We surely would not want to repeat such ungodly myths," or "false stories which violate what is holy"--- 1 Tim 4:7; New international version. w 9?15/02 12,13a
They ALWAYS go to the EXTREME! Everything is some how a crime against GOD !
i decided to have a look at the scripture for that day as it was sitting next to me whilst watching my daughters favorite programme the tweenies and noticed what the society had to say concerning false stories via e-mails etc.. mmmm rather interesting i thought .any one else read it?
We surely would not want to repeat such ungodly myths," or "false stories which violate what is holy"--- 1 Tim 4:7; New international version. w 9?15/02 12,13a
They ALWAYS go to the EXTREME! Everything is some how a crime against GOD !
the cover of the nov. 1 watchtower is a work of irony as it well illustrates many of the.
very accusations made about witnesses.
it shows three people staring off in different directions.
...the GB are NOT good leaders because they like the top-down hierarchiacal dictatorial method.
Sherry, I hope you don't mind a little 'repetition for emphasis?'
I think the GB would serve the congregation better if they adopted more of a Business Model rather than the Military one they've been using.
the cover of the nov. 1 watchtower is a work of irony as it well illustrates many of the.
very accusations made about witnesses.
it shows three people staring off in different directions.
The featured article makes no effort to offer modern day Witnesses as examples of good leadership.
The WTS doesn't want true leaders, only FOLLOWERS! It has systematicly dumbed-down the congregations and conditioned them to put their brains in neutral. They have crippled the 'critical thinking' of the people so where are real leaders going to come from?? Besides it goes counter to the culture they created within the Org. If they ever wanted real leaders they'd be hard pressed to find them among the faithful! They shot themselves in the foot real good!!! LOL History though has shown the GB only wants 'YES MEN' in so called leadership postions.
warning examples for our times was a wt release video that came out a couple of years ago.
at the times i was given it to watch so i could know the seriousness of my daughter marrying an unbeliever (any of you who have heard my story know she had never become a believer herself, so technically was an unbeliever too, thus not qualified to marry a believer either, but made guilty by association with the jws--catch 22 situation).
anyway, the video horrified me at the time.
...(any of you who have heard my story know she had never become a believer herself, so technically was an unbeliever too, thus not qualified to marry a believer either, but made guilty by association with the JWs--catch 22 situation)... ... (An elder had already told me this story of the high priest/ tent peg/groin thing in regard to my daughter--saying this is the way Jehovah feels about her marriage to an unbeliever) Any thoughts on this one???
As I remember it, it was part of a drama on rebellion. It seems to have been expanded to include marriage choices. IMO, The elder who spoke to you was trying to control you and yours by using FEAR to manipulate. It really disgusts me!
i was just up at a neighbour's place, standing at the door talking to her, when two dub ladies came up the path on what turned out to be a return visit.
the neighbour said "not today" and hid inside and i dismissed myself, following the ladies out of the yard.
what was strange is that they didn't acknowledge me at all, even though i was right behind them.
Are we witnessing a gradual shift in the Dub FS culture?
Maybe their taking it upon themselves to decide who is worthy and who is not.
comments you will not hear at the sunday 10-03-04a wt study (august 15, 2004 issue) abbreviated
review comments
will be in black and parentheses ().
We do well to avoid the company of those who dwell on negative thoughts... Prone to find fault and criticize othersTranslation - Stay away from anyone who scrutinizes and is vocal about their disagreements with the GB's decisions or viewpoints. No one is to ever 'make sure' the GB is positions are correct, every member of the congregation is to accept 'without question' all of their positions as if they came from GOD HIMSELF!!
I can remember trying to get help and being told I was the problem. That if I was truly doing things God?s ways I would have no problems. What about you?Blondie
I haven't been told that personaly, though I've heard that regularly from the platform and WT's during my time with the WTS. NEVER have I heard from the GB that their ALL CONSUMING 'spiritual program' was any part of the problem!
my jw girlfriend (i know that's a topic in and of itself) is sick and confined to bed.
yesterday a pioneer lady dropped by with a bunch of magazines and an eight audio cassette tape library of the same name as the title to this thread.
eight tapes in a special, titled, plastic folder/binder to hold them?
Does anyone know if leaving the magazines and this tape library with a baptized member allows them to count their time, too? Robert
It depends on how 'active' a witness your ladyfriend is, if she's barely or not active as a witness then the answer is yes the will count the time. The Witnesses are obsessed with accounting in everything!
ok. most of us here at one time believed in the teachings of the wts.
thankfully most of us are beyond that.. i have noticed that at times i will find some other way, any other way, to avoid using the name jehovah.. and i know i'm not alone.
i see what you post!
OK. Most of us here at one time believed in the teachings of the WTS. Thankfully most of us are beyond that. I have noticed that at times I will find some other way, any other way, to avoid using the name Jehovah. When you go to type that name into a post what goes on in your head?
I have no problem using God's name. I believe the biblical views of the Witnesses are 90% correct and live my life accordingly. It's their social engineering and cult-like behavior I have a problem with and is the reason I don't associate with them anymore.
well the title of my subject seems a bit pathetic, but i truly am in need of friendship.
my whole life and marriage have been turned upside down with my husband "studying" with a jehovah's witness.
he hasnt done a lot of meeting with this man, but he does believe all their doctrine.
I'm starting to wonder why God is putting me through this. I feel like I"ve been totally abandoned by God and I know that's wrong to feel that way.
I would pray for answers to start with. Then as for your husband, I would point out and expose the cult mentality the JW's have. Their unquestioning obediance to 'The Organization' and their refusal to criticize anything the Leadership says! Also, the surrender of your critical thinking and individuality to group will be both gradual and EXPECTED!!! He should be on guard for it. I would encourage him to read and study all he wants from the Witnesses, just don't associate closely with them!!!
hi all this is josephus here and im posting my disassociation letter minus any identifying details which ill leave blank.
i would like thoughts on it if poss, but not spelling tips as my girl will check it 2morrow i just wanted to see if i struck the right balence .
or maybe if i put something wrong.. thanks all josephus.
In the first three paragraphs I would give them some examples of the problems as you did in the second half of your letter. I like the second half very much!
Not to beat the subject...do you really need to leave? I plan on writting a letter myself, but I'm not DA'ing myself. Just a thought.