As the guy says in Office Space, absolutely nothing. Other than that a professor or a teacher which I'm already working on, maybe even a state senator or representative.
JoinedPosts by Atilla
What would be your dream career?
by LyinEyes inif you could have any job, career .......something you are very passionate about , what would it be?.
i would be a photographer,,,,,,,taking picutures world wide, and hopefully be on the cover of time magazine , national geographic.. my second choice would be a makeup artist like kevin alcoin ( sp) , he could do magic and make anyone look like who he wanted them to be.
truely an artist and too bad he passed away.
'Passion' Moves Beyond $250 Million Mark
by Yizuman inlink: .
edit: kept showing not found, pasting it instead...... .
"secret window" averaged $6,296 in 3,018 theaters, "agent cody banks" did $2,691 in 2,973 cinemas and "spartan" averaged $2,440 in 832 locations.
I hope there will be a sequel or atleast a prequel. I could see it now, Passion II-and I bet people would flock in groves just to see it.
Inactive and Immune
by new light indid you know that page 99 of "pay attention...." (the elders' manual) states that a person who has not associated for a while is basically exempt from discipline?
essentially if you attend a judicial hearing or respond to the elders you are admitting accountability to the "christian congregation.
" therefore, if you walk away from the congregation and simply ignore the elders for long enough and exert no influence on the members, they don't have to pursue you, even if they hear of serious sin.
Yeah right, like they would follow their own rules.
Although, this policy has actually worked very well for me so far.
Dish Network v. Direct TV
by CountryGuy indue to cable rates going up, again, we have decided on getting a dish.
my mother in law has direct tv and a friend has dish network.
they appear very similar to me.
I have Dish network and was actually happy that they took on Viacom because the reason I chose Dish in the first place was price, cheaper than Direct TV and way cheaper than Cable. Although Direct TV has a real TIVO where as Dish just has a quasi-like home made TIVO system. I'm actually thinking about cancelling all my TV services because most of the channels suck and I don't have the time to waste. I only really like the news channels and the History channel, otherwise forget about it. I may just get XM radio for $10 bucks a month, lots of music and news and absolutely no censorship.
I think I will just stick with my Verizon DSL, which just about as fast as cable now, and for my applications, plenty fast enough. Plus, once again my DSL bill is only like $30 a month when compared to $40 or $50 with Comcast. I did an independent test and my speed is right around 1.25 KPS or whatever, not bad for DSL. I'm stating to sound to nerdy-must stop.
Do You Think JW Youths "Do It"?
by minimus ini think most jws are not virgins when they get married.
i'll bet the majority have "fooled around".
what's your opinion?
I would have to say mostly no and depending a lot on your parents. If you are in a strict household, and by strict I mean go to all the meetings, field service, elder dad, etc., I think it would be very difficult to "do it" without being caught. The normal avenues that would give you the free time just are not open to the strict dub. I think that if your parents are a little less strict then you might have a chance to score but you will always be looking over your shoulder.
I also remember hearing a study done recently showing that most kids lose their virginity around the holidays, because parents are busy and not around as much, and kids feel lonely, so they engage in sexual activity. Once again, dub kids are screwed but not in a good way over the holidays because if your in a strict family, you will probably end up spending your holiday out in service.
However, if you did want to go ahead with it, I can see why you would want to go for a worldly girl. The logistics of dating a worldly girl would be easier, less secrets to keep I guess and probably a lot less prudish. Although, if any other dub kids go to your school, things get much more complicated.
I found this study about virginity pledging to be very interesting.
The study was between youths you pledged to be virgins and those who did not. The rate of STDs between both groups in the end was the same.
Open and honest communication between parents and children is what is needed, not lies and coverups.
Should obesity be a DF offense?
by jws ina headline on today's usa today says that obesity is the #1 killer.
if being fat is such a health risk (like cigarettes), why don't the jws disfellowship people for being obese?.
i know in some cases, people gain weight due to medical problems that are hard to control.
