SAHS: email the complete contents of your free book to all of them at once
I kind of like the concept, although I'm not sure about provoking people who are happy in their delusional world - in many cases I think sending them this book will just upset them, make them afraid of me, and cause them to cling even tighter to the religion. Also, I am not (yet) disfellowshipped, and although I can live with being shunned by the dubs if necessary I would rather avoid it. Still, the book is published under a creative commons license - anyone is free to copy, print, and redistribute it as they see fit - so if you want to send it to anyone, feel free.
OnTheWayOut: I will take a look at your book, although I am no longer thinking about leaving.
You must have great mental strength to stay in knowing it's not true! When I first admitted to myself that I no longer believed, I thought I would keep going to meetings just until my grandmother died, as I knew it would be hard on her. I only lasted one meeting, lol - just couldn't stand it. Grandma lived another two years, and although she shed a tear, she soon got used to the idea, and we remained close.