NewYork44m - Love your avitar. I'm going to China a week from tomorrow and decided late last night that Atlas Shrugged was one of the books I was going take to read on the plane!
JoinedPosts by Globetrotter
School and quitting
by shera inwhat would you say to a teen who hates school and wants to quit?
please be serious and i would like caring replys please.thanks!
Women's Fashion Woes...a fluffy rant
by Frannie Banannie inokay...the fluff is running rampant on jwd this weekend, so i'm just jumpin' in with my .02...... i hate the way fashion designers dictate what we're gonna be wearing for the next year or two or three (if they can't come up with something new and innovative or retro to titillate the egos).
take for instance those needle-nosed shoes they're pandering to the public lately.....besides being extremely uncomfortable and likely to trip the wearer up with the extra length required to extend the toes of the shoes to a needle point, has anyone seen what they do to ppl's feet years later???
just visit your local nursing home and take a gander at all the hammer toes, bunions and crossed toes of old peeps that were slaves to similar fashions decades ago!
Whilst in Italy in October, I ran across these. I'm sure they would scruch up those toes, but damn! both the shoes and the thigh-high boots are sexy. I'm sure the right occasion would outweight the suffering of the toes for an evening!
Are You Going To The Memorial This Year?
by minimus ini think it's april 4th.
(i think).
are you going?
(Most) Everyone here now knows that I am not, nor have I ever been, a witness. My wife was raised one. I was raised a Catholic.
I've been to memorials in the past. Quite depressing actually. Anyway, in the past, I have given serious consideration to "partaking of the emblems". Being raised a Catholic, it is something that we did every Sunday. If I am invited this year and go, how well would it go over if I partook?
Home school
by Globetrotter inmy son told me the other day that he and his sister are just about the only kids at the kh their age that go to public/private schools.
almost all the other kids are home-schooled.
i was rather shocked.
Outstanding. My business partner thinks I have a biased view against homeschooling. I may have, only because of the limited contact I have had with it. I am very happy to see it done successfully and for the right reasons.
Witness World Response to Apostates
by DevonMcBride inbelow is what was posted on witness world by polly pan.
i took euphemism's advice and others to protect my identity.
about a week ago it was brought to administrations attention that there may be apostates lurking on our board, as a precautionary measure we deleted 107 members who had never posted since they joined.
Why aren't they open to debate? Why can't they think for themselves? Why must they be intellectually dishonest? Why do they block access to their site? Why do they delete suspect members? Why is someone suspect?
Witnesses coming Saturday... I need HELP!!!!
by Globetrotter ini got into a rather heated discussion this morning with my unbaptised but raised jehovah's witness wife.
we discussed so many things: feb 1 watchtower article on 607 and 1914, the un, beth sarim, blood, god's mouthpiece here on earth, etc.
this was yet another attempt on my part to try to plant a seed of doubt.
Gary, I wonder if indeed they are doing that, if you are being facetious, or if you are being over zealous. I don't know you well enough yet. Is it possible that they left, felt like they were ambushed, and chose to ignore the UN stuff, never to give it another thought?
I wonder what their conversation was like in the car?
Home school
by Globetrotter inmy son told me the other day that he and his sister are just about the only kids at the kh their age that go to public/private schools.
almost all the other kids are home-schooled.
i was rather shocked.
My wife has a brother who left the truth years ago because of the hypocracy. His wife says at home and schools their daughter. I'm appalled. She has the social graces of a pig, the education of a gnat, and the sense god gave a styrofoam cup. Their daughter is turning our the same way. All she can talk about is the wicked system of things. It's a travesty to do that to a child.
the latest discussion between the wife & I
by Winston Smith :>D in.
edited to keep private in case is ever read in future by wife who escaped the borg .
pm me if interested in offering advice.
SheliaM got it right:
Acquiescence to "suffer" is not the answer. He will be miserable. You were also right in pointing out that people change. The problem is that the organization gets too deep into the personal lives and issues of people, and they are not allowed to grow together as a couple (not in the sense of permission, but rather growth is stifled, not realized) Sex is part of that growth, and should only get better. NOTHING gets better if both people are on automatic all their lives... and that's no way to live.I remember a sister confiding in me in a nutshell she was spewing cause her husband wanted a NORMAL sex life, you know lingere, oral sex.She acted as if he was a MONSTEr for wanting these things. I put my butt on the line and told her AND......What is he doing wrong?
