....Df us for a YMCA membership for health reasons
for health reasons, not sure I understand, I always thought the objection to the Y were the religions connections and association.......
i went to the y last night just to relax and go swimming.
the y near my house is pretty clean and after 8 p.m., not very crowded.
i find it very relaxing to go work out, play basketball, go swimming and then sit in the sauna after a long shower.
....Df us for a YMCA membership for health reasons
for health reasons, not sure I understand, I always thought the objection to the Y were the religions connections and association.......
go to cnn.com and watch the latest on how one of bin laden's close associates surrendered!.
maybe they'll be closer to catching bin laden now.. dy
Oh, wow, one more deck card for Bush to cross out, I feel much safer now.
i knew a certain few elders that really got off by "talking down" to the "flock".
many elders were pretty nice guys but a few could turn----just like that!
what was your experience with "those taking the lead", the "loving shepherds"???
I was only counseled once but that was enough, never went back after that. So, I guess the elders screwed it up, otherwise I might still be a dub.
it's been over 12 yrs since my df'ing.
yes, i forced 'em to do it for what i know now were pointless reasons....but mainly, at the time, i thought it was because the heirarchy of the wts doesn't measure up to scriptural standards....i wasn't wrong for they are very judgmental hate-mongers, manipulative and overbearing....but i've come to learn so much more..... .
after years of traumatic disillusionment, i've begun to wonder if there really is a god/goddess, etc....or is this a state of mind/belief system that mankind has created to explain the inexplicable, answer the unanswerable, to put a spiritual bandaid on the tortured in mind, body and/or spirit.....and yet, tho our bodies wear out eventually, we are wonderfully "made"....and so many things here on earth are sympatico with our human existence and temperament.....yet....at the same time, we have adverse reactions to many things, too, whether vegetable, animal, mineral or even spiritual.....is this all only a contrivance of our imaginings, the result of our teachings among ourselves?.
I wish I had time to wonder but I'm so busy trying to get an education and work at the same time. Maybe one day but perhaps I'm better off being busy.
i went to the y last night just to relax and go swimming.
the y near my house is pretty clean and after 8 p.m., not very crowded.
i find it very relaxing to go work out, play basketball, go swimming and then sit in the sauna after a long shower.
I went to the Y last night just to relax and go swimming. The Y near my house is pretty clean and after 8 p.m., not very crowded. I find it very relaxing to go work out, play basketball, go swimming and then sit in the sauna after a long shower. The best part is that my membership is free because my wife volunteers 4 hours a week there, so our entire family gets in for free. We've been taking our young child swimming there for aqua tots since he was like 8 months and my JW mom even went one time to see him swim. When I was at the Y last night, I just thought about how silly and controlling JW rules are and how glad I am to be out.
Anyone else, now that they are out, have a membership at the Y or any other forbidden places?
what article was it when you were a witness that was the most complicated for you to understand?
i remember that there were a right few beaut's, dad being the wt conductor, of course we had to go through the finer detail getting to the most indepth meaning and how it linked up.
hmmmmmmm.. what was your worst watchtower study ever then?
No WT study in particular but anything over 20 paragraphs always pissed me off. Sometimes there would be those studies with 24 paragraphs and the conductor would go over time.
jehovah's witnesses arrested for being islamic fundamentalists .
this article was published by f18news on: 8 july 2004
uzbekistan: jehovah's witnesses arrested for being islamic fundamentalists .
ah, close enough.
our current domestic intelligence is gathered by the fbi, which imho sucks at it and should stick at what it does best- ie handle federal crimes.
the fbi and the aclu are concerned that if kerry wins, he will push for the establishment of a new dept.
maybe we can call it central reconnaissance and protection aka c.r.a.p.
Our current domestic intelligence is gathered by the FBI, which IMHO sucks at it and should stick at what it does best- ie handle Federal Crimes
I really think that is one of the problems, too many laws to inforce. After 9/11, I thought the FBI was going to be different, they wouldn't waste so many resources on chasing drug dealers, etc. but no, same old same old. This is one reason I could never get involved in law enforcement, policing the ridiculous while dropping the ball when it comes to terrorists.
ever get one of those jungles in your head and you can't get rid of it.
i was trying to put my son to sleep, there he is leaning on me and i'm humming, and realized it was a kingdom melody.
15 years and they're still in my head!
No, but to me they all sounded the same. I ordered all of the quad Kingdom Melody CD's-listened to a few of them back in the day, but of course I didn't donate a damn thing.
Cuba LibreI find that many people don't know this drink is simply a rum and coke, the old classic name for a rum and coke.