would you go back if...
No. Not this side of Armageddon!
a member of the gb splits breaks away and takes a few billion with him.
he decideds to found his own church.
this church is almost exactly the same as the jehovah's witneses except for a few major changes .
would you go back if...
No. Not this side of Armageddon!
i read the draw close to jehovah book because a jehovahs witness told me that it had some ?deep?
spiritual information in it.
the book appears, at first glance, to be all about knowing jehovah god and his attributes.
Jehovah God = Watchtower
Watchtower = Jehovah God This may sound extreme, but I intend to show you how I reached that conclusion. The writer uses various strategies that are designed to disarm the reader and gradually begin to influence them.
When I recieved this book at the convention I chose not to read it. Their obviously now adapting the same strategy they use in the magazines to their books.
What the reader doesn?t realise is that it is also littered with the suggestion that there is something ?more? required and that ?something? is not drawing close to God, it is drawing close to the Watchtower organisation.
Their taught NOT to look criticaly at anything the "FDS/God's Channel" says or prints!
2 Corinthians 6:14 to 7:1
14Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15What harmony is there between Christ and Belial[2] ? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people."[3]
17"Therefore come out from them
and be separate, says the Lord.
Touch no unclean thing,
and I will receive you."[4]
18"I will be a Father to you,
and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."[
1Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.
Shun everyone and isolate yourself from ALL non-witnesses and any Witness who doesn't measure up!!!
they are actually the happiest group of people on earth.
can you go just to god for forgiveness?.
?ezekiel 9:4-6.. the paragraph concludes:.
1. ...absorb spiritual food dispensed "at the proper time" by "the faithful and discreet slave" and to2. Attend Christian meetings regularly .
1. In case you've forgotten what WE do and who WE are.
2. Or you might start thinking for yourselves again and we lose control over you!
Jesus was courageous in defending righteous principles..But when it concerns we who are God's Channel don't you be.
The companions of the anointed ones are not yet declared righteous for life
Remember your second class status!
1. The other sheep will only be part of the family when they ? Pass the final test after the Millennial Reign of Christ
2. Will be adopted as Jehovah?s earthly sons,
In anticipation of this, they address Jehovah as their Father
1. By the way...Did we mention your all second class???
2. You have NO legitimate claim to call on or look at God as your Father.
Thanks again Blondie for another peek into the darkness of the egos of the extremely humble and wonderfully balanced GB.
i am so grateful to have found this site.
i got so excited reading everyones posts.
i was raised a jw up intil i was around 13 or so.
Hello and welcome jwNOT
I am so grateful to have found this site. I got so excited reading everyones posts. I was never baptized but still feel like my family shuns me for leaving. Being raised in that mess still affects me to this day. My stepmother was very abusive and I was taught to keep my mouth shut! So I find it now really hard to talk to others.I am now 32 and still feel like a child and I have to learn to get over that. I think by coming here and talking with people that know EXACTLY what I am going thru will help me heal.
Most everyone here is at some level recovering from the Cult programing and abuse experianced while being a Witness. Your in good company!
here is an obituary from my local paper.
i have removed all personal info before posting.
her loving husband thanks jehovah god that he had x .
Her loving husband thanks Jehovah God that he had x
years with a wonderful woman.
I think this is nice.
since sirona posted her thread about the wts view of hypnosis i've been thinking hard on how overbearing and endlessly intrusive the gb are in the day-to-day lives of the people their supposed to be 'serving'.
it occured to me that 'they' are the ones who are 'beating their fellow slaves.
' after re-reading matthew 24:45-51and luke 12:42-46 it seems to me that the evil slave would have be people who are still in a position of authority over jesus's followers during the end times and not people who were no longer a part of the congregation.
Jesus was teaching about an INDIVIDUAL attitude that each follower of his should have when he arrives. In Matthew, just before he mentions the "slaves", he talks about how each diciple should be like a man in his home that is PREPARED for a theif. If he isn't prepared...he gets robbed.
I agree in part to what your saying. In a broader sense the warning applys to all Christ's followers.
I believe in the 2 fold of sheep scenario where the slave is appointed over Gods earthly interests . They are way more accountable for their actions than the great crowd
They go beyond what is written .
I'm with you on these points Heathen.
As unpopular as it may be here at JWD, I believe the Witnesses are God's people, God's people mislead, God's people enslaved, God's people ABUSED!! I believe when the Master arrives He is going to do what he said he would do to the unfaithful slave. The GB is expecting to here a "Well done!" from the Master, yet this what will happen to the GB, whole or in part, 'They will be punished with the greatest severity and assigned a part with the unfaithful ones!'
They need to turn around on a Dime and NOW!
wt quotes
?go about in the land?
"go about in the land through its length and through its breadth.?
...Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest, for fear that anyone should fall in to the same pattern of disobedience.? - Hebrews 3:16-4:11.
So there it is, boys and girls, the ninety years of waiting since 1914 is YOUR FAULT. Wow.
Paul was one of the first Fear Mongers!
apologies to blondie who does a superb job and long may she do so.. .
apologies to jgnat who also does a stunning job.. .
my comments in black.
"It's all a load of absolute bollocks"
Brevity is the Soul of Wit.
No doubt your take on it is correct.
since sirona posted her thread about the wts view of hypnosis i've been thinking hard on how overbearing and endlessly intrusive the gb are in the day-to-day lives of the people their supposed to be 'serving'.
it occured to me that 'they' are the ones who are 'beating their fellow slaves.
' after re-reading matthew 24:45-51and luke 12:42-46 it seems to me that the evil slave would have be people who are still in a position of authority over jesus's followers during the end times and not people who were no longer a part of the congregation.
It's members are criticised and chastised constantly by literature and word from the platform from their spiritual police men, (I know, I"ve been there).
Your exactly right and thats my point. That all sounds like "BEATING" to me! So how is it they consider themselves the "Faithful Slave"? Denial, self delusion. Pride does that, it lies to us. It tells us we're something other than what we really are.
i opened this email (call me crazy) on a whim last night..........i haven't told another soul about this, cause i'm afraid it isn't real.
scroll down for their response to my response...k?.
from:the desk of the managing director .
Discuss this with your Bank and your Attorney before you give them any information. You didn't enter a contest they contacted you!
LOL, Had I read the posts all the way down I would've seen you came to the right answer.