Forgetmenot said:
I guess I must address this notion of politically correct terms. It is important to call people what they want to be called.
I know your heart may have good intentions...however, in the real world, that is very hard, if not impossible to work. For instance, just the fact that the terms keep changing means that NO individual and certainly ANY group are almost EVER going to agree or at least agree for very long! If they do -- I will tend...after a while to go along.
Another, which you OUGHT to be familar with is: most any person or group that professes to believe in Christ, want to be called 'christians'. Well, they can WANT all they WANT, but, in the end...they will be called that, only if they are seen to BE christians, how they are perceived by, "the beholder".
Look how many 'induhviduals' in many races have 'perceptions' of of what name THEY have decided, needs to be attached to their ENTIRE race? Some are simple, some are confusing. There has been no vote...! Usually, the loudest mouth or mouths get their way and the rest of us are expected to 'get-on-the-train, too! You are allowed to choose -- so am I -- so is anybody. That doesn't make me or you right or wrong.
What I said was in NO way intended to hurt anyone, I believe you know that and just decided to let me know, just who was the superior, sensitive human. I hope I am wrong.
By the way, I wanted to let YOU know, I think I am the smartest and handsomest man ever to walk the earth...and as such, as you said:
It is important to call people what they want to be called.
Yes, I want to be CALLED that by you or my feelings will be hurt. By the way, I think EVERYONE in my family in the present and past history want to have that moniker applied to them, too!
There...I have spoken and thus it will come to be...! yeah yeah, right...well I tried...didn't have a big enough mouth. *sigh*
OK, you are now welcome to take my words and meaning and misquote and play around with them, like you did to 'avishai' (well, you better ASK him!) , but, knock yourself out on me. Remember, though I am 'disabled', be careful...
I have figured that you might want to be called something like,"She who is Superior to others and knows it and speaks for all the 'disabled' and down-trodden masses." To be known as:
"Ms. Politico Correcto All the Time-o."
Seriously, try not to be so thin-skinned. I really do wish you the best. I think you are trying to do what you think is best, so do we all, I hope. I was having some kinda serious tongue-in-cheek fun with you. I hope we can have good discussions in the future about the actual subjects of the posts, instead of getting off and "not seeing the forest, cause of all those pesky induhvidual trees...
Wanting to be your friend, ~ Lee ~