Compound Complex:
PS: Is the "evil one" in question the tonsured one or the one holding up the sign post? Huh?
the ex-jws who leaves (escapes) by reason of conscience is labeled an apostate ... but when one of the anointed leaves, he/she is labeled an evil slave apostate ... so, below, is such an evil slave ... do you see him?
yes, and he enjoys the 'double bubble' inside ... two scotches for the price of one.
yes, the evil slave needs a good belt of scotch once in a while!.
Compound Complex:
PS: Is the "evil one" in question the tonsured one or the one holding up the sign post? Huh?
in a way, pictures are freakish.
this photograph makes 1865 and the civil war seem much closer.
Yes, ghosts pictures ... I can see right through them! I went to here: and registered my photos. This is a hosting site. From there, you can use the above 'tree' icon' and paste in the 'URL' created, and it will load your photos over.
out of all mainstream religions, roman catholicism seems to be the most cultic to me, even more so than jehovah's witnesses in certain ways.. the belief in transubstantiation , i think that's how it's spelled, is weird!
the attire of the clergy is satanic looking.
the view of papal authority is not that much different than a jw's view of "the slave".. .
On the other extreme, many feel safer, somehow, when they can give over their spirituality to a group, or leader, and they surrender their trust to that entity. That, to me, is a blueprint for tragedy. The only one who I surrender to is Jesus.
Excellent ... this is why I returned to Catholicism ... I no longer surrender my trust to an entity as a Catholic ... only to Christ. Unfortunately, too many people superimpose Watchtower-ism upon Catholicism ... a very unfortunate misunderstanding. I appreciate the kind way that you dealt with the above issue ... I just feel the clarification is important.
I am not sure I agree with their choices. Maybe all of the original texts should be included....I think that's a matter of control. As a Christian I would like access to all of the information available about Christ.
They are available ... and it is not a matter of control ... the Church and scholars debated for centuries, between the 4th and 8th century as to what should be considered inspired text or not. It was the Catholic Church that decided that the NT should be compiled, as no one else was going to do it. It was not about control - that is a myth of those that dislike the Church. However, ALL of the information is available, either through the Church on line, in their literal libraries, or you can get it from non-Catholic sources. When you see the other gospels and and epistles, you can see why Rome and Constantinople excluded them. The Gospel of Thomas is my favorite example of a good reason why it should not be in the Bible.
Also, The King James Bible removed seven books that Rome has in the Bible (and are still there) so you need to read the Catholic Douay-Rheims Bible to get these additional books. The KJ originally had the extra books, and removed them in a subsequent revision in 1611AD. Rome is hiding nothing nor making it hard to get if you want it.
now that you've found the truth about the borg and have since left it.
what have you done to make amends (if any) to the people that you once looked after?
if any was disfellowshipped during your tulage as an elder, have you made contacts with them and make amends?.
Generally, no, I did not, nor would I go back to any I participated in DFing. Why should I? I accepted the religion for what it was, acted in good faith in accordance with its rules, and when I was guilty of wrong, took it upon myself to tell the Elders and receive discipline just the same. The JWs are a religion ... and even though we do not believe it anymore, we should not have to go about apologizing for living by its precepts and rules ... unless we truly harmed someone in a serious way, on a deeper human level, that should not have happened in the first place. I know of no one whom I so harmed.
I did try to contact some of the individuals I helped to DF, not to apologize, but to see if I could help them not return to the organization. But they would not speak to me because some considered me apostate, or in some cases were themselves trying not to violate Watchtower rules, thinking they were protecting me from talking to a DF'd person. So, it was not a practical matter either.
If I ran into a DF'd person whom I sat on the JC that DF'd the person, I would share in restoring our relationship ... but I would not apologize unless the person expressed some concern that they felt they needed an apology, and could explain why they felt I owed them an apology.
