.
friends and family!.
I couldn't agree more,Metatron,Tashawaa and Sara Annie. I think giving up Christmas is one of the best ways the society could drive a wedge between the poor deluded converts and their WORLDLY family. Not giving dear old Mom and Dad or friends of years past a Christmas gift is an insult to them and puts them squarely at odds with Cult Command in New York. What is really sad to me about it is what great pain this places on people who need some comfort, and how little the so-called Brothers really care. In the Bible, Naman asked for permission to go into a pagan temple due to his job and was given it. In the "TRUTH" no permission is ever given on account of emotions or the soul-wrenching agony of alienating people who love you, some of whom depend on you. Some of the most basic truths are so simple. According to the bible once again, Jesus said no man who says he loves God and hates is brother is telling the truth. Another scripture says at 3 John: 11 Beloved one, be an imitator, not of what is bad, but of what is good. He that does good originates with God. He that does bad has not seen God. Not only are these poor people tricked into believing a lie, they then are tricked into giving all the good things they have left up FOR the lie. I guess they really do love the lie. Muleskinner
Haughtiness And The Witnesses
by shamus ini find that the witnesses are very "haughty".
haughty is described in the oxford dictionary as "proud of oneself and looking down on others"; how well this describes the wtbts.. how many people were very proud of having "the troof"?
how many people felt that they were special.
I think all cults get a little haughty. I mean they all have the "inside" information right? Even in regards to buying things, "knowing" the world was going to end I always went with the longest terms, lowest payments. I felt a little guilty about it, knowing I would never pay it off and all. Ha. Seeing all those poor deluded people going to church only to be lied to and duped into actions Jehovah abhors. Ha and double Ha. Maybe we do reap what we sow, maybe the arrogance and self-righteousness is paid back in full. I am just really grateful that I stumbled across some of the old literature and was openminded enough to see it was the same horse manure I was being fed just different names and dates. Pyramids and measuring the steps to get dates??? Blind as I was, I could see that. Sadly, all those I tried to share this view with couldn't, hence I lost some family, one child and all my so-called friends. My favorite scripture in regard to this is Matthew 15:3-11. Having had a child write me a letter saying I shouldn't call or visit and that my association was destructive to faith, well, this set of verses said it pretty well. Not because of being a bad father or doing bad things but for trying to talk about the Society. Taken from the WT CD New World Translation: 3 In reply he said to them: "Why is it YOU also overstep the commandment of God because of YOUR tradition? 4 For example, God said, 'Honor your father and your mother'; and, 'Let him that reviles father or mother end up in death.' 5 But YOU say, 'Whoever says to his father or mother: "Whatever I have by which you might get benefit from me is a gift dedicated to God," 6 he must not honor his father at all.' And so YOU have made the word of God invalid because of YOUR tradition. 7 YOU hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about YOU, when he said, 8 'This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.'" 10 With that he called the crowd near and said to them: "Listen and get the sense of it: 11 Not what enters into [his] mouth defiles a man; but it is what proceeds out of [his] mouth that defiles a man." Know-it-alls who know so little. I am deeply ashamed of ever having been fooled by them, they were a cancer I had inflicted on me by my family and that I in turn inflicted on my own children. It is still eating away at them and through them at me. I can honestly say I never shunned anyone. I am proud of that. I know I would never have shunned my parents or children. Muleskinner
Apostate organizations, will they take down the religion?
by spiritwalker inone of the main themes i have noticed to former jehovah?s witnesses boards, is the mentioning of apostate jehovah?s witness organizations and publications.
while i realize the reason behind these organizations, i also see them as far less powerful then many would like to think.
not that their efforts are wasted, as i know many take a lot of passion and time to their work.
I think the Jehovah's Witnesses will fall though it will hardly be noticed by any other than the individuals involved when it does. I do wish that like the Shakers they had at least made some good furniture before they go. The books they make don't count, the old ones are no longer relevant after a few years and even the current Witnesses don't read their new books unless forced to in groups. If they could have written good books that you kind of got hooked on reading, wow. With the turnover they have what a market they would have created! Nope, all we got was crap. You can't even sell it at a yardsale. If only they had used those buildings to make high quality furniture, then they would have had a legacy and you could at least have been less ashamed to have been associated with the cult and maybe kept something from it you could use. Muleskinner
How JT got Shafted as a Bethelite- and OTHERS TOO!!!!!!!!1
by JT inelp us keep your earnings record accurate
you, your employer and social security share responsibility for the accuracy of your earnings record.
since you began working, we recorded your reported earnings under your name and social security number.
