JoinedPosts by seesthesky
your JW experience hides something deeper
by seesthesky inas odd as this may sound i believe that your continual struggle with your past life as a jw is in fact a cover for something else - i do not know what that something else is but i am almost 100 percent certain that somehow someone or something has used your jw experience to disguise some greater violation of your souls - any thoughts?
your JW experience hides something deeper
by seesthesky inas odd as this may sound i believe that your continual struggle with your past life as a jw is in fact a cover for something else - i do not know what that something else is but i am almost 100 percent certain that somehow someone or something has used your jw experience to disguise some greater violation of your souls - any thoughts?
as odd as this may sound i believe that your continual struggle with your past life as a jw is in fact a cover for something else - i do not know what that something else is but i am almost 100 percent certain that somehow someone or something has used your jw experience to disguise some greater violation of your souls - any thoughts?
You Don't Have to Belong to an Organization to be a Witness of Jehovah
by Truth or Lie inwhich of the following does not hold true:.
jehovah is god.
jesus christ is the only begotten son of god.
You Don't Have to Belong to an Organization to be a Witness of Jehovah
by Truth or Lie inwhich of the following does not hold true:.
jehovah is god.
jesus christ is the only begotten son of god.
You Don't Have to Belong to an Organization to be a Witness of Jehovah
by Truth or Lie inwhich of the following does not hold true:.
jehovah is god.
jesus christ is the only begotten son of god.
whoa - WHOA! - i do not know what came over me - i apologize brown boy, et. al., but suddenly a wind blew through my bedroom and i was so compelled to respond to bb - then, wow, really wow!!! - i had somehow authored a public message to bb - a message from the true god (oh no, here it goes again, that wind in my bedroom) repent brown boy, repent!!! - blah blah blah
You Don't Have to Belong to an Organization to be a Witness of Jehovah
by Truth or Lie inwhich of the following does not hold true:.
jehovah is god.
jesus christ is the only begotten son of god.
bb - do u get drunk then post? satan, i believe has deceived you or u have deceived yerself, u speak not for the true god but for the lord of the flies - hear me brown boy and save yourself - worship the true god - not your fantasies
Mindless Meetings and Bored Dubs
by TheListener in"we'd like to excuse those that have talks in the second school, and those that would like to listen.".
alright, so i am sitting at the meeting last week and i hear that very typical repetitive announcement.
i start to look around and i realize that it is the same people every week who go to the back to sit in the second school.
The Lisener: "My god, how routine and brainless everyone has become. Not just this particular issue but during the service meeting I began watching people and seeing how dull their eyes were. I am amazed at how glazed over everyone looks."
you just described the result of many attempts at institutionalized group instruction, not only for the soul, but for the mind as well -
25-year-old elders and 18-year-old ministerial servants
by Gopher inat some point in the 1980's, a good number of younger men were appointed to the position of servants and elders in congregations, at least here in the midwestern usa.
before the 1980's, the required age for elders seemed to be 30, and for ministerial servants 20 (except in rare cases).
perhaps due to a lack of men who were "reaching out", the organization needed to "reach down" and pick out younger men to populate their hierarchy.
looking for a member of the tapia family
by seesthesky inin code for your sake i give the following clue: you like the fourteeners - u know a little something about the university of denver - you once learned the value of cold water for bathing, especially for rinsing the hair - .
if you know what this means then you are the one - please pm (personal message) me using this board - if you have no idea to what the hell all this refers, please disregard it -
in code for your sake i give the following clue: you like the fourteeners - u know a little something about the university of denver - you once learned the value of cold water for bathing, especially for rinsing the hair -
if you know what this means then you are the one - please pm (personal message) me using this board - if you have no idea to what the hell all this refers, please disregard it - -
by new boy ini always liked what richard dryfress said in the movie "alaways", when he found out he was dead---"wow!!
!-----what a jerk i turned out to be"!!!!.
my mother's head stone says---------"i told you i was sick"!!
the guy whose life
this rock does mark
was known as a rolling stone
if you ever try
to dig him up
you'll find he's long long gone.