I was also born and raised a JW. For a long time I didn't want anything to do with any religion. I still had faith in God and considered myself a Christian, but I didn't want to go to a church or be a part of any religion. I did attend a couple of churches, but never really felt completely at home in them.
Then I found a Christian parenting message board that had all sorts of Christians. I read their messages and compared them to each other. I participated and learned a lot about the different Christian religions and ways of looking at God. Then a Religion Debate board was created. I went to that and learned something of other religions. I found people between the two boards that I respected. I found myself questioning and changing a lot of my old beliefs. I am still questioning and looking answers. I have learned to value the journey I am on.
There are a lot of books out there about all religions. There are works of fiction that have a spiritual aspect (The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis and books by Madeliene L'Engle are some I've read). Read anything and everything you want. Take time to absorb it, think about it, question it, and figure out how you feel about it.
There are a lot of Bibles too. Read them or their history. Compare what they say. Find one that you like. I have a New International Version. I like it. It is the only one I have right now, but I want to get others eventually so I can compare them.
There are a lot of religious websites. You can find amazing amounts of information on the internet. There is even a website that has a test you can take to see what religion you fit into.
I have stayed with the Christian faith b/c I feel that it is the right one for me. I go to a church that allows me to believe differently from them. I am still exploring and one day I may leave that church in favor of another one.
Finding a new religion can be a wonderful journey. You can learn so much. As you learn, you will grow and mature. Don't worry about falling into another cult. Just make sure to learn everything you can about whatever religion you are interested in. Take your time and enjoy your journey.