Wonder if mummy, Nelly Lenz, would be so understanding if her little girl, Erika, decided that some other religion was for her and she did want to be a JW and snuck out to some other church at night instead of going to the KH ?
JoinedPosts by Wallflower
by Happy Guy :) ini am in need of a favour.
i am trying to locate a copy of an article from awake october 8, 2004. page 13. entitled, "jehovah, you found me!
anyone with access to this article and the ability to scan and post it; please do.. .
World War 1 and 1914
by Schizm in.
how did it just so happen that a world war took place in the very year that russell had attached so much importance to?
i realize that he expected 1914 to see the end of the world's governments, and of course that didn't happen, but it still seems to be quite remarkable that this war happened that very year ... a war that would later be construed to be the fulfillment of jesus' prediction in matthew 24:7.. the explanation given on the e-watchman site is that satan deliberately caused the war to happen so as to mislead jehovah's witnesses into thinking they had actually seen the fulfillment of bible prophecy, in order to make them think that jesus had returned invisably.. any ideas?.
The answer is that Armageddon did happen in 1914. Satan won, he kicked Jesus ass, big style. That's why nothing changed and why Jehovahs true organization, as it was at the time, has now lost it's way, because Jehovah was cast into the abyss, so it is directionless. Ole Satan is now having his wicked way with the harlot.
It's a possibility ?!
Serena Williams - a good role model
by TheOldHippie in.
serena's dress at a london show yesterday night.
not quite a kh dress ...............
I have confirmed that she was never baptized nor is she a non-baptized publisher. She is not a role-model to JWs.
SoJ are you one of the Governing Body or just being hopeful?
Check your medical records!!
by Wallflower ini never thought would my jw upbringing would ever come back to haunt me, but it sure gave me a jolt today.. brought up as a jw from birth.
my father always an elder and my mother the prima donna, we were at every assembly and meeting, there was always the home study, field service, had the co stay with a few times, we moved to where the need was greatest in 1974, (moved back in 1989).
at about 1 or 2 years old, so i was told, i should have an operation to have my adenoids(?!
At 18 I'm DA'd for smoking (a couple of cigars - wow).
I find this even more incredible in your post.I was 17 and went on a college trip to London. Unfortunately, I repeated the whole story (I suppose with a bit of bravado) to a brother I was working with at the time. He had an admission of guilt, hence me up before the JC. It was only a couple of cigars, but maybe I might of exaggerated little.
Check your medical records!!
by Wallflower ini never thought would my jw upbringing would ever come back to haunt me, but it sure gave me a jolt today.. brought up as a jw from birth.
my father always an elder and my mother the prima donna, we were at every assembly and meeting, there was always the home study, field service, had the co stay with a few times, we moved to where the need was greatest in 1974, (moved back in 1989).
at about 1 or 2 years old, so i was told, i should have an operation to have my adenoids(?!
Blonde : Unfortunately you have to opt back in, it cannot be assumed that even if you say you have left the faith that they will not find some obscure document left in your file and err on the side of caution. You have to state your desire to be treated as normal.
Purza : The trouble with JW relatives is that the death before Armageddon is a free pass to the New Order. I cannot put my hand on my heart and say with complete honesty that my JW wouldn't deny me blood to save my life, because they would think that it would save a wordly son. Frightening.
Hillbilly : Fishnet support hose eh? You cheeky thing!
Mulan : That was my experience too. The doctor looked at me, sitting in my bike leathers and said, "You a biker, I should think so.", and ripped the "no blood" statement out of the file. It's another stupid belief that tries to set them apart from the rest of Christianity, like the stake issue, the trinity, but this one costs peoples lives!
by Happy Guy :) inthey must have billions...annual revenue alone was almost a billion last year.
they must have close to 10 billion in assets and a large chunk of that is cash.
if the world is going to end any day that cash is useless.
If you consider that during the Judge Rutherfords rule in the 20's, when they were expecting the return of the patriarchs, the organisation built Beth-Sarim, fitted it out with such opulence, with 2 top of the range Cadillacs in the garage and all that with much smaller and less dedicated following.
Just think how much more money they have hoarded with 6 million dedicated dubs and a world wide publishing network, which has been going strong for the last 80 years.
There are sure as hell not going to tell anyone how much they have or where it is. Think of a number and add 13 zeros.
Yahweh: True Origin?
by New Castles ini have been researching a little on this topic and wanted to share some information i found.
its interestingly noted in the info below that israel it seems believed in several gods and not just one.. "the distribution of the god el therefore extends from 3rd century akkadian culture eastward through aram and phoenicia and downward through northern palestine to jerusalem.
yahweh, with his home in the deserts of southern levant, traveled north with the migration of the hebrews to come into competition with or displaced baal as el's traditional vizier, illustrated most clearly by psalm .