Home school
by Globetrotter inmy son told me the other day that he and his sister are just about the only kids at the kh their age that go to public/private schools.
almost all the other kids are home-schooled.
i was rather shocked.
My son told me the other day that he and his sister are just about the only kids at the KH their age that go to public/private schools. Almost all the other kids are home-schooled. I was rather shocked. I'm not knocking home schooling. I guess if the parents are pretty bright, and they make sure the children have good social interaction to develop social skills, it's OK.
So I have several questions regarding this...
- Is this common among JW, and what do you think about it?
- If it is common, is there overt pressure to do so?
- Did anyone on this board homeschool their children whilst being a witness?
- Was anyone here homeschooled as a result of witness upbringing? If so, (and if you will share) do you feel you received less, or more, of an educatoin than your contemporaries?
Of course the obvious concerns are how much more control this allows the society, more indoctrination, little or no chance for leading a normal life, tunnelvision, etc.
Witnesses coming Saturday... I need HELP!!!!
by Globetrotter ini got into a rather heated discussion this morning with my unbaptised but raised jehovah's witness wife.
we discussed so many things: feb 1 watchtower article on 607 and 1914, the un, beth sarim, blood, god's mouthpiece here on earth, etc.
this was yet another attempt on my part to try to plant a seed of doubt.
I'm back. Two things deleayed my response. 1) My daughter was up most of the early morning hours with an earache and I took her to the doctor as soon as they opened at 1:00, and 2) my keyboard died! I replaced it this afternoon with a wireless, but I was accustomed to the Elite style (split left and right hands) and now I am having an incredibly difficult time typing. All the keys are much closer together. I may take it back and spring the extra $30 for the Micro$oft version, but $100 for a keyboard (and rodent) doesn't sit well with me.
I really don't have much to report just yet. I'm hoping it just takes a little while to sink in. While I am hopeful, I'm not foolish enough to bank on it. I don't think the UN thing bothered my wife very much at all. She said that we will have to wait to see "what the brothers say" when they come back. Her postion on everything is that all of the witness teachings are biblical. The JWs are the only ones that teach what the bible says. I told her that I thought it was clearly demonstrated that the witnesses' claim to the truth is only based on their claim to the truth. If all that was taught by the witnesses was the bible story, the kingdom and paradise earth, it would be no big deal. But their invisible return of christ and appointment of the JWs as god's organization on earth gives them free reign to say anything they want in the name of the truth that cannot be proven. That alone should raise a red flag. That nothing is open for discussion should raise a red flag. My son pointed out that if the next WT said that it would be wise for good christians not to venture out after dark, the society would find some scripture to support the statement, people would suddenly follow it, and say "See - it's bible based. We teach only the bible." (good boy!) I reiterated that being told what to think by an organization, and blindly following it without question, is not healthy. I also reiterated that the best I could hope for (or the only thing that I could reasonably expect) is for her to think for herself, and not accept everything the society says as "bible based" just because they found a verse of scripture they claim as support for what they say.
I had a chance to talk to each of the kids privately. My son already gets it. Reading a lot of Michio Kaku (theoretical physics) probably helped. Plus he's pretty bright (accelerated program in all subjects). (I had to brag a little). My daughter didn't understand all the questions I asked, so today I went through my reasoning, the questions, the answers and the obvious conclusions. I told her that if I said anything different from what she remembered from yesterday, to stop me. Though she will only be 12 in a week, everything was clear to her after going through it again with me. (She's in the accelerated program too) Plus, she told me that though she knew about the 144K, she had never heard of the 12 tribes of Israel or the bit about the men having not been with women. When we got home, she checked it out for herself, and got her own wheels turning.
I at least proved to all of them that I'm not full of $hit. I may not know the bible very well (and have often wondered how long it takes a JW to learn to jump around prooftexting any issue that comes up), but I did prove that I'm not lying about the organization.That my wife still said that we will have to wait for what the brothers say, coupled with the infallable bible based teaching postion, does not give me much hope at all that this excercise was good for her. I almost believe that a different scenario is more plausible: A small trace of hope flashed through my mind earlier today ... maybe the younger brother will think about the UN thing long enough, decide to leave and thank me. Wishful thinking on my part, I'm sure.