eek what a site it is ... plus - they allowed someone to register as 'SpunkyOne' ??? this means something interesting here in the uk ...
JoinedPosts by alliwannadoislive
Bethel offering "After Armageddon Training...
by teenyuck inirishdancinjames, the poster on another board who had the terrible armageddon animated video, seems to have a real armageddon hang up.
posts: 360. after armageddon training.
A Taste For Blood.
by Englishman inwould you eat blood voluntarily, if it was, say, a major constituent in a food that you found to be particularly tasty?.
truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented.
-georges braque
nah i wouldn't - too fussy - i won't even eat vegetables unless they were in some tasty sauce ...
UK peeps Vote William Young !!!!
by BritBoy inhey uk posters and lurkers.... please vote will this saturday... not only does he carry (part of) my name (oooh that will get the dubs lurking excited..."ooh ooh one step closer to outing britboy -pun intended-), and gorgeous, but he has the real pop idol talent!
gareth is just another flash in the pan westlife wannabe!!
ta all.
what really irritates me about pop idols is when nicky chapman refers to the song they just sang as a 'track' - she means song, or number or composition or whatever - but it's not a bloody track is it ?
The mormons vs the jw?
by Nicolas ini saw a report on tv about the church of jesus chrisht of latter day saint and they have a lot in common with the jw.
they go from door to door and as the jw, they believe that they are here to save the world.
do you think that this church will become more popular while the watchtower is losing his popularity?
on BBC1 this morning, there was an item about the winter olympics and the introduction mentioned the mormons, saying that they are currently the fastest growing religion in the world ... bet those in the borganisation were displeased to hear that ...
Guilt over Self-Pleasuring as a Dub. You?
by Lari ini'm wondering if any of you suffered major guilt over getting yourself off while a dub.
or did you all manage to abstain until you left?
i know it was one of the main reasons i left.
hey sunbeam
does your name mean you used to go to the salvation army ?
just wondering ...
Glastonbury Festival - 2002 - Anyone Want To Go?
by Celtic inglastonbury festival, europes biggest music festival is on once again this year.. would anyone be up for going?.
who's appearing celt ? and what are the dates ?
Mother, wife, myself, DA'ing ourselves
by ashitaka inwell, i've finally had it.
i'm da'ing myself, along with a piece of my fam.
the unbaptised ones are refusing to go with my father now, and even my still devout father is leaning towards our opinion on things.. there wasn't even any screaming when i called the jw's the great hypocrisy last nite.. i just can allow myself to be associated with them in any way.
ash - i feel very lucky (i am allowed to use that expression) that none of my family are baptised even though i brought them up in The Truthâ„¢ (ie not the real truth) - it's guys like you that my heart goes out to - i hope you and all your family find great healing that is out here in the world (tis not a completely bad place cos we are all here and they are all there right ?) - peace my friend
by Duncan infor those who dont know, hearsay are a recently-manufactured pop group.
they were formed from the successful auditioners to a prime-time uk tv show popstars.
you know the general idea, five thousand hopefuls apply, there are regional auditions, regional finals, the cut to the final hundred, then the final fifty last ten, then the best 5 were chosen to be in the group 3 girls 2 boys.
hey home i just saw a mouse in here - i'd clear off if i was you ...
Social Security and Jws
by badboy ini am a severly disabled adult who receives disability benefits.. i understand sometime ago the watchtower said in one of its magazine(probably watchtower)that a smaller pertentage(sic)of jws claimed the dole in france(this was, i believe during the problems with the french government)as opposed to a higher pertentage(sic)of roman catholic etc etc claiming the dole.. in view of what paul says in one of his letter`he that doesn't work, shall not eat' should jws be claiming the dole if they truly follow the bible.
discuss.. i believe a social security system should provide for the disabled and pensioners.
(i don't think the present uk social security system will survive in its present form with accelerting(sic)costs etc etc)
badboy - the reforms take place in april when Jobcentre Plus is launched - the idea is to offer help to people making new claims for working-age benefits ... that means making specialist advice and training and a job available to those who are 'able and want to' work ... it's a positive help pogramme, not a system for beating those who are unable to work - please don't worry friend ...
by Duncan infor those who dont know, hearsay are a recently-manufactured pop group.
they were formed from the successful auditioners to a prime-time uk tv show popstars.
you know the general idea, five thousand hopefuls apply, there are regional auditions, regional finals, the cut to the final hundred, then the final fifty last ten, then the best 5 were chosen to be in the group 3 girls 2 boys.
home - you've got just a little too comfy in this thread haven't ya ? and could you explain again why your breasts are heaving for the stammer lad ?