My different looks

by Lady Lee 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well there is a discussion it seems about my looks - well the different avatars of me I have used

    There is this one

    and this one

    and this

    and this recent one

    and now I am using


    and there may be a couple of others but enough for now

    What faces have you worn in here?


    Lee, I'm just curious.

    I know this may seem like a peculiar question, but do you have any First Nations connection?

    I just wondered.

    As far as my pictures, I've used a few on here: mostly non-facial, just things I've picked up off of the net.

    I like the one I have now, which is a Mi'kmaq man, wearing traditional mask.

    I should probably use a real picture, but I'll get there soon enough.

    Anyways, my picture is on the forum. But I will find one I'm particularly fond of, and post it later.

    Thanks Lee.

  • gumby
    and this recent one

    I like this one the best! It's a real cutie.

    Thanks ladylee.

    I tried to put my pic on here but it was so damn ugly it wouldn't take



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Ray my great grandmother was Ojibway - wish I could find some papers to prove it but I've been searching for a year now and still nothing. How can you tell?

    Gumby I am in my 30's in that pic (that you like) - and actually at my emotional worst - very bad time for me.

    The top pic was taken about 4 years ago and the one with the frame about 2 years ago

    and gumby no fair lying about yourself

    Certainly some don't post their pictures for very obvious reasons - like privacy and safety but heck I've got nothing to lose

  • nilfun

    Lady Lee, I love the roses in your cheeks

    I've used photos of myself in my profile from time to time, but mostly I'll just use pictures of whatever strikes my fancy.


    Lee....I have to tell you this.

    I was in downtown Toronto. A woman came up to me, obviously First Nations.

    She pointed at my face, but very politely said to me: do you possess any first nations blood?

    I told her yes.

    She clapped her hands together and said: "I knew it".

    We spoke, and she told me she was one of the Mohawk nations from eastern Ontario near Belleville.

    As for your Ojibway roots: oh my goodness....I see it..I can see it plain as day.

    I've got to get Pettygrudger in here, and a few others. It's in your cheekbones, and face, and also demeanor.

    Wow! Ojibway. VERY COOL!

  • gumby

    As soon as I find one I like of myself I'll post one. I always have this shiteatin grin on my face. I was a dub too long and I've forgotten how to look happy

    Seriously.....I no longer care either if my pic is up. Everybody I knew as a witness, knows I'm a heathen Apostate anyways. I hope if I post my pic....someone will come forward that I knew who has also left the dubs. I'd love to meet SOMEBODY I used to know.

    ( edited to add........the only reason I didn't like the top pic Lady, is because you look to important and I felt intimidated. I'm such a little weenie ain't I?)


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Nilfun I wish it was roses. Unfortunately I have very pale skin - not the native skin I'll tell ya and I burn very easily so that is a sunburn you see there on my face.

    I've had a couple of people tell me it is in my cheekbones. But since my mother looks so much more native than I do and my grandmother more than her I just think I'm more English looking - but I had a pedorthist tell me my feet were distinctly native????

    My mother's family is from Northern Ontario - real old Hudson Bay stuff

    Hmm which reminds me I should get to their archives here in Winnipeg - maybe I will find some traces of the family in their files

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Gumby funny you should say that it was taken for a professional cause

    just a minute I will get the link

  • bebu

    I like the same one gumby likes. Sorry to hear it was during the worst time of your life...

    But I really like the one with the frame as well! You look very professional, yet approachable. And I'm now curious about the picture you have as your current avatar. What are you doing/where were you in this picture?

    Thanks for sharing them all with us, btw!!


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