I apologize if some of you viewed this topic more seriously than was my intent. I was thinking of it in a purely theoretical way. I would think the immediate response would be that being involved in following a Satanist line of thought would be unhealthier than, what i think of as, an accelerated Christian. But perhaps the individual costs of being a witness can be higher? I was not making light of beliefs or practices in either, quite the opposite. I should have put the question differently and I hope I have not offended anyone(beyond repair, anyways!). -shaii
JoinedPosts by shaii
Satanists have Longer Life Expectancy?
by shaii ini'm curious about which is the healthier choice: satanism or jehovahs witnesses?
it seems to me that you hear alot less about satanists having problems, than you do witnesses!
What Aggravates You The Most ???
by minimus ini can't stand it when people do not pronounce their ings and instead finish those words with in'.
"talkin', eatin', typin'"....i hate that!
Fruit stickers stuck on the sink or counters. Its trivial but it sends me over the edge everytime. Its a leftover from the good old days when my sister and i used to invest alot of quality time discovering the perfect method ( fastest and least likely to fail) of frustrating the other. Now the only time it happens is when sis is visiting. She is evil incarnate. Payback is a b---h though. I admit i stole a carton of cigarettes from her room, hid them inside the ceiling tiles in my room, and smoked every last one out my bedroom window (which was beneath her window). She couldn't rat because our parents were already suspicious of her smelly activities. I remember the brand even, Craven A's, smoked them only once or twice since, but somehow they just didn't taste as sweet. I don't think that was in return for the fruit sticker thing though, must have been something more important at the time, can't remember, but i always remember the fruit stickers. They have help for this sort of thing, don't they?! I'm way off topic so sorry. Can you tell those stickers really bother me?
Besides that, I don't like looking at people who always have their mouths open. There is one girl around here, and I swear this is true, in five years of driving past her in town, (happens alot, small place) I've only seen her mouth closed on two occasions. If that ever changes then I'll know the whole balance of reality has shifted. That's why I always check, disturbing as it is.
Are you all feeling extremely normal now?
Were your prayers ever answerd by Jehovah?
by micheal ini recall praying countless of times about very specific things, "worked in harmony with my prayers" and nothing.
anything that remotely seemed like an answer was either coincidence or my own determination to get it done.. so, how about you?
did jehovah answer your prayers or were you like me, did you feel very frustrated and guilty because they were never answered?
I was always very careful to keep my prayers non specific about how I hoped they might be answered. Keep my options open. Jehovah is not very good at returning calls though so I got most of my answers when i gave up. Maybe it helped that i always addressed my prayers to "Jehovah or whoever is acting god out there". Because if there is an acting god, he was listening and i don't think he answered my prayers Jehovah style so they must not keep in touch either.
Satanists have Longer Life Expectancy?
by shaii ini'm curious about which is the healthier choice: satanism or jehovahs witnesses?
it seems to me that you hear alot less about satanists having problems, than you do witnesses!
I'm curious about which is the healthier choice: Satanism or jehovahs witnesses? It seems to me that you hear alot less about satanists having problems, than you do witnesses!
How long did it take you?
by jumper ini spent most of my life waiting for the sky to fall, with most aspects of my life dominated by fear.
iam 37 and havent set foot in kh in over 8 years but at times even today when my brain say things like "dont think you have gotten away with anything gods still going to kill you".
the thoughts dont stay very long or come very often but when they do its out of the blue, and not cool at all.
I believe that feeling that way is perfectly normal based on background. (I also think that however you feel about something, on any subject, should be taken seriously. What is normal anyways?) I had real problems with the whole "I'll die in armageddon" thoughts because I BELIEVED that i would. At first I dealt with that by telling myself that I'd rather die whenever that happened then spend everlasting life with an earthly commune of whackos and my half acre of land or whatever they've decided will be alloted post- apocalypse. That was good. I meant it. So no point worrying about it right? I felt i was clearly getting the better bargain regardless of the ending. As time went by I became more and more convinced from my own research and increased understanding that jw's have fragile basis for most of their core teachings, not to mention fiddling around with what the bible says, or obviously exhibiting all the signs of a high control group. So I slowly began to change my views (which were embedded from childhood) and one day I realized that i didn't believe i would die by gods judgement, at least not according to jw's terms.
Fear is a prison, but you can free yourself. I am confident that you will. Don't beat yourself up about an anxiety attack here and there either. As long as you have a reason for it, and i'd say you do, then you have less to worry about then you may think.
I'm sure i have been no help whatsoever, maybe distracting though (that can be good sometimes, ya know!) so maybe someone else will have something better to say. Cheer up!
Infant Circumcision
by RAYZORBLADE ini figured that this topic must come up from time to time; especially moreso over here in north america.. as some of you are well aware, i posted a lovely thread about the upcoming birth about my nephew.. i'm thrilled about him, i simply just can't wait.. anyways, having been born here in north america, specifically: canada.
circumcision was common, if not all the rage in the 1950s, and 1960s and probably up until the 1970s.
with national health care, you can bet that the medical profession saw many dollars with regards to foreskins (sorry for graphic remarks).
My husband wanted our son circumcised. His argument was the "look like dad" and that he wanted our son to have all his career options open when he was older. I didn't really have an opinion one way or other, although the whole procedure is not what a new mom would wish on her baby, but i let the partner with the penis make the call on that subject.
Why do most dubyas feel it is necessary to get a new dress...
by Agent Smith inor suit for the conventions and memorial?.
i have never understood this.
are they gonna hold a beauty pageant at the convention?
thank you Elsewhere. You are exactly right. Its like mating season.