I just remember that our KH had these chairs that were not really accomadating for anyone that was overweight. I remember we had this one couple that were so fat that they had to bring their own "larry chair" chair without sides so they could sit in the back without getting stuck in the normal chairs. Also, forget about those people finding a good dress suit, they would always have something that looked like it was three sizes too small. Too bad they just couldn't have worn something more comfortable but you know how the dubs like to dress up. I wouldn't worry though because I never see any fat people in those paradise pictures.
by 2escaped lifers ini have been thinking about this for a while, and a couple recent events here on the board have solidified my thinking.
first, seattleniceguy's triumph with the un posting a letter regarding the wts affiliation with the un.
it just shows that with a little combined effort we can accomplish alot.
Yes, these are all very good ideas but some of them are very time consuming. I barely have enough time to surf this sight let alone any other idea that might pop into my head. I do see that there are many people of this sight devoting hours and hours to the cause and we should all be very thankful.
I think Howard Stern put it best when he was talking about the FCC shutting down his show and what should be done about it. People were calling in and saying they should march on Washington D.C., etc but he said that most of his fans do care but they simply don't have the time for such an endeavor. They are too busy just trying to make a living and survive. I think this is why you really don't see any really large demonstration anymore. I just think of the 60's and how D.C. would be packed with thousands and thousands of people protesting and demonstrating or even supporting various causes.
Not anymore. It's not that the young don't care, it's just that many of us poor folks have to work. Add that situation to an ex-dub who is already trying to play catch up financially and you can see that there is very little time for protest. However, the recent U.N. letter shows that even modest time put in added up can make a huge difference, so keep up the good work everyone.
The UN Posts Their Letter!
by jgnat indid our letter-writing campaign work?
here are some lovely instructions drafted by syn, and hosted by valis, on how to navigate to the site yourself..
I just wonder what the UN was thinking when it let the WT join-there doesn't seem to be any benefit for the U.N.
The WT doesn't really meet the NGO criteria
-1st-WT doesn't share the ideals of UN charter
-2nd- not for profit org-no I think the WT makes a good deal of money as a publishing organization
-3rd-the WT does reach a large captive audience-but no one main stream like educators, media representatives, policy makers for the most part
-4th-cooperation with media?-no usually the WT hides from the media, and only issues half-truths at best, and they hardly ever conduct interviews
Someone at the UN should do more research before they just let anyone join and become a NGO. Of course to R&F members who read the literature, it would be obvious that the U.N. is bad but I guess it may not be so obvious to like the rest of the world. Maybe it just goes to show how little their literature is consumed by those other than loyal dubs.
Secondly, I would think that a better way to deal with this NGO-UN issue would simply be to say that this was another example of theocratic warfare. A trojan horse as it were. We know the UN is bad but we were actually just using them to advance the cause. The library card defense seems very flimsy but theocractic warfare sounds much better. Throw in a story about dubs lying to the NAZI's about where the books were kept or about the location of other dubs, and everyone would get the idea. Makes sense right.
Annual guilt trip - Memorial time!
by FreeWilly inwell i spoke with my mom this past week.
she made sure to remind me that the memorial was coming.
she pressed me for a promise to attend.
I understand that the memorial is to correspond with the time on the Jewish calendar but I just don't understand the practicality of doing so. This year on Sunday is a little better but I remember the memorial many years falling on a weekday night, hugely impractical. Also, even this year on a Sunday is very inconvenient for a lot of people I know. I just think that they should hold the memorial every year on Sunday morning just like a normal meeting or maybe even Saturday mid-day, then I think you would see much greater attendence.
Annual guilt trip - Memorial time!
by FreeWilly inwell i spoke with my mom this past week.
she made sure to remind me that the memorial was coming.
she pressed me for a promise to attend.
So, the memorial this year is Sunday April 4 after sundown. I understand that they like the symbolic significance of having this thing the same time of the day the world over, but don't you think that they could have many more in attendence if it was at a more convenient time. I think they really messed up with this after sundown idea, because it does prevent some people from attending. I would remember trying to get my Bible studies to attend the memorial on a Thursday night and they just looked at me like I was crazy. It just goes to show you that tradition is more important to them than the message.