welcome. have a look around and i hope you stay and find it informative. something tells me you will. looks like you're from my home state, too.
Posts by tink
My different looks
by Lady Lee inwell there is a discussion it seems about my looks - well the different avatars of me i have used.
and this although probably without the frame.
and this recent one .
wow ladylee what beautiful pictures....you have really gorgeous skin! you dont look a day over 35, seriously, especially in that last picture.
Pictures of my Christmas tree *gasp*
by Vivamus inplease take a look at my deliciously pagan christmas tree.
and it naturally needs a christian touch as well, just look at my three christian ornaments.
delightful, isn't it?
oh, viv, it is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! well done, you!!
yes she is. she is a class act, and i have learned a lot from her about patience and tolerance and just generally not acting like a hothead.
hehe, czar, now, that was a TOTALLY hypothetical situation. totally. i would NEVER behave that childishly via PM. LOL!!
You'll have to ask her that carmel. all i know is, when you make a TOTAL ASS of yourself and send her a PM that you meant to send to someone else , and that PM contains snarky childish comments about how unfair everything is and how some people just don't get how difficult it is to be young and how she is villifying you because you're a kid blah blah blah, she will not hate you and be cool with you and accept your apologies and even go so far as to apologize for somehow offending you when she has every right to just be mad at you or write you off completely. you know, that kind of cool.
Mazel Tov me
by La Capra inon top everything else, i finished my conversion.
i am officially jewish.
it was a far more meaningful ritual than anything the jw baptism had to offer.
i'll add my mazel tov to the pile!! i seriously considered converting when i first left the JW's. if it weren't for the fact that i don't believe in god anymore i definitely would. i'm still fascinated by judaism. anyway, congratulations, and i'm glad the ceremony was so meaningful to you
i'll be the first to say that heather is one cool chick.
Mickey Mouse vs. Looney Toons
by Leolaia indid anyone catch the looney toons marathon the other week on boomerang?
i have to say that i always thought disney mickey mouse cartoons sucked and were never funny to me.
who would you rather watch -- mickey or bugs bunny?
i always hated looney toons. i'm definitely a disney girl. whoever said the muppets are consistently good is right, too!
The Last Supper...... again.
by Nosferatu inmy dad is going for a biopsy next friday.
the doctor told him that there is a slight chance that if they bugger up the surgery, he'll bleed to death.
my dad is making a mountain out of a molehill again.
This is all just so rediculous. He wants to be with his family one more time in case he dies. I sure as hell can't tell you that he's close to his family. He's created so much distance between me and him over the past 7 years, and even more between him and my sister.
Boy, can i relate. seems like practically everyone has a nut for a father these days. i ran into my father at a restaurant the other night. it was the first time i had seen him in maybe four years. we sat at a table right next to his. he never said ONE WORD to me, didn't even acknowledge my presence. and he's not even a practicing JW!! just a rotten human being.