Valis, I think legally, the age should of consent should be left at 18, but in reality, once a boy goes through puberty his sexual desires start peaking right away. So I can't imagine fulfilling those desires as being too traumatic, unless it is against their will.
Sheila -
YOUR missing the point IT CAN'T BE CONSENSUAL BY LAW. A Minor is NOT LEGALLY ABLE TO CONSENT PERIOD...Thank GOD that the courts see the damage this can do.
Maybe we are missing each other's points, although I think I understand yours. I know it can't be consensual by law since the law doesn't allow the minor to consent. But IN REAL LIFE, he can agree/consent/whatever to sex. In fact in REAL LIFE, I imagine many 14 yr old boys would not only consent to it, but also pursue it.
In Mary Kay L case she saddle the poor boy with children do you think he had a choice ?????? Also, you don't know what she said or did to encourage those encounters. As I said would she be doing it if he was 7 ????? I think a women that doesnt know the boundaries wouldn't know when to stop .....
God...your acting as if all boys would jump at the chance. I ask what about choice
You are inferring by this that this 14 year old did not have a choice and that the teacher took away that choice. I see no proof of this in the statements of the case. In fact, from the details given,
once again, it seems as though the boy had no problem going along with it. Your condemning her for something you have no proof or even suggestion that she did. She slept with a minor, charge her for that and punish her. But it doesn't compare to child abuse unless you can prove that she forced this on him or coerced him against his will.
Children should be able to have role models/teachers that aren't trying to hop into bed with them....
I totally a 14 yr old boy I might have disagreed though :>)