Topics Started by Rabbit
Rice Seed Yields Blood Protein
by Rabbit ininteresting !.
rice seed yields blood proteinhuman serum albumin from transgenic rice could ease shortages of donated blood.. monday, october 31, 2011 .
by lauren gravitz of nature magazine.
Did the U.S. Overreact to the 9/11 Attacks? Undoubtedly
by Rabbit inever wanted to know your risks of being killed by lightning or a terrorist ?
read on...and make a comment.
this oughta be interesting... did the u.s. overreact to the 9/11 attacks?
" case of an attack on the buses by Angry Christians..." Atheists sue
by Rabbit into me...the following story exemplifies why freedom of speech is so important.
people should be exposed to differing ideas & beliefs for their own good.. my comment is highlighted below, it's funny, sad & i realize...not representative of most christians.
(most, i believe will think about it, but, not act on it) .
Octo-Mom...has 50,000 BABIES...See Video
by Rabbit in
ok, i'll admit i am 'guilty' of "gotcha journalism", but hey, it works with palin.. this story has nothing to do with the airhead that birthed 8 babies nor the former-quit-her-governor-of alaska job airhead.. it is just a beautiful, calming, makes-ya'-feel-good story, with some amazing videos.
with all the chaos in our lives, politics and the world...its nice to get a laptop view, brought to us by a kind person, of an ocean event normally unseen by human eyes.
Mansion - for the First JW's, like Moses, Abe...
by Rabbit ini'd be so embarrassed if i had ever had anything to do with these crazies... wait, er, uh.... .
firefox 2 styles .
Report: Majority Of Money Donated At Church Doesn't Make It To God
by Rabbit in,18765/.
report: majority of money donated at church doesn't make it to godjanuary 10, 2011 | issue 4702. share tools washingtona shocking report released monday by the internal revenue service revealed that more than 65 percent of the money donated at churches across the world never reaches god.
"unfortunately, almost half of all collections go toward administrative expenses such as management, utilities, and clerical costs," said virginia raeburn, a spokesperson for the lord almighty, adding that another 25 percent of heavenly funding is needed just to cover payroll for the angelic hierarchy.
500 Hundred Alien Planets -- Wow !
by Rabbit ini know this doesn't have anything 'jw' about it, but, i think it's pretty cool.
our universe -- is really, really...big !.
life is out there - somewhere.