I like red herrings.
And red snapper too! Yummy!
Okay, goota go for now ... will return.
recently, someone whom i said was being intellectually dishonest, took it to mean that i was accusing her/him of being deceptive.
this is not the meaning of intellectual dishonesty.
intellectual dishosesty is about the use of false argumentation styles, something many jws do not spot in wts arguments, and something that a number of ex-jws carry with them and unwittingly employ.. a case example: today, president obama chose to sign a bill that protects 2,000,000 acres, some of which is good for ranching and recreation.. intellectual dishonesty by a far right conservative may see this as a threat to individual rights to own land, farm, and ranch, and may compare such a bill as taking us toward more government ownership of land.
I like red herrings.
And red snapper too! Yummy!
Okay, goota go for now ... will return.
recently, someone whom i said was being intellectually dishonest, took it to mean that i was accusing her/him of being deceptive.
this is not the meaning of intellectual dishonesty.
intellectual dishosesty is about the use of false argumentation styles, something many jws do not spot in wts arguments, and something that a number of ex-jws carry with them and unwittingly employ.. a case example: today, president obama chose to sign a bill that protects 2,000,000 acres, some of which is good for ranching and recreation.. intellectual dishonesty by a far right conservative may see this as a threat to individual rights to own land, farm, and ranch, and may compare such a bill as taking us toward more government ownership of land.
You did not acknowledge that I provided you with a link to wiki when you accused me of intellectual dishonesty in not providing the whole article.
You only quoted the convenient part to your argument ... and that is, shall we say, similar to the methods of a certain religious publishing corporation known as the Watchtower Society. They too provide references, at times, but the impressions created are still false. One can look at the hundreds of references they cite in their anti-evolution book called "Creation." They are intellectually dishonest in how they do it ... that is make a partial quote, and then cite the reference. Whoopty-and-doo!
Sorry your arguement that you provided a link does not cut the muster.
I do have another obligation on my time right now .. I will take this up later.
warlock .
Dissent was never unpatriotic then or now. What is not being discussed is an older American social standard that one does not openly criticize a sitting President during wartime, or war time activities. That standard commenced serious erosion during the Johnson Administration, and has never really ever returned. Some Americans have tried to return to that standard ... hence why Clinton was not critized much for his war in Bosnia. But, I imagine that if we were to once again be faced with the potential to be defeated and subjugated by a foreign power, we might suddenly find it within ourselves to contain our disagreements, and work together to defeat the enemy, as my parents did in WWII.
No one stopped anyone from being critical during the Bush term ... and no one is being stopped from being critical in the Obama term. It is all a tempest in a teapot.
recently, someone whom i said was being intellectually dishonest, took it to mean that i was accusing her/him of being deceptive.
this is not the meaning of intellectual dishonesty.
intellectual dishosesty is about the use of false argumentation styles, something many jws do not spot in wts arguments, and something that a number of ex-jws carry with them and unwittingly employ.. a case example: today, president obama chose to sign a bill that protects 2,000,000 acres, some of which is good for ranching and recreation.. intellectual dishonesty by a far right conservative may see this as a threat to individual rights to own land, farm, and ranch, and may compare such a bill as taking us toward more government ownership of land.
arn't you being economical with the truth amazing
Define what you mean.
recently, someone whom i said was being intellectually dishonest, took it to mean that i was accusing her/him of being deceptive.
this is not the meaning of intellectual dishonesty.
intellectual dishosesty is about the use of false argumentation styles, something many jws do not spot in wts arguments, and something that a number of ex-jws carry with them and unwittingly employ.. a case example: today, president obama chose to sign a bill that protects 2,000,000 acres, some of which is good for ranching and recreation.. intellectual dishonesty by a far right conservative may see this as a threat to individual rights to own land, farm, and ranch, and may compare such a bill as taking us toward more government ownership of land.
Minimus: The thread that sparked my thoughts to post this was the one about the "Pee Party" by JimmyPage Pee Party movement sweeps nation . However, my interaction with others helped me to develop the topic ... but they, whomever they might be, are not the topic. Intellectual dishonesty and its correct definition, including the various aspects of false argumentation are the topic.
recently, someone whom i said was being intellectually dishonest, took it to mean that i was accusing her/him of being deceptive.
this is not the meaning of intellectual dishonesty.
intellectual dishosesty is about the use of false argumentation styles, something many jws do not spot in wts arguments, and something that a number of ex-jws carry with them and unwittingly employ.. a case example: today, president obama chose to sign a bill that protects 2,000,000 acres, some of which is good for ranching and recreation.. intellectual dishonesty by a far right conservative may see this as a threat to individual rights to own land, farm, and ranch, and may compare such a bill as taking us toward more government ownership of land.