Hi JT, I'm sorry about the years lost and the impact on your S.S. I guess you have to chalk it up to education. In my opinion, in the School of Life you have been awarded a Master's Degree and are qualified to teach a course called, "CULT'S UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL." You really could get rich if you were willing to travel and make a little show of it, going to churches and speaking, might get a little payback on some of those years. Wouldn't do any real Witnesses any good but it might make getting converts even harder after you passed through. I enjoyed your stories. Next time you feel like jawing a little, please tell more about your JW group. Do you try and engage any current Witnesses? Also does Junior/Farrakan live in his own place or in Society housing? Do they provide parking for the residents? Or is he in Patterson? I don't know much about the layout, never visited either one. Muleskinner
A question for those who do NOT live in the United States
by logansrun ini've heard it over and over again in conversations about the us -- "what other country would you rather live in?
" the question is stated in such a fashion as to say that nothing is better than living in the good 'ol us of a.
"what, are you stupid?
As other American's have posted, I guess I will too. First of all I would think most countries have enormous differences making a description of the whole as a possible home seem unfair. I know that is true of the U.S. I love the differences, Southern California, North Carolina, South Dakota, man, the Black Hills were great. All as different as can be, all large enough to be countries on their own. I would think that you could find whatever type of climate or land you like here, as is probably possible in many other large countries. I think most western nations have a lot of the same basic freedoms and opportunities. I guess what you are really asking is whether other people would rather live in their own countries or ours??? Seems like an easy question to answer. HOME is usually best. The person from Holland seems to think it is BEST, great. To me your question is kind of like asking who would like to trade families. Most could find some pros and cons to trading I am sure, I would hope that few would trade. Unless of course it was for the Kingdom, then you could sell Mom and Dad off for a share in eternity. The fact that so many do world wide makes me think we have more in common than you might like to think, sadly. I guess of all places on the earth, this board is more immune than any other to that offer and we come from all over. We seem to have a lot of shared values. As for intelligence don't believe all the bullshit. Ever heard of the bell shaped curve? Go by it. I do take exception to the constant mention of guns and homicide rates and such. If you compare vast areas of the US to any area in the world our homicide rates are extremely low, despite the prevalance of guns, the Dakota's for instance. Compare apples to apples, Japanese to Japanese-American, Norwegian to Norwegian-American. I think we come off well. As for the flags and nationalism, it might be a little bit of a response to anti-american attitudes encountered and the occasional bombing of our tall buildings. One thing all western nations need to recognize, and all ex-jws can attest to, is that when hated by religious fanatics, don't look for compassion or reason. THEY are the people of ALLAH or JEHOVAH and if 99.5% of the rest of the world has to die horrible deaths to make this earth their paradise, then so be it. We, (all non fundamentalist muslims or non muslims) are under attack by the fundamentalists of that religion. America only stands for western ideals to them and due to open borders made a good target. Now America is carrying the fight to them. Two buildings fell, two fundamentalist nations were toppled. I imagine if London had been attacked we would be doing the same thing we would be right there with them to help get the ones who did it. I know we would. Anyway, The boys on the ground over there wouldn't be there if not for the attack on New York. They don't want to be there, we don't want them there, but better there than here. There can be no peace with the fanatics. As the French female aid worker they killed last week found out, they don't care what you have done for them or how much YOU care for them. She gave her life to help them, the fundamentalists killed her. To them it seems just. She was after all an infidel/worldling. She could never really understand the TRUTH. Sad. If a functioning democracy with tolerance can be set up over there, I'm for it. If your local Kingdom Hall could become such a place, I'm for that too. I won't hold my breath in either case. If the Watchtower ever advocates violence against apostates and worldlings I am one boy that be going armed and watching close and wouldn't be waiting for a knock on the door. Same with the ones who DO advocate violence. I'm glad we aren't waiting for them to come to us, again. For me the SOUTH (Dixie) will always be home. I love the culture. We are just so darned polite not to mention having such fine cusine! Baby Back ribs with buttered sweet potatoes, greens and cornbread chased with sweet suthern tea, gimmee sum! By the way, nice to meet y'all. Muleskinner