One person I helped DF was a child molester ... the JC I served on DF'd him for smoking ... but later on he was nailed by another JC for child molesting. I would never consider contacting him. I did turn his name over to be sued along with the Society, and offered testimony against him.
the ex-jws who leaves (escapes) by reason of conscience is labeled an apostate ... but when one of the anointed leaves, he/she is labeled an evil slave apostate ... so, below, is such an evil slave ... do you see him?
yes, and he enjoys the 'double bubble' inside ... two scotches for the price of one.
yes, the evil slave needs a good belt of scotch once in a while!.
Nope ... Wisconsin.
the ex-jws who leaves (escapes) by reason of conscience is labeled an apostate ... but when one of the anointed leaves, he/she is labeled an evil slave apostate ... so, below, is such an evil slave ... do you see him?
yes, and he enjoys the 'double bubble' inside ... two scotches for the price of one.
yes, the evil slave needs a good belt of scotch once in a while!.
Yes, Salve ... I tried the edit function ... but JWN will not let me edit the damn thing. There, it finally let me edit it ... I figured what I did wrong. I tried to reassign the Icon ... but once it is done it is fixed ... Whew! I did not want to misspell 'slave' ...
the ex-jws who leaves (escapes) by reason of conscience is labeled an apostate ... but when one of the anointed leaves, he/she is labeled an evil slave apostate ... so, below, is such an evil slave ... do you see him?
yes, and he enjoys the 'double bubble' inside ... two scotches for the price of one.
yes, the evil slave needs a good belt of scotch once in a while!.
The Ex-JWs who leaves (escapes) by reason of conscience is labeled an Apostate ... but when one of the Anointed leaves, he/she is labeled an Evil Slave Apostate ... so, below, is such an Evil Slave ... do you see him? Yes, and he enjoys the 'double bubble' inside ... two scotches for the price of one. Yes, the Evil Slave needs a good belt of scotch once in a while! Are those "Catholic" sandwiches?
out of all mainstream religions, roman catholicism seems to be the most cultic to me, even more so than jehovah's witnesses in certain ways.. the belief in transubstantiation , i think that's how it's spelled, is weird!
the attire of the clergy is satanic looking.
the view of papal authority is not that much different than a jw's view of "the slave".. .
Unless of course you choose to have a legal abortion, or marry your same sex partner.
Abortion is murder ... the doctors urged my mom to abort me to save her life ... she refused to murder her unborn child ... me ... and we both lived.
Marriage is a religious term. Gays can use the 'civil union' process and gain all the same rights.
If a person wants to be a Catholic, then murder and homosexuality cannot be practiced ... if you want to murder your unborn, and marry your same sex partner, then do not seek to be Catholic. It's as simple as that ... it is all free will.
out of all mainstream religions, roman catholicism seems to be the most cultic to me, even more so than jehovah's witnesses in certain ways.. the belief in transubstantiation , i think that's how it's spelled, is weird!
the attire of the clergy is satanic looking.
the view of papal authority is not that much different than a jw's view of "the slave".. .
As you say Beks it's about power. ... We saw the inquisition when the Catholic Church had complete power. ... The WBTS has learned well from the Catholics, and, given the same power, I am tempted to think we might see someting similar.
Describe the Inquisition in factual historical terms. Where was it located? Did the Church approve of it? Was it a localized problem to a part of Spain, all of Spain, all of western Europe, all of Europe, all of the known Catholic world? Why is it actually referred to as the Spanish Inquisition? How did it start? Did the Church provide any guidance? Was that guidance followed or ignored? Was is the position of the Church today? Does the Church still haver an Office of Inquisition?
lets have some facts, rather than bandy about the Inquisition as though it was something it may not have been. Explore various sources, not just anti-Catholic ... but neutral historical sources and also Catholic sources.
Start here: Then here:
Clue: In the case of Canonical Inquisition, the Church set about judicial guidance to chase down criminals ... like murders and rapists.
Whatever the truth is of your research, let it be told, both favorable and unfavorable ... and note your sources, whether they are credible ... and be careful of Wikipedia, as it is still not professionally peer reviewed, and can be biased in parts.