Ohhhhh my oh my ... Quietlyleaving ...
Any university professor worth his/her salt would take issue with you for using Wikipedia as a source reference ... it is not peer reviewed, and contains too many opinions, and too little expert information.
You also failed to answer my questions ... which is a false argument form of "Slanting." Nothing in my statement you quoted belittled the person ... but rather made allowance for the person to misunderstand how intellectual dishonesty really works. Here is a more accurate definition:
Intellectual dishonesty is the creation of misleading impressions through the use of rhetoric, logical fallacy, fraud, or misrepresented evidence. It may stem from an ulterior motive, haste, sloppiness, or external pressure to reach a certain conclusion. - http://www.123exp-math.com/t/01704199459/
And you only quoted part of the definition used in Wikipedia ... so if you were being intellectually honest, you would have used the entire quote: Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_dishonesty: Intellectual dishonesty is dishonesty in performing intellectual activities like thought or communication. Examples are:
Rhetoric is used to advance an agenda or to reinforce one's deeply held beliefs in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence. [1] If a person is aware of the evidence and agrees with the conclusion it portends, yet advocates a contradictory view, they commit intellectual dishonesty. If the person is unaware of the evidence, their position is ignorance, even if in agreement with the scientific conclusion. If the person is knowingly aware that there may be additional evidence but purposefully fails to check, and then acts as though the position is confirmed, this is also intellectual dishonesty.
The terms intellectually dishonest and intellectual dishonesty are often used as rhetorical devices in a debate; the label invariably frames an opponent in a negative light. The phrase is also frequently used by orators when a debate foe or audience reaches a conclusion varying from the speaker's on a given subject. This appears mostly in debates or discussions of speculative, non-scientific issues, such as morality or policy.
You only quoted the last part of the discussion ... a form of slanting, and also intellectually dishonest. Intellectual dishonesty can be done through ignorance ... and in that case would not be an overt act of lying.
imagine hitting the lottery and clearing a cool million!
what would you do with all that money?.
I was asked this by a JW friend who said that she would give most of her winnings to the WTS, once she paid off her bills, and structured her life to Reg. Pioneer. I was still a JW Elder, and said that the WTS has enough money ... I would, like her, pay off my bills, and then hold the rest and take a wait and see attitude. She thought I was being unspiritual. I laughed.
i know some very sharp men and women that remain as jws and that perplexes me at times.
i even know of a jw whose daughter got molested by her jw ministerial servant uncle and she still believes this is the "truth", even though she took her family member to court and won!.
i don't get it..
Some are born into it, and stay even after becoming well educated. I have known some JW men who were university educated, very intelligent, and successful in their line of work ... yet they are true believers. What surprises me are those who are well educated and very intelligent before becoming JWs ... what allows them to set aside critical thinking and join the religion? Oddly enough, very intelligent and well educated people teamed up with Adolph Hitler (yes an extreme comparison, but still valid), so I suppose that intelligence and education, in and of itself, is not a sure fire protection against doing and believing stupid things.
i know of a 15 year old boy who is sliding deeper into substance abuse and everyone around him seems powerless to stop him from his self destructive behavior.
his parents are divorced, his father barely sees his son, his mother supports her 2 kids in the best way that she can but cannot control her son at all.
he smokes weed every day, been in trouble regularly with the law, is now selling prescription meds that he steals from family members---basically, he's either going to be dead or in jail if he doesn't get serious help.. any suggestions??
Having raised four children, two boys and two girls, I was fortunate to not have any rebellion or serious issues. I don't know what I would do to turn around a problem child ... I guess I would have to start with my own parenting skills, and get some help. Hopefully, some of the experts could be of help. There is an advertisement on TV about a course in turning around kids who are defiant and act out ... I might be tempted to buy it and see if it would help.
i am starting the thread to provide a place for everyone tell their reasons for hating the watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc.. first off i want to say, i do not hate jehovah's witnesses.
i hate the wtbts; because, they kill people with their lunatic blood policy and destroy families with shunning.. my mother at age 48, was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
the tumor could have been removed with surgery; but, that would have required blood so it didn't happen.
I hate some of what the WTS and the JWs do. I do not hate the individuals. I pray for them.