Yes, I thought it was "finally" a sign of the end of time...boy, I feel ashamed about how I handled it. I was extremely scared but it was because I was thinking about the draft coming back and what Armeggedon would be like; I look back now and feel like someone in the Middle Ages who was afraid of witches & goblins. Fortunately, after 9/11 I really worked at studying my JW teachings and that eventually led to me getting out...
JoinedPosts by cypher50
Twin Towers\ Armageddon
by Es inhey all this may have been mentioned before.
i was thinking last night about when the twin towers fell and i remembered thinking how close armageddon must be did anybody else think similar....i guess it would only apply to those who were still in the borg at the time es
Do you still shudder at the sight of a Elder?
by kls ini remember so long ago i thought elders were like a god and would always make sure i smiled at them and put on my innocent act in front of them .
even being out of the cult it took me years to finally get it through my head that they are human and not a god as they themselves think.
then one day a jw elder came to my door and at that time i had a newborn baby that i had been up with all night .
Shudder at the sight of a random Elder? Nope...JW is a JW in my eyes and I pity with the Elders/COs/DOs as much as I pity the rank & file members...
Now, if it was an Elder that actually knew me when I was growing up then yes, it would be uncomfortable to see them now because they would make it uncomfortable. Myself, if they don't have a problem with being cordial and civil then I would love to bump into one just to say 'Hi' and catch up on how life is treating them...I have a problem with the JW doctrine & teachings but I still feel close to many of the friends I had growing up even if it isn't reciprocal. But I know the reaction I would get instead of "cordial and civil": it would be either a) a cold stare and then the Elder walks away, b) a curt 'hello' and subtle inquiry about my Mom's health so as to try and lay down a guilt trip, or c) a long boring conversation on why I disagree with doctrines for a religion who version of God I honestly am skeptical about now days. I don't need the stress nor bother so I would shudder not at the person but at the subsequent scenarios I just described...
your JW experience hides something deeper
by seesthesky inas odd as this may sound i believe that your continual struggle with your past life as a jw is in fact a cover for something else - i do not know what that something else is but i am almost 100 percent certain that somehow someone or something has used your jw experience to disguise some greater violation of your souls - any thoughts?
not a wt writer - what is the style of those writers?
You have never been a JW, have you? If not then how can you even come here and make a general statement like your original post? I understand what you are saying (some people use their prior past as a JW for a sympathy crutch) but to assume that all the people here are doing that is wrong on so many levels...
I accept the quote as being real, but you aren't gunna tell me thats a genuine Watchtower front cover are you? I certanly don't remember it, but i never read them anyway.
Might want to learn about a program called Photoshop and the amazing things you can do with it :), cover isn't real.
Great quote, I still can't see how the devout witnesses can ignore all the insane advice doled out by the Soceity....
The Kingdom Hall That Went Condo!
by TresHappy inkingdom hall goes 'condo' .
published: wednesday | may 4, 2005
liz levy, gleaner writer
Amazing...they call Catholics & Protestants ostentatious for the beauty they incorporate into their structures but they saw nothing wrong with that ugly watchtower?! Jeez...
by seattleniceguy ini've just signed up for rhapsody, the online subscription music service, and i have to say, it is pretty cool.
for those that are unfamiliar with the service, in a nutshell it is this:listen to any music you want streaming to your computer from their collection of 1 million songs and 60,000 artistsmonthly fee is $9.95purchase tracks to burn to cd for $0.79 each.
first, i have to say that i have never been a fan of real networks, and had i known that rhapsody was their invention before i downloaded, frankly, i may have let that prejudice affect me.
First, I have to say that I have never been a fan of Real Networks, and had I known that Rhapsody was their invention before I downloaded, frankly, I may have let that prejudice affect me. And, I should complain that their client is quite processor intensive (my task manager shows my proc hovering at 40% when the app is open). However, the service is so compelling that none of that really matters.
Just to let you know, Rhapsody isn't a Real Networks invention...Real just happened to buy the company a year ago. I have had the service for two years (since they switched from their original classical music only format) and I love it because I can listen to new singles & artists who don't get any radio airtime. If I like an artist after listening to some of their music on Rhapsody then I will buy their CDs....Rhapsody has helped me learn about a lot of different genres and I would recommend it to anybody who likes to listen to all types of music. It is especially great for stuff like Jazz & Classical music...
The actual President of the WTS is Vin Diesel...
by cypher50 in.
vin diesel is the actual head of the watchtower bible & tract soceity but if this was open knowledge then too many fakers would join the jws so they keep it secret.. more fun facts about vin diesel...just keep refreshing for a new one.
Vin Diesel is the actual head of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Soceity but if this was open knowledge then too many fakers would join the JWs so they keep it secret.
More fun facts about Vin Diesel...just keep refreshing for a new one.
Weird Logic
by loosie inlet's hear the weirdest comment or suppossed logical thought you've ever heard a witness say.. i'll start: out in service once a sis and her son were in the same car group as i was.
he was having a nose bleed and told his mom that the blood was running down the back of his throat.
his mother said " well don't swallow it yo uknow how jehovah feels about blood don't you!".
When I told the brother that had studied with me that the WTBTS had been an NGO/UN member for almost 10 yeras he said it was a lie. I told him it was on the UN official website and had been there for over a year he said the apostates had infiltrated the UN. When I told him the WTBTS had admitted to it but only for a library pass he said SEE, I knew it was all twisted out of proportion by the apostates. When I told him I had government transcripts of some brothers we both know testifying as NGO representatives of the WTBTS he said I was an apostate. When I told him it was from different governments around the world he accused me of traveling abroad to spread apostate ideas to discredit the Faithful Slave. With that kind of blind loyalty I sure wish he was my employee instead of an unpaid one with the WTBTS.
At that point, I would of stopped reasoning with him and start feeding his conspiracy complex...
"Yea, Brother [insert name here], I am actually part of Apostate Brotherhood Of Evil! Next week, I am on my way to Canada to make sure that a sickly 14 year old sister has a blood transfusion forced on her; my diabolical plan to spread false information about the UN is merely a side hobby. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
by Jez inletter read tonight.
said that the "watchtower bible and tract society of canada" will change its letterheads and signature to "christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses".
Sounds like the Society is trying to get away from being called a publishing cult...
Watchtower study - so long and so boring
by Donkey Lipz ini remember going to sunday meetings...the public talks went by fast (sometimes).
but the watchtower study to me was so boring and not interesting at all.
it felt longer than the public talk.
My favorite variety of this was when the paragraph used a word the commentor was not familiar with, but they would go ahead and say it anyway. But in their reworded version, it didn't make sense.
Paragraph: "It behooves us, therefore, to act in accord with Jehovah's organization."
Parrot: "Acting in accord with Jehovah's organization is certainly behooving to us all." (Followed by nodding heads of agreement from the rest of the sheeple that also have no clue what was just said, and a few chuckles from those that do!)
Hilarious...I used to love the confused look on people's faces when someone said an answer that was wrong or the wording was botched. The conductor can't outright say "WRONG, jackass!" but he always gave a chuckle and quickly took another answer...
That reminds me of one sister in a congregation down here in Atlanta...she is one of the younger "anointed" ones (in her early 50's) and the study conductor absolutely hated for her to answer because she refuses to use "paragraph" answers. Instead, she would make mini-talks complete with alternate scripture references...gotta love those sisters who always wanted to give the Sunday Talk :).