I am not endorsing what happened in some respects of the Inquisition ... but it certainly needs to be clarified in a proper historical context.
I am also starting a new post on a related topic.
jws teach that 'accurate knowledge' is the definition of truth.
they add to this by saying that the 'conduct' of average church goers also identifies them as not being in the 'truth.
' and, they define their 'organization' as being the truth, because they are a clean people who are doing right works, and teaching accurately.
Nicolou: Good observation ... I would like to see you develop it some more.
OnTheWayOut: I am reading over your post, and will comment in detail later today. You make some good points.
Mall Cop (Blueblades):
Amazing is it true that we are a product of our culture?
In the narrow context of the question ... initially, yes. I would say that as we grow, expand, get exposed to other cultures, visit other nations and get to know peoples of those nations ... and study their cultures ... experience their cultures ... then we become a product of all that we are exposed to, and a product of many cultures.
That where we were born and what we were taught becomes our truth?
Initially, yes. See my response above.
For example, suppose we born in China, that would make us Chinese.
Generally, yes. However, Chinese is both a race and culture. We could be born there of English parents and be raised as English people. We would undoubtedly take some Chinese language and culture with us.
Then we would be taught a chinese culture that would involve a religous teaching that would be the truth for us in China.
Generally, in a relative sense, your point is valid ... however, in the ancient world, it was also truth that the earth was flat, and that the sun moved around the earth. That did not make it truth ... it just seemed true to those who lived at that time and place. So what is true in China today, may seem true to them, but may not be true in reality. Many people living in Communists lands, like China, were taught that the west was evil, out to get them, and that we suffered in poverty, while they lived in the workers paradise. Most of them likely accepted the lie as the truth. That did not make it the truth.
The same would go for where ever one was born and raised on earth.
See my response above about China ... it would apply across the board.
Of course one could abandoned their culture and what they were taught and learn that what they were originally taught was no longer the truth that they thought it was .
Yes ... agreed.
Another example:In short. I was born into the Catholic faith. A knock on the door changed that for me. The Watchtower Society had a lock on what is the real truth and I accepted it over my Catholic upbringing. ... Some 33 years later, I come to an awakening that they don't have the truth.
Yes ... and I share the same history with you ... a few differences, but the same nonetheless.
25 years a Catholic, 33 years a JW, 6 years later at the age of 64, I still cannot answer your two questions.
That is OK. I am not always able to answer them for myself. What do you think of what I posted above, on page 1 I think:
I attribute 'truth' in different ways to different things:
The Court Room: As a juror I want facts (truthful information) so I and other jurors can determine innocence or guilt.
Science: I want truthful facts and working theory ... but let the truth emerge like an unfolding flower that never stops revealing new surprises.
Philosophy: Truth is too elusive for me ... I generally fall on my face when trying to find any truthful frame of reference.
Human relationships: Truth is honesty with one another.
Relationship with God: Truth (Christ) is that on which I can firmly rely, like a foundation stone, knowing my faith will not shipwreck ... and have an eternal future with God and all my brothers and sisters in heaven ... whatever that may mean ... however it unfolds ...
The Father: In truth is the ultimate object of worship ... the one who I can call Papa.
The Son: In truth is the rock of my salvation, of whom I owe eternal gratitude and loyalty.
The Holy Spirit: In truth is my advocate, teacher, counselor, guide, comforter, and friend.
The Saints: In truth, the Holy Ones are there as friends and brothers and sisters living in divinity with whom I can commune.
The Holy Catholic Church: In truth, the place of reconciliation, healing, and sacramental connection between humanity and divinity.
All people on earth: In truth, my brothers and sisters, who, like me, are sinners in need of Christ, of whom I hope will not let their Watchtower experience, or other negative religious or life experiences, kill the faith in Christ they once had, or may have in the future. (Edited to clarify more than just the JWs)
To me, what truth is, and how one defines it, depends on how truth is being used, and in what context we use it. Do you find any agreement with the above?