Only In America.

by Englishman 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    We've been home for 5 days now. We've met some wonderful people too. HL and I loved America and the Americans.

    I thought I'd just post a few observations about how we as Brits saw your country. If each line starts with the observation "Only in America" you'll know that we mean not in England . Well not much.

    Only in America..

    Would an immigration official ask me in all seriousness if I were here to commit an act of terrorism, yes or no?

    Could I find 2 double beds in our hotel room and pay for that room rather than the person at an astonishingly low price of $49 for 2 of us and that included breakfast!

    Could we eat lobster, crab and oysters, as much as we wanted for $29 each and also get 5 platefuls each while the waiter sat and entertained Simon and Angharads boys.

    Rent me a car where the parking brake is operated by my foot.

    Have an incredibly well maintained road system that paradoxically has hardly any direction signs.

    Allow me to turn right when the lights are red and lets me overtake another vehicle on either side and also not limit the outside lane for overtaking only.

    Have enormous and long trucks with 18 wheels that are only allowed to carry 40,000 pounds against the UK's limit of 89,000. Maybe that's why our roads get so torn up!

    Build houses out of wood, the concern being that the house would not fall down but might go up in a hurricane.

    Have air conditioning as standard.

    Where ice is not a luxury.

    Where the people wish me a nice day and actually really, really want me to have a nice day. Thank you!

    Where sports pubs provide darts made out of plasic for safeties sake to customers who can carry a gun.

    Where petrol is one quarter of the price that we pay!!!

    I could go on forever...

    America and the Americans were very kind to us. I'm counting the time until we can come back again.


  • waiting

    And not one mention of grits.

    Was a pleasure to meet you and KristineA. Look forward to another meeting in the future!

  • searcher


    Ditto to all of that, wonderful place, wonderful people, I also cant wait to go back

    Edited cos I shouldnt post while in IM.

  • outnfree

    I feel so loved!!!!!! lol

    Actually, Mike, I think we're not SUPPOSED to overtake people on the right, but many of us do so anyway....

    Otherwise, your observations are "spot on"! to you and Her Ladyship!


  • WildHorses

    Mike, you like us, huh?

  • think41self

    Ahhh the road pet peeve. At least it was until I did some driving up north. Places like Connecticut, New Hampshire, Massacusetts....they really have NONE. You'll be driving on an interstate, and go around a curve, and BOOM...there's your exit off to the right with one little sign telling you that was it. So I now appreciate the large, over the road signs warning you which exit is COMING UP in 2 miles or so. I think maybe we have this in Florida due to so many over 60 drivers!

    Be glad you only drove in Florida.


  • Englishman

    Oh yes...grits! With scrambled egg. Excellent.

    Brenda, I'm good with overtaking either side on a dual carriageway.

    Steve, I wish you'd been with us.

    Lilacs, oh yes, very much I like!


  • Englishman


    The signs are 10 feet wide by 15 feet high:


  • stillajwexelder

    BTW Englishman -- it is gasoline not petrol!!

    The Fish and chips are not as good in the US as the UK --mind you since they stopped serving them in newspaper they are not as good in England as they used to be either

  • jst2laws

    United KingdomUnited KingdomUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom

    (jst2 staggers through house with an armful of British flags wearing his "England" teeshirt mumbling to himself:United Kingdom

    "I thought we WON that revolution thing"!) United KingdomUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom

    United Kingdom

    Jst2 United Kingdom

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