Leolaia, you rock!
Check your medical records!!
by Wallflower ini never thought would my jw upbringing would ever come back to haunt me, but it sure gave me a jolt today.. brought up as a jw from birth.
my father always an elder and my mother the prima donna, we were at every assembly and meeting, there was always the home study, field service, had the co stay with a few times, we moved to where the need was greatest in 1974, (moved back in 1989).
at about 1 or 2 years old, so i was told, i should have an operation to have my adenoids(?!
I never thought would my JW upbringing would ever come back to haunt me, but it sure gave me a jolt today.
Brought up as a JW from birth. My father always an elder and my mother the Prima Donna, we were at every assembly and meeting, there was always the home study, field service, had the CO stay with a few times, we moved to where the need was greatest in 1974, (moved back in 1989). At about 1 or 2 years old, so I was told, I should have an operation to have my adenoids(?!) operated on but they couldn't find a doctor at the time who would operate without blood - poor me.
Anyhow time rolls on. At 18 I'm DA'd for smoking (a couple of cigars - wow). Push Jehovah and his Organization to the back of my mind and get on with life. Move out, get married, get divorced. Only went to the doctor when I felt a bit poorly, never had anything seriously wrong until aged 36 when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. That came as a surprise, no known family history, not overweight, ran 20 miles a week. Now I have to go the doctors a lot more than I had to because of check-ups, prescriptions etc.
Forward to today. My partner and I have just moved to Scotland, so we have had to change doctors. I get my first check up at the new practice. They took blood samples last week and the results have come through, sugar levels good, cholesterol is 4.2 and blood pressure is OK. I'm quite pleased.
The doctor says to me at the end of the session, "We have just had your records come up from your old practice.". I nod, "I take it that being a Jehovah's Witness that you will refuse blood transfusions and all blood related products?"
WTF! After I picked myself up off the floor I asked him, not very politely, "What are you talking about? My parents are JW's but I certainly am not!"
"Oh," he said, "I found this in your records" and he showed me a printed form stating that I reject all blood products. "I'll throw this away then shall I?"
"Er, yes please."
This statement has been in my medical records since my birth. Its been following me like a shadow. Who knows what would have happened if I'd needed emergency surgery, with no one to state that I would have blood.
So all you folks that were brought up in the "truth", check your medical records, you never know what secrets you'll find in there!
by Corvin inremember the kingdom hall bathroom spankings for us kids that did not sit quietly for the meeting?
the threats, the manipulation, the head games, the forced meeting attendance, forced field service activity, forced family wt publication study, the forbidden association with non-jw?s, the berating and chastising for having a thought or idea of your own, the dresser drawer searches looking for music or magazines you were not suppose to have .
you know, the typical jw upbringing .
"Foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy; the rod of discipline is what will remove it far from him." (Prov. 22:15)
How many times did I hear that at the meeting when I was growing up and shudder.
I remember once, at about the age of 7 or 8, being taken outside the hall after a Sunday morning meeting to be spanked for some minor thing I'd done, just as everyone was leaving. How embarrassing. The girl I was on kissing terms with at the hall said to me at the following Thursday meeting, "I saw your bottom," and she giggled. I still cringe now. Mentally scarred.
The time I knew that we were very different from the norm was when my younger sister and I stayed at for my aunties for one night as my parents were called away. I was about 11 or 12. My aunty had 4 boys, my age and younger, a very normal healthy family. Bedtime arrived, we all trooped up to bed. My sister and I slept in the room above the lounge and we could plainly hear the TV. We never had a TV in our house until we were much older. A film was on and we lay in bed listening to the music and the muffled words and became more and more agitated about being in a worldly house, in the dark with no protection from Jehovah, scared of everything. Eventually, I plucked up the courage and went down stairs and implored my aunty and uncle, with tears streaming down my cheeks, "Please can you turn the telly off, we can't sleep because of the demons." They just looked at me stunned.
Just another normal, healthy, well adjusted JW child. *looks for the sarcastic icon*
bilbical ways to acquire a wife.
by candidlynuts infind an attractive prisoner of war, bring her home, shave her head, trim her nails, and give her new clothes.
(deuteronomy 21:11-13) .
find a prostitute and marry her.
Cut 200 foreskins off of your future father-in-law's enemies and get his daughter for a wife.
(David--1 Samuel 18:27)Geez, and there's me looking for tips!