well, i initially left because i came to realize that i couldn't go on living as a witness any longer. i didn't even care if it was the truth or not, to be perfectly honest; i knew that i'd rather be destroyed at armageddon than to continue to be that miserable for one scrap of a second longer. it was weird because i finally was able to leave at eighteen when i moved out...first time moving out of my parents' house, first time having any real freedom, first time in my life not being a witness. it was a very scary time. what kept me from going back, besides the misery bit, was finding out the real truth about the truth. i think that's maybe backwards from the way most people leave....
Posts by tink
What Was "IT" That Finally Made You Leave The "Truth"?
by minimus inanything in particular, or was it a combination of things??
Some things I'd like to do in life....
by logansrun inteach my students (future) how to think.. live somewhere other than chicago for at least a year.
learn how to cook kick-ass healthy meals.
travel asia.. own a horse.. write a book, even if it never gets published.. have sex in outer space (okay, i'll settle for the beach).
They are unhappy in the depths of their soul
you know, it really does work for some people. haven't you ever met some one and thought, wow, you can take a person out of the org but you can't take the org out of the person? (did that make sense?) i have. i've met lots of people that buy into organized religion. and just because i think it's a lie doesn't mean it's not benefitting them in some way.
my family just happens to be full of people who i believe would be happier without the shackles of witness-dom.
Some things I'd like to do in life....
by logansrun inteach my students (future) how to think.. live somewhere other than chicago for at least a year.
learn how to cook kick-ass healthy meals.
travel asia.. own a horse.. write a book, even if it never gets published.. have sex in outer space (okay, i'll settle for the beach).
ooh, ooh, i wanna play!!
grow six inches (up, NOT out, thank you!! i know, i know, not gonna happen)
learn Latin (working on it)
run a marathon
get a passport and actually use it.....travel to india, iran, morocco, italy, spain, greece, just to name a few :)
learn to sing (probably impossible as well)
bring real happiness into someone's life
buy my mom a car...something sporty meant for anything BUT field service
get my family out of the organization
live abroad
learn to drive (hehe....shut up!! :P)
get my own studio where i can paint to my heart's content
wow, i could go on and on...this is really fun, actually!! :)
Uhuuu, Yep I am going to the meeting. Tonight...
by Vivamus inuhuuu, yep i am going to the meeting.
i want the newest watchtowers, i feel deprived of all the new light, lol.
viv, you are so awesome. i am so proud of you!! i got a little teary reading that. what an enormous step to let all of that go and be able to move forward. :)
The Apostates do well in Tempe Triathlon
by Princess ini flew to phoenix last weekend for the tempe triathlon, half-ironman distance.
a friend and fellow ex-dub was putting together a relay team and asked me to be the runner.
he named us "the apostates".
princess you are my hero right now!! it's been a goal of mine for quite some time to do a marathon but i've been too chicken thus far to enter. i'm so inspired to bite the bullet and do it now!!!
I love accents!
by Aztec inwhat do you think are the cutest accents?
i'm becoming partial to british accents for reasons i don't care to state.
i don't think i have one but, perhaps i'm wrong.
Yup, that's the penance we pay for living in the coolest state of all ;)
I love accents!
by Aztec inwhat do you think are the cutest accents?
i'm becoming partial to british accents for reasons i don't care to state.
i don't think i have one but, perhaps i'm wrong.
barry we (in norcal @ least) talk reeeeeeally plainly. total flat nonaccent. i wish i had one, too, luna!! :( i'd fake one if i were any good at imitations, but i suck so i'd just sound like a geek :P
I love accents!
by Aztec inwhat do you think are the cutest accents?
i'm becoming partial to british accents for reasons i don't care to state.
i don't think i have one but, perhaps i'm wrong.
i think any accent is cool. sadly i don't think there really is a california accent....unless you're in the valley, that is, and that's just damned annoying :P
Only In America.
by Englishman inwe've been home for 5 days now.
we've met some wonderful people too.
hl and i loved america and the americans.. i thought i'd just post a few observations about how we as brits saw your country.
Where ice is not a luxury.
ice is a luxury in england??
well i wish i could've made an appearance at the florida get-together but i am all the way on the other side of the country...can y'all come to california next time, please?? it IS, after all, the very best state of all. ask anyone. =D ;)
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the country so much!!! :):):)
Aztec's JWD Anniversary/B-day
by rocketman intoday is aztec's one-year jwd anniversary/birthday!.
hugs, hugs, hugs, to carrie!.
yay azzie!!! happy birthday big sis!!!