WARNING EXAMPLES FOR OUR TIMES was a WT release video that came out a couple of years ago. At the times I was given it to watch so I could know the seriousness of my daughter marrying an unbeliever (any of you who have heard my story know she had never become a believer herself, so technically was an unbeliever too, thus not qualified to marry a believer either, but made guilty by association with the JWs--catch 22 situation)
Anyway, the video horrified me at the time. It was well acted and filmed as far as the WT videos go--and more realistic than many of them
Anyway, it was the story of the young men who strayed over into one of the pagan nations in search of some hot pagan women. One of them brought the pagan woman back into their tent and the high priest drove a tent peg through their groins (so there was of screaming and such)
The film was creepy in many ways and started off with a voice over with a dreamy hypnotic feel to it. It felt so strange in many ways. I had to throw it away after watching it--it made me feel so weird and twisted. At the time all in the congo were saying what a wonderful video it was and a sister brought it to over my house again one day hoping that I would watch it again saying how wonderful it all was!
Not long after that in a KM it was advised to have your chiildren watch this video over and over again. At the time it made me sick to think of small children being exposed to the disturbing message of this film. I wasn't fully out of the Org then--still being under their emotional control and trying to expose things that I felt were wrong at the time. It was a surreal time for me and watching this film and it's message was unusually disturbing to me at the time. (An elder had already told me this story of the high priest/ tent peg/groin thing in regard to my daughter--saying this is the way Jehovah feels about her marriage to an unbeliever)
Did anyone else see this film--if so what did it do to your mind when you watched it? I have grown so highly suspicious of anything WT these days I almost believe this tape was created as a serious brainwashing tool...
Any thoughts on this one???