as odd as this may sound i believe that your continual struggle with your past life as a jw is in fact a cover for something else - i do not know what that something else is but i am almost 100 percent certain that somehow someone or something has used your jw experience to disguise some greater violation of your souls - any thoughts?
your JW experience hides something deeper
by seesthesky 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals
why you trippin'?
There's a link to a web-site that will explain to you exactly how I feel about your thoughts and ideas. Just click on the little X in the top-right corner of your screen. Thanks
sixy needs to be spanked.
I'm sorry, sees, but I have no clue what you are getting at.
This reminds me of high school when we had a supply teacher for one history class. He was an Asian fellow whose own subject was Chemistry just there for the day. I told him that I was a Jehovah's Witness. He said he was very sorry for me because it is a shame for children who are brought up in cults. I told him that neither of my parents are Jehovah's Witnesses and that they are not a cult. He looked suprised for a second, then he came back and said: "Your're parents are not in the cult - so you joined yourself? There are only two reasons young people join cults - either it is for sex or it is because your mother has abandoned you!" I told him that Jehovah's Witnesses don't agree with sex outside marriage, and he said I must have joined the cult to replace my mother. I was shocked. I told him that my parents are divorced and I lived with my dad, but I got on fine with my mum. He looked rather smug to himself and carried on reading whatever he had brought to entertain himself while failing to teach the class.
What he said was pure nonsense, and quite shocking for a teacher to come away with, but Seethesky's post reminded me of that strange incident somehow.
slimboy, I loved your story & hope you aren't offended that I laughed!
We're all just faulty humans, aren't we?
It makes me laugh too - I want to know where these cults are that young people can join for sex!
as odd as this may sound i believe that your continual struggle with your past life as a jw is in fact a cover for something else
I admit it!!! Yes, yes, yes, it is true. It is a cover. I am a deep cover 'mole' and have been assigned to help JW's get out of the apostate religion of the WTBTS. You ready for this? Jesus taught that He did not come to condemn the world. Oh no, He taught that through Him and Him alone the world could be saved. John 3:17 But saved from what? I'm glad you JW's are scrathing your heads now. To be saved from the eternal state of Gehenna (GR. geena). Jesus used this term to describe as best He could using an earthly example what the condemnation of man is likened to. Gehenna was a valley near Jerusalem once used to sacrifice people to foreign gods. Jews later used this same place for the disposal of dead animals and executed criminals. The spot was continually burning to dispose of the remains. Could you imagine the sickening remembrance of the smell of the valley the people must have had as Jesus described eternal seperation from God as a place where the worm never dies, the fire would never be quenched, and you still have the memories of the opportunities given during your life to accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior (Mark 9:43-48; Luke 16:22-31). The good news is that God did not send Jesus to condemn the world, but that the world, through Jesus might have life, and have it more abundantly. Now is the time for all JW's to give their lives to God through His son Jesus Christ and become part of the winning crowd who can say as Paul did in Romans - Nothing can separate us from God. Turn away from the WTBTS and turn to Christ as the only One to put your faith in.
What an odd thought, and wouldn't this happen to be the first thread I clicked on this morning! (stil sleepy ) I don't have a clue what the first post was about.
Now is the time for all JW's to give their lives to God through His son Jesus Christ and become part of the winning crowd who can say as Paul did in Romans - Nothing can separate us from God. Turn away from the WTBTS and turn to Christ as the only One to put your faith in.
Now there's something I can not only understand---but heartily agree with!