Genesis 1:31 says: “God saw all that he had made, and it
was very good.” In other words, God rated His works as perfect.
If this is true, why His later
works are too imperfect? To mention a few:
1) The
present day explosive situation involving Jews and Muslims are inseparably
linked with the way He handled that ancient family of Abraham-Sarah &
Isaac, and Hagar & Ishmael.
2) Giving
harshest (death) punishment to a man who gathered firewood on Sabbath (Number
15:32) while giving soft punishment to David who committed pre-meditated rape
and murder.
3) Asking His
innocent and sinless son, Jesus, to undergo a most humiliating and extremely
painful death for the sake of sinners suggests that God is cornered without any
way out but punishing the innocent (as the king in check in chess game). Is it
not like inflicting pain on one to please another?
These samples from the Bible
1) Either God
is imperfect
2) Or Bible
accounts originated with imperfect humans and their faulty imagination.
Obviously, God cannot be
imperfect. Examples such as food-cycle, water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen
cycle, water cycle ……….. and life itself as a cosmic function (being a very
complex arrangement of things both terrestrial and extraterrestrial that must
obtain before life can subsist-- the laws, forces, and constants of the
universe appearing to be exquisitely fine-tuned for the existence of life) all
are examples that prove He is perfect.
Yet Bible presents an imperfect
God which means Bible is the work of imperfect humans whose perception of God
is accordingly imperfect! A true God cannot be held in check as the Bible
presents. God will not provide a book, of which the very first verse itself
proved to be wrong. (First Law of Thermodynamics that states energy CANNOT BE CREATED or destroyed but changed from one form
to another). Interestingly, no other scriptures are better than the Bible in
this aspect (which means using books is not the style of God)!
Scriptures often present wrong
picture of God, hence are not reliable guides to know God. Does this mean God
is not interested in us or He doesn't even exist? That’s an extra-ordinary
statement which requires extra-ordinary proof. Yet overwhelming proofs exists
to the contrary. It’s our experience that there is cause preceding everything
that happens. This means the Principle of Cause and Consequence rules all the
happenings which, in turn, makes God’s guidance and intervention unnecessary!
This Principle works like profit and loss mechanism in business. Business man
will involve more and more in profitable ventures, and will keep himself away
from loss-giving ventures. Even if ego and arrogance may prevent him from
continuing with loss-giving business for some time, ultimately he will have to
make a U-turn. Similarly, humans know what brings them benefit, and what brings
them harm. Ultimately, they will have to turn to what brings them benefit!
This is my personal opinion!
[I was a visitor here so far. The reason why I thought of
partaking here from now onward is that before I leave JW org, I want to know
how strong my recently formulated view of them and the Bible.]