And the educational level that this article is written on-- would qualify to be in JET or EBONY.
You are an obvious pseudo-intellect. It is obvious thanks to your attempts to post condescendingly to others (as quoted above) and to repeatedly point out your expertise on a matter by telling us all how you have travelled here and there. From an "objective" viewpoint, HyghLandyr and Spartacus have very clear and concise arguments which you seem to repeatedly misunderstand and warp in your rebuttal.
White is only white in relation to whoever is observing it. ESPECIALLY since it is written from the view point of the eyewitness-- who may have WELL never seen a REAL white person. It's not like they had CNN! REALLY!That's the whole point being made! Who cares what race he was...from the eyewitness' subjective viewpoint, he looked white, which means HE WASN'T AN AFRICAN. Therefore, refuting the idea that African-Americans should be enamored by and drawn to the Muslim Nation because of it's African origin. That was the point. I don't think Spartacus or Hyghlandyr care what race Mohammed was, besides the fact that he wasn't African. It is you who has tried to turn this into a racial debate of whether or not Mohammed was "white."
That's my prerogative. You can't come here and post an article and not expect people to critique it objectively! GEEEEZ.You seem to be so completely engulfed in your own opinions that it would be impossible for you to "critique it objectively."